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Chapter 11: Manipulator


Jake asked as he started his car. "So sweetheart, where are we going?"

"I'll tell you in a while. Just drive." He had so much work and yet, he felt himself wondering why he proposed to give her a lift. Because you are insecured! His ego mocked him. Nonsense. Why would he feel insecure if that gorgeous woman beside him was going for a date? He had nothing to do with her. He had given her a lift out of curiosity. He wanted to see who the guy that managed to capture her heart was. The lucky bastard.

"So if you're going on a date, you're not single?" Victoria looked at him as if he was mad.

"You're very intelligent, Mr Hills."

Who said that she was going on a date? She would let him think like that. She was going to introduce the son of her enemy to Finn. She could already picture Finn's face on seeing him. He would think that she was mad to bring Jake to him but she wanted to have some fun with this arrogant man. She was sure that Finn would surely give him a load of work. How fun it would be to see the bastard next to her sweating.

"Why are you smiling like an idiot?"

"You ask a lot of questions huh? I'm thinking of my boyfriend if you want to know." As if she had time to have a boyfriend.

Jake focussed on the road. Damn that boyfriend. He'd make him jealous. He'd hold Victoria's hand when they would get down and maybe even kiss her hard in front of him. That would be totally insane! He wanted to kiss her. How did her luscious lips tasted? He was no more in control of these thoughts.

He groaned, wanting to break this disturbing silence, "Victoria."

She looked at him, "Yes, Mr Hills."

"Wh...where do we go now?" Victoria explained the directions that he should take, without really telling where they were going.

Finally when they were only a few metres away from the Police Station, she exclaimed, "Mr Hills, we've arrived!"

He instantly pressed hard on the brake and asked, "Where is he?"

She was surprised, "Where is who?"

Jake mumbled, "The rascal, Kate. I'm talking about the rascal."

She said, "You were saying something?"

Jake got down and said, "Forget about it, Kate. Let's go!" Victoria unclutched her seatbelt and stepped out of the car. She knew it! He would not let her go until he knew everything about her. The enemy was making his move. But the man did not even know that she considered him like an enemy. So why would he want to come with her?

She was shocked when he firmly held her hand and laced his fingers in between hers like couples did. She exclaimed, annoyed by his gesture, "What are you doing?"

He merely grunted, ignoring her question, "Where is your boyfriend?"

Seriously, did he really think that she had a boyfriend? She responded as she continued to play her game, "In this building, there."

She pointed to a white and blue flat building as they walked. "What the hell? Is this a joke?"

He asked as he stared at the New York's Police department. He halted his steps while Victoria teased, "I've brought you to the station to throw you in jail because you invaded my apartment. Afraid?"

He snorted, "Why would I be afraid of a bunch of policemen even if one of them is your boyfriend? Seriously, your boyfriend is a cop? How boring he might be."

Victoria warned, protecting the boyfriend that did not even existed, "Mind your words, Mr Hills. He is much better than you in all domains."

He leant towards her, "In all domains? Really? He is not as rich as me."

"No but I love him."

He tightened his grip on her hand as she said that. His inclination towards her increased and he was whispering in her ear, "He is not as handsome, hot, arrogant and despicable as me."

Victoria blushed and then pushed him away, "I love him, Mr Hills." She released him and hastened her steps, cursing herself for her embarrassment. He did not even had a little shame in him. Of course, she loved Finn.

He had been a perfect father for her and Rosabella, a perfect mother. They had stood by her side in all her problems and their feelings for her were reciprocal. She loved them as much as they loved her. Jake smiled victoriously when she reddened.

He had managed to make her red but the sad fact in all that was that she was already taken. How could he control a woman who was already taken? He followed her closely in the department. She seemed to be well acquainted there since many cops nodded to her. Again he sensed that insecurity.

There were so many men in this damn place and that woman was nuts to wear such a short dress. Countless male eyes were staring at her. If he was her boyfriend, he would have broken the bones of all these perverts.

Victoria was going to head to Finn's office. She knew almost everyone there. They were all friends. She had known some since Finn had trained her to fight in this station. Yes, this place had been her training place. She caught sight of him; he was talking with one of his superintendents. She sneakily walked behind him and covered his eyes from behind. She tried to change her voice and said, "Guess who?"

Finn was astounded at the sudden blackness. He could not help smiling. "Now sweetie, who will be silly enough to do something like that in a Police department to the commissioner?"

Jake watched in awe as she hugged a man who was about in his late fifties after she played a little game of guess who with him. Her boyfriend was that old man? That was impossible! What did that old rag had that he did not? Finn and Victoria were walking to him and she introduced them smilingly, "Finn, this is Mr Hills and Mr Hills, this is Finn Hyland."

Now Jake thought he was about to get sick. Victoria Hyland. Finn Hyland. Were they already married? He wanted to get out of this hell. Finn observed that young man who was slightly taller than him. Victoria had told him that he was Robertz's son. This fact already made him hate him. Victoria was mad to have brought him here. What was she expecting? Jake extended his hand for a polite shake but Finn did not even take any consideration of it.

"So you are my daughter's boss's son?"

Jake retrieved his hand, feeling insulted, "I am her boss." Wait, did he say daughter? That meant that this old man was Victoria's dad! That evil woman. She had manipulated him to such an extent that he thought she was insane to marry such an old man. "So, what are you doing here?"

Jake himself did not know the answer to this question. To his relief, Victoria intervened, "Dad, he has given me a lift and now, Mr Hills, thank you very much. You can go." She thought she would get rid of him so easily. Never.

"Victoria, I'm going to wait for you." He was surprised when both father and daughter chorused, "No. You can go." Interesting. Jake smirked, "No it's alright, Kate. I'll wait for you. Anyway, it's you who has the key to our apartment. How do you expect me to go back?"

Before she could tell him that she did not even lock it, Finn demanded, "Your apartment? You are both living together?"

Jake answered yes while Victoria answered in contrast. Jake had the guts to add, "And we are having a good time too, aren't we, sweetheart?" Victoria wanted to slap him but she was now worried about that angry look that Finn's face had. To her utmost surprise, instead of shouting with her, Finn calmly asked, "So you're going to wait for Kate?"

Jake confirmed, "Absolutely Sir."

"Better get busy with some work then. See those boxes? Help my guys to shift them to that room over there." Jake frowned as he stared at the stack of big carton boxes, "You must be kidding, right? I'm not going to work."

"Get out of here, then. You are a nuisance and I put nuisances like you behind jail." Jake could clearly see that mischievous smile on Victoria's face. He wanted to strangle her. He looked again at Finn and firmly said, "I'm going for the boxes."

As he made his way towards them, Finn said, "And you, young girl. In my office." Victoria swallowed hard when he did not even wait for her. She knew she was in trouble. She opened the door that was slammed in front of her and peeped inside, "Finn?" She walked inside and closed the door behind her. She cringed as she heard the anger in his voice.

"What is this nonsense, Kate? Why did you bring him here?"

She protested, "Finn, I did not bring him here. He insisted in coming with me."

"And then?"

"It also saved me the cost of paying a taxi."

"Are you living with him in the same apartment?" Now he was becoming the protective father.

She sat on a chair as if tired to explain before even starting, "Yes and no. It's a long story."

Finn crossed his arms over his chest and sardonically exclaimed, "I'm intrigued."

Victoria briefly narrated to him how her apartment had become his all of a sudden. "Okay. Now why are you here, Victoria?" She was finally shaken from these annoying moments with Jake Hills and excitedly said, "I don't know where to start my revenge! I've made a plan of the building and evaluated the weaknesses and strengths but I don't know where to start."

Victoria showed him the plan in her mobile phone with which she had taken a picture of it. Backup was important. A thing Finn had himself taught her. Finn observed the plan momentarily and said, "I did not know I raised such a foolish girl." Victoria sighed. He was hard on her.

He continued, "Why do you want to make yourself suffer?" When she sent him that innocent look that meant that she did not know what he was talking about, he explained, "You want to attack the building that you will soon control. Who will be at lost?"

She grumbled, "Okay but what do I do?"

Finn sighed, "Kate, observe him, record his activities and make him suffer emotionally not financially. Find out about his likes and his dislikes. If you're going to come to me for every little things, how do you expect to get your justice? You'll be an easy prey in your enemy's hand. If you continue to act like that, you'll unknowingly surrender to Robertz and make everything easy for him. Do you understand?" The voice of the reason. That was what he was.

"Alright Finn. I guess I should go now?"

"Yes." Finn knew she was hurt but she was his girl and pain was something he had taught her to overcome. "Now, give me a smile and a hug and go, sweetie." She came into his arms, these arms which have provided her with so much support and whispered, "I love you Finn. Thank you for making me who I am."

"Thank yourself, Kate. You changed for your own good. Now hurry off. I've got a lot of work pending. One more thing, Kate. You do not like your boss, do you? That stupid man outside."

She answered, "Of course not, Finn. The son of my enemy is my enemy. I have nothing to do with this bastard. Really. I'm leaving. Bye." She released him and walked away. Finn was proud of himself for he and Rosabella made her into a strong and confident woman. She just has to accept the fact that she can do lots of things without his help. She was his daughter. A blessing from God.

Victoria wondered why Finn always made her so emotional. She closed his door and went to find Jake. The boxes had already disappeared. They were probably already in that room Finn had mentioned but where was the arrogant man. She could not find him anywhere. Had he already gone? "Missing me, sweetheart?" She was startled when she felt his breath on her neck. She turned and faced him, "No. Shall we go?"

"My reward first. I've done my work." He was dangerously close.

She inquisitively asked, "Reward? As far as I know, I did not promise you anything."

He smiled, "So innocent and yet such a manipulator. I'm not done with you. Let's go." Victoria observed him as they walked out of the building towards his car. He did not seem tired at all to have lifted so many boxes.

She had to ask, "Aren't you tired?"

He was amused, "No...should I be?"

"Yes, since you carried so many boxes."

"It was nothing. I've done far more tiring things than that."

"Oh come on, don't bluff. I know you're tired. You are just too proud to admit it."

He abruptly swept her effortlessly off the ground and carried her, "I'm certainly not tired, sweetheart!"

"Put me down, you bastard. People are watching."

"Let them watch. You are at fault for not believing me."

"Fine, you are really strong and not tired at all."

"What else?" Was he playing that game again? Anyway, it felt good to be transported.

"You are arrogant, despicable and all negative adjectives that can ever exist. Now put me down at once!" He only released her when they reached his car.

"How I hate you!" She said as she got inside. He merely chuckled,

"Aww, it feels good. I had forgotten what teamwork really was. The cops there are rather friendly." It was the first time she knew someone who enjoyed manual work.

"You have forgotten or you did not even know?" He seemed distant as he drove away, "There are things I wish..." He stopped and stared at her. Why was he telling her that anyway? He focussed on the road, forgetting all about what he was going to say. Victoria wondered why he stopped midway in his sentence. What did she care? If he did not want to tell her anything, that was not her problem.

The silence between them was frustrating and yet they did not spoke a single word again during the travel. Nor did they when they reached their apartment. Jake returned to his laptop while Victoria went back to her room. He could not concentrate on his work. He slammed down the laptop and threw it aside. That woman was disturbing him. In the car, he was about to tell her about his life before becoming a CEO.

He should not have done that. He hardly knew her and it had been a long time since he had talked to a woman about him. Lillian was an exception. She knew everything about him and most importantly, him of her but Victoria...she was mysterious.

She was too hidden about her thoughts, about her. He should maintain that professional distance with her. That would be best for the two of them. Anyway, she already disliked him. It had been him that had gone a little too far. He did not care about women nor would he ever.

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