Chapter 9
AN: Back to the present.
Canada sighed and took his flight helmet off. He opened the cockpit and let the hot Las Vegas air in. "Ugh. It's too hot." He complained climbing out of his plane. He reached into the back seat and grabbed Kuma before closing and locking the cockpit. He had landed at the Creech airforce base just outside of Las Vegas.
Canada had just worn a red t-shirt and jeans hoping to keep cool. He brought his old leather flight jacket. It looked like Alfred's jacket except it was a few shades lighter and the collar stood up like a mast to cover his mouth and nose.
Matthew was happy to stretch his legs after the three hour flight in his specially modified Spitfire. He'd kept the plane after WWII had ended and had used it to get around the world for meetings and flying just for fun. It was still the original paint job with a few touch ups here and there.
The Canadian walked into the parking lot and looked around. The rental company dropped off a motorcycle. He figured it would be easier to get around the city. He dug around in his jean pockets to find the keys the company gave him. Matthew smiled as he saw what the keys belonged to. The keys belonged to s shiny red Ducati. "This is going to be fun." He pulled his flight coat on and climbed onto the bike.
-----❄"In Canada, nobody is ever overthrown because nobody gives a damn."❄-----
AN: At the meeting. Sorry about the accents...
"Hahaha!" America laughed at one of Spain's jokes as Canada entered the conference room. "Mattie you're finally here! Let's get started, I'll go first because I'm the hero!"
Matthew groaned and draped his coat over the back of the chair and took his seat. He was never one for sitting and talking he wanted to be doing something productive. It didn't help that no one ever notices him except France, Prussia, Scotland and occasionally America. They others thought he was his loud obnoxious brother.
The meeting followed its usual course of America yelling, getting some problems solved, fighting, Germany yelling and more fighting. A lot of the country's left as soon as an argument broke out. They knew no more work would be done.
"Ai Mattie! How ar'ya laddy?" Scotland asked walking over and yelling over America and England's fighting.
"I'm good." Matthew said in his usual whisper. "What are you doing here Uncle Scotty? You normally don't bother with these things."
"I came to see me favourite nephew! And piss of my wee brother of course!" Alistair smirked. He leaned over and whispered into Canada's ear. "I put an itsy bitsy spider in the bottom of 'is tea cup!"
"Oh no you didn't!" France said coming up behind Alistair. "Ohonhonhon. I can't wait to see his reaction."
"Vhat did vho do?" Prussia asked from beside Matthew. Canada jumped at his sudden appearance.
"Uncle Scotland put a spider in the bottom of England's cup." Matthew grumbled.
"Of course he did! Vhat did you expect! It's Scotland!" Prussia laughed. "So birdie, vhats up vith the casual look?"
"It too hot out to be wearing a suit." Canada said. "I don't know how Russia's not dying in that coat."
"I don't know why we even bother meeting in one place. They last for all of what? An hour?" Francis complained. "Could do it over the phone or computer. Save a lot of travel time."
"Ja, but ve vouldn't see each other as offen!" Gilbert frowned. "I wouldn't be able to see mien Birdie!"
Scotland and France turned to Prussia with intense looks. "What are your intentions towards my nephew?" Alistair asked narrowing his eyes.
Matthew groaned. "I'm going to go break up America and Britain." He said. Canada wanted to get away from the conversation before it got more awkward.
"Don't leave the awesome me here with them!" Prussia wailed. France held the Prussian in place. "No!"
Canada laughed as he walked over to the fighting nations hearing threats from France and Scotland with a worried Prussia explaining.
"You bloody idiot!" England yelled at America who laughed. The larger nation had Arthur in a headlock. "Let me go!"
"Never!" Alfred smirked. Matthew put a hand on America's shoulder close to the crook of his neck. Alfred tensed and yelped as Matthew started to tickle his neck. The American collapsed on the floor from laughing letting go of the British man. "Mattie!"
"Just keeping the peace!" Canada laughed. America pouted on the floor.
"Aw poor American." Russia said from where he still sat at the table. "Have to keep that in mind."
America shivered and held his hand up. Matthew took it and pulled him off the ground. "Thanks bro." He grumbled still a little annoyed and embarrassed from being put down so easily.
"Thank you Canada." England said stumbling over his name. "Well I guess this meeting is over. We're not going to get anymore work done."
Most of the countries had already left. Canada, America, France, England, Prussia and Scotland remained.
"Oi Artie! Aren't you gonna finish your tea?" Alistair asked throwing an arm around the British man.
"No Alistair, I am not." Arthur growled pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Well I'm going to go." Matthew said. He picked his coat up from the back of his chair and turned to leave expecting no one to notice since they'd started a conversation. Gilbert jumped after him yelling for him to wait, but France grabbed his collar.
"Aww, come on Francey pants!" The albino yelled. France gave the Prussian a 'we're going to have a talk' look and smiled at Matthew and waved goodbye.
"Au revoir papa!" Matthew smiled and left walking down the hall of the very expensive looking hotel that the conference had been held in. It was on the main strip of Las Vegas and was surrounded by more hotels and casinos. His bike was in the underground parking a few blocks away.
Canada tied his jacket around his waist and hugged Kuma. The polar bear had been sleeping on the table during the meeting. The desert heat and sun must have been getting to him.
"Hey bro! Wait up!" Alfred called from behind him. Matthew stopped and waited. "Aren't you staying for a few days? Visit with your brother?"
"Sorry Alfred, but I don't like the heat and I'm needed back home." Matthew explained.
"Well I'll just come with you!" Alfred yelled putting an arm around Matthew's shoulders.
"I'm not going to get rid of you am I?" Canada asked. The American shook his head with a bright smile.
AN: I know a lot of people call Scotland Alistor, but I like that sound of Alistair better...