Lights flashes out, door closes and key making a sound of Clark, both the sister stood closing the door of cafe. Since both if them are working and most of the staff left soon. so only Danica and Shopia has the keys of shop even though they do not own this cafe.
Walking together all three of them laughing and giggling. it was a great moment, but for Danica it is an awkward moment. A person who is in her class and to whom she doesn't talk much is not only walking with her but also talking with Sophia. She kind of felt jealous, but what will she do.
When they were almost going to reach the hostel. Danica interrupted, held Sophia's arm, excusing Elvin and took her aside so that Elvin cannot hear what we're talking about.
'Listen Sophia, you can go first to hostel I will come back after few minutes' whispered Danica looking at Sophia.
'What? but it's 11:00 p.m and hostel will be closed at 12:00a.m' looking at Danica.
'I know, but I will be back before the hostel gets close'
'Okay, but make sure you come back soon' Said Sophia as she pat Danica's head and left, of course after seeing this Elvin smiled a bit. But he turned so that Danica should not see him smiling at them.
Danica rushed back to Elvin holding his arm and rudanica s fast as she can, Elvin got shocked at first, but seeing her running like a rabbit he smiled.
Not too long when Sophia turned back to wave her hand to say goodbye to them, She saw Danica left running and holding Elvin's arm.
'What? this girl is way too fast than I thought' smiled Sophia and went inside the hostel.
After running for more than fifteen minutes, Danica's breath started to puff, she stopped leaving Elvin's hand and their breath inhales and exhales faster. they look at each other and burst out to laugh.
'well I saw a rabbit just now' gently laughed Elvin standing opposite of Danica and looking at her with warm eyes.
'Really where is it?' jumped Danica searching for rabbit in the bush, Seeing this he smiled again. moving forwards and bending down, but behind Danica.
'Its you, Just now you was running like a rabbit, but without ears and tail' laughed Elvin leaning towards Danica. But suddenly Danica looked up and they both meet each other's gaze.
Danica got no words to say. Her dark black eyes looking at Elvin's coffee brown eyes which was shiny like a star as the street light was falling over them.
They both were speechless. A cold wind blowing through Danica's long hair making her hair to fly smoothly and silky. This was the first time for both of them to look at each other without hesitating.