"Victoria, wake up!" Finn said as he pulled the curtains aside and open a window to let some fresh air to come in.
She turned away and pulled the blanket more on her. Finn approached the small bed and mercilessly snatched the cover from her. She felt as if she got a slap made of ice. "No, it's cold and I'm tired!"
She sat on the bed and stared at Finn, annoyed at what he did to her. Finn was amused at her way she was behaving. Such a rude little girl. He was certain that Andrew and Emily Miller had taught her good manners, but that accident probably changed her thoughts in the worst way. "Victoria, Robertz is in front of our house. He has come to fetch you. Come!"
"What?!" She sprang from the bed and was already peeking out of the window. She saw nothing. Robertz might already be in the house. A wave of betrayal surged into her. She turned towards Finn and said angrily, "You are a deceiver! I'm going but thank you all the same. You provided me with shelter."
She was already putting one leg outside when Finn pulled her back inside and said, "First lesson, Victoria: you should never blindly believe in whatever anyone says to you. How can you trust me? You know me hardly since two days."
Victoria was baffled and hesitantly asked, "Robertz is not outside?"
Finn shook his head, "No and now that you are awake, my dear. Go and refresh yourself. Eat consistently and come and see me."
Victoria rubbed her eyes as she walked towards the bathroom, mumbling sardonically, "I enjoy the joke. Thank you."
Finn chuckled and he went to see Rosabella in the kitchen who instantly scolded him, "I told you not to wake the poor girl! Really Finn. You are impossible."
Finn grinned at her, "Told her that Robertz was in our house."
"That was evil of you, Finn." He embraced her as she poured some tea in each cup and breathed in her hair, "You forgot how evil I was, huh?"
She laughed, "Finn behave. You'll make me spill the tea. Anyway, don't have to go the headquarters today?"
He joked, "Can't I spend a day with my wife?"
Rosabella freed herself from him and said, "I think you forgot that I have some patients waiting at the hospital. Take care of Victoria." She wanted to meet her but she must be probably bathing at that time. She kissed him, took her bag and made her way to her red Kia Rio car.
Victoria came to the breakfast table, eager to eat the pancakes that Rosabella had prepared. The strawberry jam next to the plate made her mouth watered. "Morning, Mr Hyland."
Finn watched her, the eagerness could be clearly seen. "Call me Finn, Victoria."
"Okay Finn, call me Kate!"
Finn arched an eyebrow, "Kate?"
"It's my middle name, Finn!" She was already reaching for a pancake when Finn pulled the plate closer to him, out of her reach.
"Let us talk first!"
Victoria gawked at him, "But I'm starving!"
"Now answer my question, first. Today, what was the first thing I told you? You answer this and I'll let you eat! Think well before."
Victoria without thinking said with a tip of anger, "You told me Robertz was in front of the house. You lied!"
"And you lost, Kate. The first thing I told you was; Victoria, wake up." Finn rolled a pancake and ate it in front of her.
Victoria averted her eyes and muttered, "I hate you."
"Hate me all you want, you should have think more clearly before speaking. Now, I'll give you another chance."
Even if she herself did not know, Finn was training her mentally. He continued, "Tell me the last thing I told you before you went to bath."
Now Vitoria thought hard. She would not let Finn have all the pancakes for himself. Finn observed her as she screwed her mind to find out what the last thing he told her was. She hesitantly said, "You said: Come and see me?"
Finn sighed, "Okay fine, the plate is yours. I'm giving you it out of pity. I told you to eat consistently and come and see me."
Victoria shrugged and indulged herself till she was full while Finn watched her all that while. He was going to give her a hard training.
"Kate, you'll resume school when?"
Victoria had not thought about this, "I can't go to the same school. People will recognise me. What do I do?"
"I'll get you admitted in another school and you'll be known as Victoria Kate Hyland instead of Miller. But what do you want to achieve now? What is motivating you?"
Victoria said without any hesitation, "I will avenge my parents' death. I will kill Robertz. I want revenge!! I want to learn to fight and hold a gun. Please, teach me Finn. Help me."
Finn said solemnly, "For that Victoria, promise me first that you will wait for the right moment, you will follow my instructions and you will be a good student. Then, I will help you. I will forge you into a stronger girl. Independent and confident. And you will seek justice and not revenge. These two things are different."
"I promise, Finn. My revenge will be my justice."
"Now, I'll see your case, Kate darling!"
His unflinching gaze was scrutinising her. "Get off me."
She pushed him and closed the door of her room. This plan should not at all be seen by him. She tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear and walked to the living room. Jake followed her. That cream dress suited her well, revealing her curves and it was short too. She asked, "Mr Hills, do you want some coffee?"
She knew the man was difficult. Maybe a cup of coffee would calm him and she would be able to manipulate him in giving her the whole location. He answered rather rudely, "No, all I want is that you take all your things and get out of my apartment before I throw you out myself."
Too bad; the coffee plan failed even before starting. She nervously laughed, "you won't dare."
"Try me."
She sat on the settee and he took a place opposite her. She said, "Let's make a deal."
He placed his feet on the table in front of them and faked a bored tone, "As if you have any other choice than that. My answer is no. I keep my apartment."
She tried to contain her irritation at his undesirable behaviour, "I have paid my two months, Mr Hills. I am staying here for at least two months. You made a reservation but you were too late to pay. It's not my problem if the agency chose me over me. I am a more rational client than you are. You can surely understand that you do not control everything in this city and you do not have everything."
Jake yawned, "God! Are you done lecturing me? Now let me speak, miss Hyland."
He stood and arrogantly claimed, "If you need help to carry your belongings, I'll send some people for you. I give you an hour to leave the place."
Victoria also stood. A conversation with him did not get her the wanted effect. She wondered what was preventing her to kick him out. He had invaded her privacy. He walked to her and smirked, "Let's play a game. The one who wins get the whole location."
Victoria held her hands in defeat, "Fine, what game?"
He grinned evilly, " A pure game of chance and I'm the lucky one here, darling. Rock-paper-scissors. Let us start."
She reluctantly hid her hand behind her back and as he said the verse, she showed her hand. Scissors and so was his. He commented, "You're so sharp, Kate but so I am. Let's try again."
She sighed, experiencing frustration at the pinnacle. When they showed their hands, it was a tied play again. They had both chosen rock. Jake frowned, wondering why they were choosing the same thing. "Okay, let's play another game."
Victoria exclaimed, " I don't have time for games, Mr Hills."
Jake frowned at her. She dared refuse him. That woman was inviting her death. "Fine, cope with me."
"Beg your pardon?"
She was not sure if she totally understood what he said. "You are going to be happy, Kate darling. I'm taking away all your loneliness. Cope with me as I'm going to stay here with you."
She stared at him, "This is out of question. Get out or I'll call the police."
He slowly walked towards her, "Oh my, I'm scared. Call your police or even the army, sweetheart. I'll handle them like I handle my work. I'll lock them in my drawers until they suffocate."
She was disgusted about his thinking, "You are despicable."
He smiled sweetly at her, silently nearing her, "You are a thief."
She protested, "You barge here. You are the thief."
He was enjoying this game and continued, "You stole my reservation!"
She replied impatiently raising her voice, "I came here first. So it's mine."
"It's mine, sweetheart."
"Stop stealing other persons' things. I said it's mine. That's it!"
As he was close enough, Jake abruptly slid his hands around her and pulled her closer, "In other words, you work for a thief?"
Victoria held her breath at the contact and raised her head to look at him, "Mr Hills, let me go."
Jake released her with a triumphant smile and pointed to the door, "Good! You are free to go, Kate! No one stopped you."
Victoria cringed. She hated him. "I give up. Do what you want. I don't care but I'm not leaving."
She was already heading towards her room when Jake added just to spice up things, "Sweetheart, this is the wrong way. The door is at the other side." He heard her grumble before he heard the slamming of a door.
Jake walked in the kitchen and poured himself a cup of the already made coffee. He wondered what had happened when he had hold her. Now that he thought about it, why had he held her to begin with? Her presence near him was really disturbing.
Frustration was a too weak emotion to describe how she was feeling at the moment. This place had become the opposite of what she expected. Jake Hills, the son of her enemy was present in this house. She rolled the large plan and carefully hid it below the bed. She had to escape. What the big deal, he was going to stay there for today only but the con in all that was that now, Jake knew where she was living.
She took some money with her and her cell phone with her and walked out of the room. She would go and meet Finn at the police station. She needed advice at the point where she was and Finn was the only one who could help her. She ignored Jake who was working on his laptop in the living room and made her way to the door.
She halted when he had the guts to comment with his ever-lasting sarcasm, "Already giving up, Kate? Now, sweetheart, I expected more from you. Anyway, goodbye."
She turned and coldly said, "I'm only going out and bear in mind that I never give up, Mr Hills."
Jake was curious, "Going out? Now in addition to being a thief, you are a liar too, sweetheart. You said you were single in your job interview."
This man had a sharp memory. He and Finn should compete against each other and see who was the least forgetful. Victoria had this sudden urge to walk to this devil and throw a punch straight on his sinfully handsome face. "Mr Hills."
"Yes, my love?"
He could see that she was trying hard to be patient with him. Her eyebrows were creased and he could only see the look of displeasure stuck on her pretty face. She was aggravatingly beautiful. She heaved a deep sigh, "Forget it."
"So one day you're single and the next day you're not? You're confusing me, darling."
"My life is none of your business, Mr Hills and for God's sake, stop using these endearments on me. You don't have the right."
"Why, sweetheart? I'm your boss like it when I call you like this and like that."
She forced a laugh as leant against the wall, "I don't need you to flirt with me."
He haughtily said, "I don't need to flirt, Kate, you are already seduced!"
"By a jerk like you? Don't make me laugh. Anyway, bye. I'm running late." She was already out before he could stop her. He flung his laptop at his side and hastened his steps outside and stood on the threshold, "Hey love, need a lift?"
Victoria turned to look at him and then gleamed as an idea struck her. It would be fun to see his face when he would get in a police station and it would also save her from paying a taxi.
She shouted, "Are you a good driver?"
Jake grinned; he had thought she would refused but he did not know she would be so happy to get that lift with him. Of course, he should have known; women easily fell for him. Finally, it seemed that he had got Victoria Kate Hyland under his control.