It is a real turning point in a man's life when he utters certain words, words that are still firmly stuck in my head. What makes me think that I do not want her for sex? Of course, I want her for sex, but there is something more. It is something more I want to explore, something more I want to find out. Don't get me wrong; I am not looking for love, nor do I want to become a taken man. I want her; I want her. Something tells me it is something that is not going to happen overnight.
It's time to break our rules; it is time for seconds.
So I look over at Joseph and Dominic, and they know that they ain't going to like what I say, "Which one of you assholes is willing to have Emma for a second night?"
"Did I just hear you, right?" Dom is the first to ask in shock.
Then Joseph adds, "You want us to do seconds?"
I only but nod at them with a smile on my face, "Yes. She can't be that bad?"
"Well," Dominic starts, "She is not my type for seconds."
I stare at him, confused, "How do you know what your type is if you never had it before?"
"Why this fucking crazy idea?" he only but frowns at me, and Joseph asks, "You still hung up on that pussy that got away?"
"She did not fucking getaway.” I growl at him in frustration, “She is just not so easy as these other whores we fuck."
Dominic bursts out laughing at me, "Are you calling her sister a whore now."
"You know what I mean."
Then Dominic turns all serious again, "So we must fuck Emma until you get Ava?"
I look him firmly in the eye and once again repeat myself, "Yes."
Joseph jumps in before Dominic can speak and conveniently reminds me how crazy I am, "It's bad enough you chase them away. Now you want us to fuck the same one over and over again."
I burst out laughing at him as I am finding this rather funny, yet though it is annoying, "Fuck her in a different way every time. You won't get bored then."
Dominic throws his arms in the air, "That is the most stupid comment I have ever heard.”
I place my cup down on the counter and look at them both, "I don't give a fuck who does it, just do it."
"Well," Joseph says. "Dominic has her number; he can do it."
"I thought we do not do numbers," I furrow my brows as I walk past him.
"Yes,” Dominic says, annoyed. "Just like we don't do seconds. You better get fucking laid tonight. You are affecting business. Let's just get the fuck out of here so you can go playhouse."
He is right; I am neglecting the business. I am just so hung up on this girl; my cock is the only one doing the thinking around here. I am pretty useless at the moment. We have a few big jobs coming in the next couple of weeks; my head, my real head, the one attached to my shoulders, needs to be in the game.
As we finally find ourselves sitting upstairs waiting for the girls, Dominic turns to me, "Trayton, it looks like only Emma is walking in."
"Goddammit, really?"
He looks down at Emma again, "Yes, she just came through the door."
"What the fuck did you say when you phoned her?"
"Nothing, just to come to the club."
The disappointment sets in, and I feel like I have been defeated. This girl is driving me beyond insane, all I want is one moment, one chance, so my frustration is definitely known. "For fuck sake."
But then Joseph burst out and interrupts, "Damn, that is a fine ass."
"You better not be talking about Ava," I look at him just as I am about to smack him.
"No, the hot blonde with her."
"Fuck I would love to spank that," Dom says as he also looks at this girl now.
"She is mine," Joseph argues.
And so they go back and forth about who is getting the girl tonight. I raise my voice but only a pitch, "You sound like a bunch of whores."
Then that is when I see her behind the blonde girl. She is a very clever girl, bringing the blonde as a distraction, little does she know that my preference is definitely not blonde, no disrespect, but I just prefer a brunette.
So as she walks up to me, I can barely contain the smile on my face, "This is becoming a habit now."
"More like a planned coincidence." She snaps back at me.
I move but an inch closer to smell the scent of her perfume, "That damn thing you call a dress is hot."
"Is that your best pick-up line you can do?"
But I still continue, "I like that dress, but I like it even better on the floor."
"I never heard that one before. Does it work for you?"
"Does it work for you?"
She smiles at me, and I swear that my knees nearly give in, yet, she still rejects me."Nothing of me is landing on any floor."
"On a bed?" I ask.
"Neither." She answers.
"A couch?"
"A table?"
"God, where do you have sex?"
She bursts out laughing, and it is, by all honesty, the best sound I have ever heard of before, "Wouldn't you like to know."
Then we get interrupted by Becca, "As soon as you two stop fucking each other with your mouths, can I please get a drink."
She looks at her friend with a pleading face, "Don't you feel like talking to Trayton?"
Her blonde friend shakes her head as she gestures no, "I told you he is not my type."
"And she is not my type either,” I watch her grind her teeth as she says it.
She ignores her friend and turns back to me, "You actually have a type?"
"You will be surprised what you don't know about me."
I sparked her interest; she wants to know, she is curious. I don't think I will get laid tonight, but I sure as hell are tasting those lips tonight.
I would love to slide my hand underneath that dress up her thighs, just keeping it there begging to be touched. I want to hear her moan, and her voice quiver when she says my name.
She grunts underneath her voice, "You know that is rude."
"What is rude?"
"Staring at me like you are going to eat me."
I chuckle at her, and I can see she is not finding this somewhat pleasing, though I just continue, "But I want to eat you."
"God, you are terrible.” She nearly steps forward to slap me on the arm. “Get me a drink and stop staring at me."
I bite into my bottom lip as I get a big smirk on my face. "Fuck I love that."
"Love what?" she asks, but I can see that frustration wanting to turn into a smile.
I lean in and whisper in her year, "You are bossing me around."
"You are a sick fuck."
That a man has to work so hard just to get a woman, for someone that is used to getting everything he wants, this is torture. What else is torture? Is this god damn cock that has a mind of its own? I think it is time to sit down. "Do you want to sit down? We in for a long night judging the way Dominic is sucking poor Emma dry."
"Fuck, you guys are terrible.” She still cringes at the way we see our woman, but still, she continues, “Where is your suck face?"
"She does not want to suck face. She thinks my mouth is dirty."
She snaps at me, and god, I love it, so she adds, "I must say I agree with her."
"Maybe she is wrong."
"Wrong about what?" She flutters eyelashes, yet another reason to drive me insane.
So I continue, "My mouth being dirty."
"Well,” I can see those cold eyes start burning with a flame. “Maybe she should try it out sometime."
"What about now?"
"She needs to think about it."
"What can I do to encourage her."
"Get her another drink."
Fuck, that went a full one-eighty; I hope she is not cock teasing me. I am hungry, and I will devour her lips. My cock has bigger plans, but that will just have to wait.
"So, how do you propose encouraging that girl to kiss you?” She asks me with those brown eyes piercing into mine.
"I'd say she should tell me what I am allowed to do to her so that I can kiss her."
I am going to fucking burst.
She takes my hand and slides it up her supple legs up to her thighs, leaving my fingers tangled in the seams of her dress. "Kiss me."
At first, my lips are gentle, exquisitely careful, as if I fear that I would bruise her. The sweet taste of her lips melts onto mine as her mouth settles more firmly, insisting and begging for more. Unable to resist, her lips part to allow me passage, the tip of my tongue slides past her teeth in silken strokes of exploration.
I stroke the slick insides of her cheeks. I have never been kissed like this before; it is as if she was feeding on me, feeding on my rising passion and that hidden carnal desire. I clutch my arms around her neck and pull her even closer
Her hands flutter to the sides of my face, stroking the bristle of my cheeks and jaw. I quietly moan deep in my throat. Suddenly she takes hold of my shoulders and eases me away from her body. My gaze locks with hers in a moment of searing wonder. She looks at me as if she could eat me with her gaze as ifs he wanted to possess every inch of my body and every flicker of my soul. The stillness is broken only by our panting breaths as he pulls apart to walk away.
"I take it back," she smoothes her tongue over her lip as she smiles.
"What?" I have the biggest damn smile around my face as I ask.
"Your mouth is not filthy."
"Glad I did something right."
"I think I did more than just something right." She chuckles at me as I have just got a rather large hard-on.
Fucking cock of mine has gone as hard as ever.
"So, what do we do now?" I ask her, yet she has not realized that I am still scrunched in the seams of her dress.
"Go back to irritating each other"
"God, you will drive a man insane."
"That is the whole purpose I am here for."
"To give me a hard-on and drive me insane."
She bursts out laughing again, and it actually seems to be enjoying my company more than she will admit.
"So what is up with this seconds thing?" She asks.
"It might have been an excuse to see you.” I shyly turn away, not to face her. “Did it work?"
"Only for half an hour."
I smile at her, and I can see her blush a little bit. So I move even a bit closer and slip my arms around her shoulders, "Am I going to have to work for it to get another kiss from you?"
"You damn right you are."
Then I do something that I swear I have never done in my life before, "Can I see you again?"
"God, this must be a first for you?"
Then I go and say something even mover stupid, "It is a first of a first."
"You know that sounds totally fucked up."
"Are you going to make me beg?"
"It is a good starting point."
I lean in closer and softly whisper in her ear, "You know you want to say yes."
I watch as her body is sent into a shiver, "What makes you think that?"
"That smile on your face."
Her smile only grows wider, and then she points to Joseph and Emma. "If Dominic does not fuck Becca in the bathroom, then you might just see me in your kitchen tomorrow morning."
"Give me a second; let me go speak to him."
"No," She shouts after me."That is cheating."
"What can I say? A man is desperate."
When I return back to where we are sitting, she softly mumbles as she looks at me, "Desperate does not suit you."
I ignore her remark and continue to ask her, "You did not answer my question."
"What question?"
"Can I see you again?"
"I will think about it."
Can a woman like this turn me into an honest man? Maybe, she makes me want to change anything bad about me into good. She does not allow me just to take, she does not allow me to demand, she allows me to try, she allows me to earn it, she does not give herself like an offering but gives you parts of her bit by bit. A man who has everything only lacks one thing in his life, and it is a woman like this.
But a man like me has secrets that a woman like this won't be able to live with.