Chapter 8
AN: Present time. Yet again, sorry about the accents...
"Did you know about this frog?" England demanded turning to France.
"Non!" France yelled back gaining the attention of the other nations. They soon realized it was just England and France fighting and turned back to what they were doing. "Why are you assuming I did?"
"Because you know him better than I!" Britain yelled back.
America growled and grabbed France and Britain by the ear and dragged them out to the hall. "What was zhat for?!" France screeched.
"Dudes, just shut up!" The American growled. "Ya gotta keep this quiet. Canada broke the rules. We can't let anyone else know."
"I never thought about that." Arthur trailed off thinking. "It's been seventy years since World War Two; the time to try him for the infraction was up twenty years ago."
"Try who?" Prussia asked peeking out the door. America pulled him out of the doorway and locked the conference room door. "Hey! Vhat vas that for?!" He yelled. America glared at him.
"This is my bro we're talking about. He's not one for breaking rules unless there is a reason. I'm sure there must have been." Alfred said scratching the back of his neck. "Did you know?" He asked the Prussian.
"No." Gilbert said. "I knew he vas a pilot, but not that he fought in the vars. I'm curious though, how did he do against my awesome pilots."
"Don't you have a book zhat can tell us zhat?" Francis asked turning to Britain.
"Yes I do peppy la pew! I completely forgot!" The Brit yelled reaching a hand into his jacket and whipping out a giant book.
"Mein gott! Vhere vere you keeping that?" Gilbert asked eyes wide.
"Magic." Arthur mumbled setting the book on the end table beside the door. He opened it and scanned through the section. "English or French pilot?" He mumbled.
"Canadian." France said.
"There was no RCAF back then." England grumbled. "Here he is! Matthew Williams, Canadian pilot. Age unknown, birth unknown, death unknown. Description- strawberry blond, violet eyes." Britain paused looking over the small writing. The rest of it was too small to read. "Dam eyes."
"I got this!" America said looking at the book and adjusting his glasses. "Matthew Williams served in World War One and two as a pilot, squadron leader and base commander. Seventy eight victories in the first war, but has been speculated to be much greater even higher that Richthofen's score. Some of his comrades have said he has given his victories away when feasible."
"Why would he do that?" England asked.
"To keep a low profile?" Francis suggested.
"I guess that makes sense." Arthur said.
America continued to read. "Only one picture was ever taken of the ace. He can be seen on the bottom right." The four nations looked over the old black and white photo. It was a group of seven pilots dressed in their flight gear gathered around an old biplane. They looked like they were just getting ready to for a flight.
"So mein birdie is an awesome pilot?" Prussia asked. America nodded slowly taking the information in.
"He really broke the rules!" America laughed. "He's Canada! Shy, quiet Canada!"
"Shut up you bloody git!" Arthur growled clamping his hand over Alfred's mouth and smacking him.
"Ouch!" The American yelped pulling out of England's grasp. "Big meany." He muttered like a kid.
"What about the second war?" Britain asked grabbing the book away from America.
"What if zhe other countries notice vere gone?" Gilbert asked.
"Right. We can look at this later." Arthur said putting the huge book back in his coat pocket.
"How?" Prussia asked shaking his head. "Never mind."
"Let's get back in zere. Zhe other countries will be noticing soon." France said.