A dark cloudy night, probably a snow cloud. Cold wind blowing as if it's going to snow instead of rain soon.
An old couple walking together and holding hands in park laughing and smilling. 'wife, its too cold here use my shawl' said the man removing his shawl and giving it to this wife.
'yes it is cold. But what about you' said the women giving her husband a half part of the shawl to his shoulders.
'achoo. You sure understand me' said the man as he moved the shawl so that both of them take it.
'hey look at them' as the women shout pointing at Elvin and Danica.
Elvin and Danica moved suddenly and stood and pretended to look as if they lost something precious .
' erm.... Elvin look at there maybe it is fallen over there' said Danica in hurry.
'yea..Yea sure' said Elvin pretending along with Danica.
'hehehehe..these kids are sure like us' said the man puttting his arm around the shoulder of his wife.
'we were also same like them during our youth. I really miss our past' smiled the women looking at her husband.
'Me too. Come on let's go and not disturb them.' said the man as they walk again.
'Elvin did they went' whispered Danica. still pretending.
Elvin looked back and exclaimed 'Yea. they went now you can stop pretending'.
'phew finally' relaxed Danica.
'So you was going to say something to me' asked Danica looking down at the ground.
'yes. but let's walk and talk' answered Elvin as they walked together.
For few minutes it was a total silence.
'Did he call me out just to walk not to talk' thought Danica. but couldn't express it.
'sooo. Danica' said Elvin.
'Finally. after a long time' thought Danica.
' I was asking which university will you go' asked Elvin looking at Danica.
'Maybe I will go to Beijing' answered Danica looking back at Elvin.
For few minutes Elvin didn't talk. instead he looked down with a little sad expression on his face.
But not to make the moment awkward Danica exclaimed. 'So which university are you going to go'
'Maybe i will also go to Bejing' answered Elvin but with less joy on his face. Danica understood what he meant. So she changed the topic.
'Okay. Let's not talk about it. Look there is a stall. Come let's eat sweet potato.' said Danica as she Held Elvin's arm and run towards the stall.
'Aunt can you give us two sweet potatoes' said Danica in excitement.
Elvin's mood changed by seeing the excitement at Danica's face. He felt as if his time and moments changed forever.
'Here, are you sweet potatoes.' said the Aunt as she pass the hot potatoes covered in paper.
'Thank you Aunt' smiled Danica taking the hot potatoes. but unfortunately she couldn't bear the temperature of the hot potatoes much and jumped holding hot sweet potatoes.
'ohhh. hot, hot, hot' shouted Danica.
'Give me those. or else you will jump like a rabbit again' laughed Elvin.
'Well you both are cute. Stay the same forever moreover You both are perfect match. You are having my blessings' said the Aunt at the stall. smilling at them.
'Not Aunt its not what you th.....' Just as Danica was going to complete her words. Elvin stopped her but wrapping his hand around her mouth making this fingers curve.
'Thank you Aunt for your blessing. Let's go Danica. If you will talk with aunt. then who will finish the sweet potatoes' Said Elvin as he walked with Danica almost dragging her. And then finally moved his hand away and hold her arm taking her towards the bench.
'kids nowadays' sai the Aunt as she smile seeing them leaving.
'Here have some Sweet potatoes while its hot' said Elvin giving Danica the hot sweet potato.
'Thank you' said Danica as she took her bite.
'Well the air here is good enough' Said Danica looking at the surroundings.
'it sure is' answered Elvin looking at Danica.
After few bite Danica felt as if she forgot something. she took out her phone and saw 'Oh no its 12:30. And the hostel is closed' Jumped Danica looking at her phone then at Elvin.
'What am I going to do. my phone battery is about to get over too' cried Danica.
'Its okay, its Okay. I have an idea' said Elvin.
'What is it?' asked Danica.
'You can come to my hostel' answered Elvin.
'No. No its not appropriate. I will not go to the boys hostel' said Danica nodding her neck left to right.
'Then are you going to stay and sleep on the street. if you do. then it is more dangerous' said Elvin.
Danica thought for few minutes and then nod her head telling him that she agree to go with him.
Elvin smiled after getting her answer and he hold Danica's arm running towards boys hostel. His room was at the ground floor as he was senior. along with with four roomate.
He knocks at the window calling his roomates to open the window because he can not take Danica through main entrance.
One of his friend open the window as they were not sleeping.
'what are you doing here bro. Come through main entrance' said his friend.
'wait I cannot come through main entrance. let this person come in through window' answered Elvin moving Danica. holding her shoulders. Danica wore a cap so that she cannot be reconized.
'what who is this person' asked his friend as he was not able to see her.
' I will tell you later. but first take this person in' answers Elvin in hurry so that no one can see them.
Window opens and Danica went in. But the first thing she experienced is that the room is clean. she never expected the boys room to be clean like crystal.
Elvin comes in through main entrance. But no one was there at reception. so he went straight to his room.
Door open and it was a suprising moments for the people in the room.
'This night will be my memorable moment in my life' thought Danica looking at Elvin.
To Be Continue...........