When Victoria stretched her arms, she felt excruciating pain near her shoulder. They really needed to change that mattress. She had not had a good sleep since quite a few days. She took in a deep tired breathe and then stared at her surrounding.
She did not recognised anything and she realised she was not in her room as she had hoped. Then last night's events all replayed in her confused mind. It was not a nightmare. Not having enough strength to cry aloud for her parents' demise, she just sobbed as she hugged her knees and buried her head in her arms.
She was dejected. Her world had fallen apart. She could still hear their voices. Her mother's sweet comforting words whenever she had been hurt and she could feel her father's protective presence. been there for her. They had always walked by her side and now they were gone.
A gentle hand rested on her shoulder and she shrieked at the contact. She hastily wiped off her tears with her sleeve. Rosabella observed her, not really knowing what to tell her. "You'll be okay. They are not really gone. Know that your parents will always be with you in your heart. The truth is hard to accept but it is the truth after all."
Victoria did not know why this kind woman was comforting her, was sympathising with her. She asked the questions Rosabella had foreseen, "Who are you...and where am I?"
Her voice came out as more broken that she had wished. Rosabella started slowly, choosing her words carefully, "Do you remember a man has talked to you last night?"
When Victoria nodded slowly, recalling the car that she had nearly hit, she continued, "I am the wife of that man and you are in our house. He is Finn Hyland and I am Rosabella. How is your shoulder?"
Victoria sighed deeply, "Please, I need to know what is happening? Have they already pulled my mom and my dad out of the car?"
Tears again threatened to fall from her eyes. It was hard to believe that she would never see them again. She tried not to show any weaknesses before this woman and Rosabella thought she was brave to do so. Being a doctor, she could easily understand anyone. Listening to problems of different patients have sharpened her mind.
She asked, "Come, let's see what's on the news."
Victoria reluctantly got off the bed and nearly tumbled but Rosabella caught her. She guided her towards the living room where her television was found and the channel was already switched on the news.
It started with its usual tone and the newscaster announced the title. The only one that caught her attention was related to her.
Only the newscaster's voice could be heard when they listened, "A grave accident happened just before the roundabout of Prince Road. We hardly know what exactly happened and the remains of that car has not yet been identified. The police extricated three burnt bodies from the remains though. They are under examination."
Victoria closed her eyes when the decapitated bodies were being transported in large black bags. She whispered tearfully, "Please, switch it off."
Rosabella hastily did as she requested. Victoria could not control her tears again, "Oh God! What do I do?" Rosabella suggested, "Maybe you should refresh yourself first. A warm bath will do you some good."
As soon as David stopped the prestigious car, Jake stepped out and eyed his building as he flattened his tie. The words Hills Industries were shining as always on the top of the building. He was not so proud of his father's achievement as it has not been his effort.
Previously this majestic edifice was known as Miller Industries but what to do...changes do occur. The world has accepted this change and he had done the same. But he had work hard to reach where he was today.
He had forged his way from the middle class to the high class society. He had ignored the luxury his father had offered him when the latter took over the building of his demised friend.
"Jake, you're back?" Hardly did he turn that a young woman rushed in his arms and embraced him tightly.
Jake laughed as he lightly kissed her forehead, "You missed me that much, Lillian?"
Her secretary pulled back and reddened, "It's been two days! And you did not even tell that you left!"
Jake considered her as his little sister. He never had any siblings and Lillian Nettle had been a childhood friend, though at their early age, they did not talk much.
She held his arm and said, "Your files are ready and your dad wants to talk to you. He said that you were scared of something but he did not mention what exactly."
Jake snorted, "Nonsense. Jake Hills is not afraid of anything! I am the terror. Go and get my files ready. I'll come in a while."
She reluctantly let go of his arm and obediently nodded. As Jake walked in, every employee greeted him, acknowledging his presence with a firm 'sir'. Of course, they won't dare not to recognise that he was there.
The competition to get a job in this industry was really hard. Jake employed only professionals and that too, with experience. However in his other firms, he gave new recruits the opportunity to prove themselves. He was not a man who liked discrimination. He passed by the senior marketing manager who was lost in some hardcopy data.
He asked, "Any problem, Phil?" "No. We are using aggressive advertising and the sales were boosted by a considerable 14 per cent." "Good then. Keep up the work and you'll get more fringe benefits!"
As Jake walked, he enquired about the work that had been happening and he was pleased that everything was being successful. He opened a door on which was imprinted, Robertz Hills in gold and spoke in his most humble voice, "Dad, you asked for me?"
The professionally dressed man frowned when he looked at Jake, "Yes. You did not attend the meeting I set for you with Mr Herrick's daughter."
Jake forced a laugh and leaned against his father's neat table, "Yeah, that's right. This was not a meeting and I don't do dates, dad."
"Son, you are the CEO and I need you to continue our family's name in this business. I need a heir and for that, you have to get married."
Jake was disgusted. He grumbled, "I'm better off single! Why don't you get marry, you? You are divorced!"
Robertz creased his eyebrows, "I am serious, Jake."
Jake stared right in his father's eyes and mimicked, "I am serious, Robertz."
The man could not understand the simple fact that women were after men who had money and he would never accept that kind of person in his life. His mother was exactly like that. She had nothing; married his dad, took half his property and just left him.
These creatures were manipulators and untrustworthy. The ideal woman did not exist for him. Robertz calmly said, "Very well... You are fired. Take your pay and get out."
Jake did not know if he's father had become mad or something, "You are firing the CEO? Me? I am your son."
Robertz eyed him, "If you are really my son, then prove it. Get married or else, get out!"
Jake pouted, "Damn it! So unfair of you, dad. Fine, give me some times but give me space."
He was about to walk away when his father said, "Don't forget to resume the recruitment and selection process for the post of my secretary. You foolishly fired the last one."
In a cosy warm house, Victoria spoke as she lied on the settee, "It feels great to be home again. I've got my masters degrees in business studies, economics and accounting!"
"We're so proud of you, Kate."
She smiled at the couple who had cared so much for her since her parents' death.
"And now, I'm ready, Finn."
She stood and walked to the window and she stared longingly at the building that should have been hers. By looking at it, it only made her desire for revenge become much stronger.
The Miller name was erased and in its place was written Hills. Robertz Hills would pay for what he had done. She would snatch everything from him like he did to her. She would make him suffer so much that one day, he would beg her for his death and she would be satisfied only at that moment. The enemy had benefited too long. His happy days would be soon over.
She was way too young at that time and she was weak...yes, extremely weak but now after seven years, she had forged herself into a dark person. Her thoughts about life had changed and so had her objectives. Finn and Rosabella had been the parents a child would always wish to have but so were her former parents. They had loved her unconditionally.
"I hope you know what you will be doing." Finn said, worriedly.
"Look, Kate. What if it's not Robertz Hills who assassinated your parents. What if all of this was simply an accident?"
Victoria listened to him but her gaze was still on the huge edifice, "It was a murder. I gave you proofs for that and I won't go back on them. My decision is firm, I've already sent my curriculum vitae to work there."
Rosabella sighed, "Victoria, your life might be in danger if Robertz recognised you."
Victoria turned to her; she never failed to notice the concern in her eyes. She was not their child and yet they treated her like their own daughter.
"He won't recognise me. I think he already forgot what he had done. I will move in a flat near the building itself."
"I'm not liking this idea at all. Remember Kate, foolish people take revenge..."
Victoria sighed and continued, "but intelligent people seek justice. I will never cease to tell you, this revenge is my justice."