I wake up with a raging hard-on this morning; the satin sheets on my bed are totally soaked. She was in every dream last night; I could almost feel her soft lips on my mine, her gentle kisses flowing down my neck, her wet kisses running over my sculpted chest, her tongue circling my abs. I dreamt this over and over again, to absolute torture. At times I could feel her naked body slip next to mine under the covers, her delicate skin warming next to mine.
I think I have a problem, I am falling for a girl, and I am falling fast. Men like me don’t fall for girls; they don’t have hot dreams of girls crawling under their covers. They have a hot girl in their bed and are crawling all over them; there is no place for fantasies; there is only want and need, getting pleasure from a real-life girl, not girls that are made up in dreams. Men like me don’t want something they can’t have; they take it without asking or saying please.
Men like me have a plan in life, a plan to always stay single and never to get involved.
So with all this in mind, it is time to drag my sorry ass out of bed and get this day going. As I find myself going downstairs to the kitchen to make a very much-needed espresso, I hear that voice behind me.
“Do you always walk around in your underwear?”
“Fuck,” I nearly ball over from fright, “What are you doing in my kitchen?”
“I can leave if you want.”
“No,” I turn around and stop her in her way. “Stay where you are.”
“You did not expect to see me here?” she says as she plays with a smile around that beautiful face.
“Yes,” I admit. “The last person I would have thought of.”
“Oh, so you don't think of me anymore?”
“I do,”
“You do what?”
“Think of you.”
“Yes, I can see.”
Much to my embarrassment, I have seem, to what is now one of the so many times, that I get a hard-on from thinking or just seeing her. This woman has my body completely out of control. I am on a rollercoaster, and it ain't stopping. “It is your fault.”
“It's not my fault your horny cock is in the gutter so early in the morning.” Then she stops and finds something rather amusing, “I hope you don't palm yourself while you are thinking of me.”
“Definitely not.”
She drops her eyes, and they seem to go cold again, but then she smiles, “I don’t know if I should feel offended or not.”
“Well,” I look at her with a sneaky smile, “Do you finger yourself while you think of me?”
“No, I don't.”
“You don't what?”
“Finger myself.”
“So you do think of me.” I get that sneaky smile is still firmly in place on my face, but then she answers, “I don't like cluttering my head with nonsense.”
I gasp as the words leave her mouth, “So you think I am nonsense?”
“You said it, not me.”
This woman is driving me insane. No matter what she says, I am going to like it. She can tell I am a lying sack of shit, and I will still love it.
“So,” I point over to where she is sitting having a cup of coffee, “Did you change your mind?”
“Changed my mind about what?”
I point over my body from head to toe, “Seeing this again?”
“No,” her hair wave over her shoulders as she shakes her head, “Fortunately not.”
“I can't be that bad.”
“Bad is not the word.”
“Ouch,” I playfully grind on my teeth in disappointment, “That hurt my ego.”
“It can only hurt if you had an ego.”
“Do you know what one should do with that cheeky mouth of yours?”
Ya, just when I think I have one over her, she answers, “Keep it shut.”
“No, I was thinking of something completely different.”
“Should I even dare ask?”
“I can always show you.”
“Fuck, that line is terrible.”
I watch her as she smoothes her tongue over her soft lips again; I nearly die in the spot, “It's amazing how you even get kissed in the first place.” I say under a strained breath.“It's amazing you don't get kissed more often.”
“It's amazing how you think you know how much I get kissed.”
“I only know how much you get kissed by me, and it is not often enough.”
She looks straight into my eyes, not breaking contact once, then she continues, “Here, I think you were going to try to get into my pants.”
“Don't tell me that there is not a tiny part of you that wants to do it again?”
“The tiny part that says you are trouble.”
Then much to my very annoyance, Dominic steps into the kitchen unannounced, “Can you two just shut up and kiss already. You are making my head spin.”
I snap at him in frustration, “Shut your mouth and go back to bed.”
“Why must I go back to bed for?” Dominic asks.
“I have the feeling that if you did not show up, I would have at least got lucky.”
He shakes his head very slowly and talks in an even lower voice. “It is sad that you think kissing is getting lucky.”
I reach out my hand and whack him against the head.
“What the fuck is that for?”
“For being a god damn idiot.”
Then as I know what would happen, Ava gets off from her chair and places her coffee cup in the washer. She turns to me with that goddamn beautiful eyes, “I will let you two play while I go fetch my slutty friends.”
She turns on her heels to leave the kitchen when she suddenly stops dead in her tracks. “I think I forgot something.”
Before I can even say another word, her lips are against mine, not allowing me to say a single word. My left thumb runs along the smooth curve of her throat as her body closes the gap between us. I drop my free hand to lay on the small of her back and take the other to tangle in her long soft brown hair. With a slight pull of her hair, I band her head backward, giving me full access to her lips. I can feel her warm breath lingering on my skin just for a second; then, she once again allows me to kiss her. She kisses me with everything inside of her; it is raw, filled with desire, fear, yearning, and a touch of desperation.
We pull apart, and my body is panting, craving, and wanting more
She winks at me as she places a final peck on my lips. “I think you need to sit down.”
“God,” I nearly cry out in agony. “I need to do more than sit down.”
…Ava POV…
I slowly make my way upstairs to where they find themselves still half damn naked, “Am I the only one with a brain cell around here.”
Emma snaps at me, “Shut the fuck up. You just need to get laid.”
All I can do is shake my head at her, “No, you two need to get some common sense. You bitches know they are only using you until Trayton gets laid.”
Emma snaps at me again, “I am not complaining.”
Next is Becca to add her bit, “Neither am I.”
Emma gets out from underneath the covers; she looks at me while she is getting dressed. “When are you planning to finally fuck him anyway.”
“Like in never.”
And if I did not think Becca can get worse, “That means more sex for me then.”
“God,” I start to say as I throw Becca’s clothes at her, “I think you are even worse than them. Get your slutty asses up. I want to go home.”
…Trayton POV…
Now I am waiting for them to start, and it does not wait for Dominic is already asking, “When are you going to fuck this girl?”
“Yes,” Joseph adds, “You are giving us a bad reputation.”
“Yes,” Dominic agrees, “I can only see so much of the same pussy at a time. I don't want to see so much of the same pussy at a time.”
I move to come to stand in front of him, nobody questions my orders, “You will fuck them until I say you are done.”
Dominic steps back, “I am glad you think you can dictate my sex life for me.”
I step closer to him again, “And I am glad how you think that you don't need to work for me.”
He looks at me puzzled, “Who says I don't want to work for you?”
“Me,” I press my finger in his chest, “If you do not want to fuck Emma until I say when.”
Then Joseph interrupts me, “God, you are pussy-whipped.”
“Something else is going to get whipped if you don't shut your god damn mouth.”
From behind, I hear that voice that I have come to love so much; I love how this girl is creeping into my life. All I want is one night, that is it, one night.
“God,” I hear her coming up from behind me, “You guys are a sick bunch of fucks. I would not be surprised if there is a whip somewhere in this place.”
I burst out laughing at her, but yes, “Do you want to see it?”
“God,” I hear her mumble, “I think I just wet my panties.”
She is making me raging horny; I have never, in fact, never ever, wanted one woman so bad. I have not had sex for nearly three days now, which is both a record and absolute torture for me. Somehow I am more willing to wait for now.
So then I ask her something boldly, “Is your mouth the only thing I am going to get today?”
“You damn right there.”
I watch her as she, either in horror or absolute surprise, look at me, dropping my underwear to the floor
“Trayton, What are you doing?”
“Waiting for my blowjob.”
“Where do you get the god damn idea that you are getting a blowjob?”
“You said the only thing I can get in is your mouth.”
“Oh my god,” she does not know to gasp or laugh, “That is clever.”
“So, what do you say?”
“Cover that god damn thing up.”
“Is it making you horny?”
“I am not answering that.”
“You want me, and you want it bad.”
“I don't.”
I think that got her; my cock is huge enough to make any woman whimper. The only thing she will think of today is my naked ass and all the different ways she wants to ride it.
Shortly after that, the girls leave; I find Joseph grinding my ass again, “When is this thing with you and Ava going to stop?”
I growl at him, and he knows to step away, “Is it your thing?
“Shut the fuck up, then.”
Then Dominic joins us with an all-serious face, “We have work to do, and all you can think of is pussy.”
I smirk at him, “And you don't think the same?”
“Yes,” he agrees. “But not the same goddamn one every day.”
“You forget,” I remind him. “You have been the same one for the past two days.”
“Yes, only because you told me to.”
“Well, guess what,” I look at both Dominic and Joseph. “You are doing it for the third night in a row. Now shut up and get ready.”
I am starting to think about what a man like me really wants and really needs. I know that I need to have this woman; if I am going to want her every day after, that is something I don't know if I need or even want. When I finally get her, is the attraction and thrill going to be over. Can she make the ultimate bachelor a taken man? Can she tame me?
…Ava POV…
We are sitting at home just lazing around, discussing the crazy night that we had, well, mostly the two of them, when I all of a sudden blurt out, “I saw his cock.”
Emma gasps at me in shock, “What the fuck?”
“Yes,” Becca joins her, “Where the fuck did that come from? It's like Hello, by the way, I saw his cock.”
“Oh,” I slap Becca against the arm. “Shut the fuck up.”
“So?” Emma asks.
“So what?” I ask.
Becca moves closer, “Is it big, or is it small?”
“Uhm,” with the vision in my mind still, I answer. “Huge.” I take a deep breath before I continue, “He just dropped his underwear in front of me.”
Emma shakes her head in disbelief, “Just dropped?”
“Yes, Emma, he asked me to give him a blowjob.”
“I hope you said yes?” Is her immediate answer to me.
“No, I told him he was crazy.”
“What is wrong with you?” Emma asks.
“Trayton does not chase girls,” Becca adds. “Yet he is chasing you. Just put out already.”
Okay, I must admit, “If he drops his pants like that again, I just might do. You do know your two boys on tap then will be gone.”
Becca waves me off, “I don't care much for Joseph. He is too boring for me.”
“Yes,” Emma agrees, “Dominic is too crazy.”
“Well,” I wave my finger between them. “Why don't you swap?”
Emma looks at me with a look in disgust. “Do we look like sluts?”
“Do you really want me to answer that?”
Then Becca gets a text on her phone, and she seems to be smiling far too much for my liking, “The boys want to see us again tonight.”
…Trayton POV…
I need to focus on business today. Now that I know I am seeing her tonight, it makes things a bit easier to concentrate on. Well, who am I fooling? I can still not concentrate. She is the only thing that consumes my mind. Why does this girl have such a hold on me if all I want is one night with her? I am going goddamn insanely.
So just when I think that she is the only thing that I am going to concentrate on, Dominic comes to me with bad news again. Let us hope I am not going to wack him.
With a nice deep breath in, I look at him with eyes that are piercing through his head, “Are you telling me that they lost a container? Again!”
Dominic steps away from me, for he knows that the shit is now falling, “He,” he stutters, “He said they misplaced it.”
“Please,” I look at him with pleading eyes; tell me, how the fuck do you misplace a god damn big container?”
“The guy that dispatched could not spell the entry port's name.”
Well, I think I have heard them all now, “A dumb ass that can't spell sent my container sent it to god knows where?”
“Yes,” Joseph nods, “It appears so.”
“You two better un-appear it.” My voice raises a pitch higher in a warning. “Those balls that you need for tonight are going to land up in some dog's bowl if you don't find that container.”
“Damn,” Dominic cringes, “That shit is sick.”
“Oh,” I take another deep breath before I lose it. “It's not going to be sick when you join him. I don't move this god damn shit for it to get lost. Who do you think is going to pay for your shit if my ass lands in jail?”
Dominic steps forward and rests his arms on my shoulder, “I will find it.”
“Good,” I acknowledge, but then I warn them, “You are not going anywhere until you do.”
The thing about me is... I do not run my operations from nightclubs or whore house; I do not make whom I am known. My crew does not call me boss the whole time, nor do I call my women baby girl. I might not seem like anything more than a playboy, but wait until you step on my wrong side, then you will see the real Trayton DeCarlo.