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Chapter Five

Chapter 5

AN: Still in the past! Note, the allies in WWI are different from WWII.

Once everyone had finally settled in their seats, Russia, France, Japan, Italy and Romano were seated around the table with Britain at the head. Canada was sitting in between Japan and France. He wasn't wearing his glasses. They made it harder to see the others faces. He liked to see their reaction to different things to judge how he should act.

"I have some good news." Britain announced. "America has joined the war."

Matthew blinked. Britain called that good news? Sure it was good for their chances of winning the war, but America would lose thousands of people in the trenches.

"He's running late, as usual." Britain said. "We need to discuss were we're going to put his troops."

"Like it matters." Romano grumbled. "That bastard will put them where ever he pleases."

Britain rolled his eyes. "We still need to discuss this."

After a brief discussion it turned into an argument between France and England. Canada and the other countries were out of their chairs and staying away from the fighting countries.

America burst through the door. "Yo dudes!" He called. No one noticed him. "Gee. Now I know how Canada feels."

Canada rolled his eyes and poked his brother. "Alfred?"

America jumped in surprise. He barely heard his brother over France and Britain's fighting. "There you are! I didn't see you there bro!"

"You hardly ever see me." Canada said softly. He hated how he was so shy and quiet around other countries, so much so they didn't even see him.

"So how'd this start?" America asked ignoring Canada's comment.

"Same as always." Canada looked down to his boots. He really wished he was up in the air right now.

"Guys!" Alfred snapped gaining everyone's attention.

"America! What the hell took you so long?" Britain demanded.

"Sorry! The truck broke down!" America said. "Couldn't fly in because some new German plane has been clearing the skies!"

Canada had heard of this plane, but had only met one squadron of seven in the sky during a mission where they were attacking the Germans ground units. His squadron had been backed up by others and the Germans had older planes with them as well. It was three German squadrons of seven with one of the newest planes verses four allied squadrons of seven. When the air had finally cleared the allied had lost twelve planes and the Germans lost five.

"Speaking of which, we do need to talk about that too." Britain sighed sitting back down in his chair. The other countries did as well. "Anyone know the situation?"

Canada shyly raised his hand. England raised an eyebrow, but nodded at him. "Well..." Matthew started quietly. He was putting his thoughts together in a way that would sound like he wasn't there and didn't have personal experience. "The Germans have come out with the Albatros D.III. It's faster and stronger than ours. For every one of them, they take down four of us."

"How do you know that?" Russia asked speaking for the first time.

"I have letters sent to me by air commanders." Matthew lied. Russia narrowed his eyes and nodded slowly.

"That's a brilliant idea Amer-Canada." Britain said scratching the back of his neck. He felt stupid for not doing the same. "We should plan to do the same from now on."

"What's with all the planning if we're not doing anything?" Alfred complained. He'd been there for less than a half hour and he was already bored. "And another thing, why can't we fight alongside our men? We are left to plan! We can only fight with the other nations!"

"I don't know." Britain confessed and turned to France. The Frenchman shrugged. He didn't know either. "It's been a rule for a long time and we're not changing it. I'd hate to see any of you injured."

"Rules are meant to be broken." America smirked.

"Rule breakers will be punished." Russia said calmly. Canada shivered. The Russian was a scary guy. Alfred looked nervous as well and kept his mouth shut for the rest of the meeting. Nothing new was decided and the countries left the room in the same position they came in.

Matthew started to walk back to his room, but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. "Hey bro, where you going?" America asked walking with him.

"Back to the front lines. Vimy Ridge specifically." Canada replied quietly thinking fast. It wasn't a complete lie. His squadron was set to attack the German ground forces.

"I've heard that the troops that were there before yours made no ground." America commented. The Canadian looked to the ground as he walked. "What's the game plan?"

Matthew ignored the question. "How long until your troops will be ready and armed?"

"Not for months, but my boss wanted me to get a head start." America smiled his charming smile. "Scope out the best places to put my men."

"Makes sense." Canada muttered.

"I bet the pilots have it easy way up there." Alfred said gesturing upwards.

"No, probably not." Canada said quickly. America looked over to him and raised an eyebrow. "I mean, it's cold up there and shooting a moving target with a constantly vibrating gun strapped to a plane that is also constantly moving has got to be difficult."

"Yeah, I guess so." Alfred muttered. "I wish I could fight alongside my men. It just doesn't seem right to sit back and watch."

"I know Alfred, but if we get hurt so does our country. Maybe it's for the best." Canada said. They had reached his room.

"I thought you didn't like fighting." Alfred said following Matthew into his room.

"I don't, but that doesn't mean I can't or won't." Canada grumbled quietly.

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