Chapter 4
AN: Still in memory's.
Matthew closed the file and decided to keep his glasses on for now. He put the file in his bag and picked up Kuma. Canada exited the room and looked around. He knew were his room was, but not how to get to it. He sighed and started to wander the halls. His glasses made reading signs from a distance hard and he had to look out over them to see the signs. Finally he found his way to his room.
Canada set Kuma down on the oversized bed and started to unpack. "I'm hungry." He said looking up.
"You just ate! I saw you eating my rations." Canada said shaking a finger at the bear. Kuma looked down guiltily. Matthew sat down on the bed once he finished unpacking and changed into more comfortable clothes. He sighed and looked around. The room he was in was three times the size of the one he had at the air field, but was just as empty. It only had a dresser, desk with a chair and bed in the room.
The sound of a violin caught his attention. He hadn't heard music in a while and went out of his room to find the source. He found the open door were the music was coming from. Canada leaned in the door frame and smiled. It was France playing his violin. He was so caught up in the tune he didn't notice Matthew until he started clapping when France finished the song.
"Oh Canada! I didn't see you there." France smiled setting the violin down and pulled Matthew into the room and closed the door.
"Bonjour papa." Matthew smiled. He was always nervous around other countries, but not France. "Je ai adoré la musique que vous jouiez. C'est beau! (I loved the music you were playing. It's beautiful!)"
"Merci." France said. "Where is yours? Did you bring it with you?"
Matthew shook his head. "No. I didn't want it to get broken or stolen." The Canadian had learned to play the violin when he was just a small colony. France had been a surprisingly patient teacher and never got annoyed with him. "How are you? With the war and everything."
Francis sighed and sat on his bed. "I'm always tired and never without a head ache. Except when I play. I can't wait until this is over." He paused and looked up to Canada. "How long have you had glasses?"
"It's only been a year or so. Ypres, the gas." Matthew said quietly. France jumped up and pulled him into a hug.
"Oh mon petit Matthieu I should have been there! I could have helped." Francis wailed. He hugged Matthew tighter.
"Papa, it's okay." Matthew assured the Frenchmen. "I should have been here earlier to help."
"Non, vous auriez dû rester hors de lui! Vous et vos gens auraient été tellement mieux. (No, you should have stayed out of it! You and your people would have been so much better off.)" France said going back to his native tongue.
"You know I couldn't do that." Canada smiled sadly.
"Stupid England, pulling you into this!" France yelled. He groaned and held his head. "Ouch."
"You should rest." Matthew said worriedly.
France sat down on the bed and gestured to the violin. "Play something for me."
Matthew picked up the violin. "What would you like?"
France shrugged and smiled. "Surprise me."
Canada smiled and started to play. He had a melody going through his head for a while now and decided to try it out. He had no clue what he was playing, but it sounded alright to him. France smiled and laid back on the bed.
Matthew finished the song and looked up. France had fallen asleep. He smiled and set the violin down on its stand. The Canadian really hoped that France would make it through the war. He believed that he was down playing the pain and hiding it from him.
Canada grabbed a blanket from the dresser and threw it over his papa. France huffed and grabbed the blanket and rolled over in his sleep. Matthew smiled and quietly closed the door as he left. He walked down the hall back to his room. Kuma was sitting in the window looking out over the base.
"Who are you?" He asked. Canada didn't bother responding and closed the door. It was getting late so Matthew decided to get some rest before the meeting.
-----"Canada is the only country in the world that knows how to live without an identity."-----
The next morning Canada woke up to someone banging on his door. "What?" He grumbled sleepily. The person entered his room.
"Vous devez obtenir si vous voulez le petit déjeuner. (You need to get up if you want breakfast.)" France said pulling at his covers.
"I don't want to get up." Canada complained. His stomach said otherwise. "Fine." He sat up groggily and looked at France. He was dressed in his usual blue cloak and red pants. His hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail and he was smiling. "What?"
"That song you played last night. I used to play it to put you to sleep. I never taught it to you." France smiled. "Boy the tables have turned, non?"
Matthew nodded with a smile. He yawned loudly. "I need coffee." He grumbled getting out of bed. Canada changed into his military uniform as France talked with Kuma. "Let’s go get breakfast. I'll bring something back for you." He said to Kuma.
"Savez-vous où aller? (Do you know where to go?)" France asked.
Canada shrugged. "Follow your nose?" He suggested. France rolled his eyes. "Follow the signs?"
France smiled and pulled Matthew with him through the halls. They found the right tent and immediately Matthew went to the coffee. "You really grown to like coffee." France chuckled. Matthew rolled his eyes.
They finished their breakfast and left. "Well we've got until three. What are we going to do?" France asked.
"I've had coffee, so I'm happy." Matthew shrugged. "I don't care."
-----"The U.S. is our trading partner, our neighbour, our ally and our friend... and sometimes we'd like to give them such a smack!"-----
The pair wasted the time away with playing music and confusing people with French. Three o'clock finally rolled around and they headed to the conference room.
AN: Yet again, sorry for my French. It's the Canadian version and is different from France French. I love France. He's amazing.