Trayton DeCarlo is the town’s most sought-after playboy that is set to break your heart the minute you find yourself on ...
Fated Happiness
Dear Reader
Thank you for reading the first chapter of the book called, Dancing With Fate.
Dancing With Fate was originally written as an Interactive Story Game. I am in the process of adapting it into a novel form.
The original version contains a great deal of dialogue to fit the platform for which it was intended.
Though you can enjoy the story in its interactive format too as currently published. (eg when Trayton speaks, the format will be as this: Trayton ~ “Are you dumb asses ready to go?”)
Full adaptation is dependent on the popularity of the Interactive Story.
Let me know what you think, of Dancing With Fate.
Happy reading, Tatum Whispers
It is yet another morning after a busy night, well for the boys, it means between which girl he finds himself. As for me, I was endlessly tortured as Ava rand circles through my mind. Those long slender legs tucked in deep red stilettos earned me a rather uncomfortable night. If I thought this girl would be easy to make mine, well, I have certainly been proven wrong.
So as the sun comes shining through the kitchen window, we find ourselves having all in the kitchen having a late cup of coffee. The boys all live with me; for one, to protect me, and two, someone has to keep a fucking eye on them.
Now I had known Joseph and Dominic since even before we knew how to stick your tongue down a girl’s panties. Now, as in then, we are still constantly in each other presence as they are key in my operations.
After another couple of hours lazing around, as there is nothing that requires my attention today. Dominic had finally got the container, well, we shall not mention how, but he got my container safely back.
As with every night, we are ready to make our way out to the club. Yet another venture that I have taken under my belt. It has been an open playground for ours to take. But for me, well, all that I now want is Ava.
Once Dominic and Joseph have given themselves what is a twentieth time over in the mirror, I am finally dragging them out, “Are you two fucking Barbie dolls ready?” I only but shake my head as they casually walk past me, “If there were a man whore, then you two would be it.”
Joseph turns to me with that stupid ass smirk he always gets at this very time of night, “So, what is it tonight? Blondes or brunettes?”
I only but smirk at him. “You two can do whatever you want; I want Ava.”
Dominics stare at me as he furrows his brows, “It seems that somebody is getting tamed here.”
“Me, you have a better chance at fucking getting pregnant.”
But yes, the man is right. I am tired of all these girls that we pick up every night. For once in my life, I want a really decent girl that does not throw herself at me. I don’t want a girl just for the sake of getting laid. I am not a man that has a girl for more than one night. I have never desired to, and I have never wasted my time.
…Ava POV…
I cannot believe that Emma is dragging me into this tonight…again. I know I said that I should do anything for her, but this is pushing the line. It is not that I do not like going to the club, but it is the reason that she wants to go there that makes me sick. There are far better ways to get decent guys. Not, now she has something going for, as she calls them, The Boys.
And I, well, it is not that I particularly want to see Trayton. The man is a player, and that is exactly what he will always be. I don’t know what the fuck I was thinking about last night. I can't stand the man.
So I am sitting here and watch how she changes from one dreadful tight dress into the other. After the fifth dress, I have had about had enough of it.
“Emma, get your ass going,” there is no way that you can look any sluttier than that.
“Can you relax?” She only but waves me off. “I am almost done.”
Then she turns to me with some wicked smile on her face.
“I hope that you are going to get laid. All that built-up tension is making you a grumpy hag.”
She burst out in laughter, and before I do too, I say, “Just shut up, and let's go.”
…Trayton POV…
So as we enter the club, we are met by one ugly girl to the other. Now ugly is one thing that I do not do, not even when I feel slightly desperate. There used to be a time not so long ago that I loved the attention, but I only have one girl on my mind, and I am hoping that she will be here.
After having to crawl ourselves through the masses of blond bimbos, we finally get to the table we always seat ourselves. This here, this is my playground. This is where I rule. No other man dares to dangle his fingers in what is mine.
Then Joseph comes up to me with what he considers as a far better idea, “The girls here are goddamn ugly; let us go to the strip joint.”
I nearly topple over from laughter at hearing his words, and I feel to remind, “Joseph, those girls are not so easy. And I don’t think any of them would fuck you even if you paid them.”
He grunts at me and looks rather amused, “Just for that; I am going to take your girl.”
Then Dominic steps in, clearly looking frustrated, “Can we not talk about something else apart from sex.”
“Like what?” I ask.
“I don’t know,” he shrugs his shoulder. “Just get your minds out the gutter for just a minute.”
I patiently wait and count one minute off. “Minute is up.”
…Ava POV…
She is going to drive me insane with these damn male whores. I don’t know why she is so set on fucking them. They are probably all worn out from the rate that they are going at. If she thinks that I am coming near one of them, then she is sadly mistaken. It is like she has lost all self-respect for herself, but this is Emma; once she has an idea in her head, then there is no stopping her.
And what else is not stopping her, “Emma, you know you look trashy in that dress?”
“How do you expect me to land Trayton and his boys?”
“Oh, are you on a nickname basis now?” I hysterically laugh at her while watching her pulls her dress straight…again.
“If you were not my sister, then I would have bitch slapped you by now.”
“Whatever, my dear.” I only but wave her off. “ Now plumps your boobs. We are here.”
And much to my disgust, we are not even properly through the door yet; then the very exact thing happens that I wish would not. After all, it is why we are here and why I am dressed like a tart.
“I think your boy toys have just noticed you.” I point up to where Mr. DeCarlo sits. “They are drooling like a pack of wolves. I bet you they are already deciding what they are going to do with us.”
“Ava, just let your hair loose.” Then she turns to me, “Just have fun; you know that Trayton likes you.”
I cringe at the mention of his name, only thinking of how many women he has been through, “So.” I call for Emma’s attention. “Tell me, which one are you taking?”
“Oh, honey, they decide that for you.”
And if I thought Trayton made me cringe, “God, Emma, that is sick.”
…Trayton POV…
Just then, I see her coming up the stairs. The girl completely knocks my breath away, and believe me, I don’t get knocked that easily. Her long locks of brown hair lay over her shoulders like a waterfall. The tightness of her dress folds perfectly around her curves. She has long, slender legs, but god, it is not the legs; it is the red stilettos that hold them up.
I must have this girl. She is not hot; she is exquisite. I am getting an uncomfortable bulge in my pants just looking at her. The things I would do to that sweet ass of hers. She is the type of girl you can get lost in.
So as she comes to stand in front of us, I lose all my ability to speak. I watch as Dominic and Joseph continue to flirt with them. But I cannot help to chuckle as she takes Dominic on.
“Tell me, Emma,” Dominic knows he is treading on dangerous ground, but he still continues, “Is your sister always so rude?”
But she does not give this Emma time to answer, for she immediately jumps in, “Only when I am talking to an asshole like you.”
Dominic gasps in shock at her answer. “You are quite feisty; Trayton likes that; he likes a challenge.”
“I am not a fucking challenge...” She pauses for a few seconds. “Dominic.”
This damn girl is driving me crazy just listening to her. But I want to speak to her. What the hell is wrong with me? Why can’t I speak? Then finally, after a couple of stutters, I turn to her. “Ava, he is just being as rude as always.”
“Oh, look,” she gets a slight smirk on her face. “Mr. DeCarlo can speak. At least you have not called me a piece of meat yet.”
“I would never call you a piece of meat.”
“Bullshit!” She utters out without question
She is so damn hot; I love how she does not take any shit. Yes, she is definitely going to be a challenge. I know that I will not have her tonight either, and I would gladly settle for that. I want to get to know this girl.
But it still does not mean that I cannot ask her over, “So what do your girls say? Do you want to come over tonight?”
She immediately snaps at me, “I am not a girl, and there is no way I am leaving Emma alone with you three perverts.”
And then something strange happens to me; I get all excited that she is coming home with me even though I know nothing shall happen tonight. I don’t feel excitement; I feel lust and craving, but never excitement. I am treading on dangerous ground.
“So,” she stares at me up and down. “I did not take you for the quiet kind.”
“Oh, princess,” I move an inch closer. I think it is just you that have that effect on me.”
She bursts out laughing at me for the entire VIP section to hear, “Is that your idea of a pickup line?”
“No,” I fucking get shy as I answer her. ‘But is it working?”
“Please don’t waste your breath; I am immune to bullshit.”
“I must warn you that I always get what I want.”
“This time, she shakes her head, and those beautiful brown locks fly through the air. “, you won’t.”
I pause for one brief moment, and as I move closer to her, I take her hand gently into mine.
“Tell me one thing, Ava. Do you believe in fate?”
“I believe people like you buy their happiness while people like me wait for fate to bring us happiness.”