I did some crazy ass shit yesterday. I don't know if I deserve a pat on the back or a kick in the butt. What I do know is that I got her number, and my horny dumb ass is going to send her a message.
So after carefully considering how to start it off, I come up with, “Morning, baby girl.”
I wait for her to answer.
A minute goes by…but she does not answer.
Then another minute…yet still no answer.
Five agonizing minutes drag on…and absolutely no answer.
Is it too early...no...is she busy...I don't think so...is she ignoring me...maybe...should I have said baby girl...maybe not...should I do it...yes.
I grab my phone and quickly send her another message.
Then just as I think that I am going to wait again, I nearly fall off the bed as my phone finally lits up, “Okay, I am awake.”
“So you were ignoring me.”
“Just making you sweat a little.”
“Bet you that you are sweating now.”
“You definitely making me sweat now.” But if I thought that was going to get me going, then next she carries on, “I got my finger down my panties.”
“Dammit, that sounds hot.”
“What's hot is my pussy.”
“You are making me hard.”
And just as I think she can not get any hotter, “What's hard is my clit.”
“I want my cock inside that.”
“Then come over.”
“Where do you stay?”
”Wouldn't you like to know?” Then she shuts me off, “See you later.”
"You cannot do that to a man.”
I wait for her to respond.
Nothing, she has gone dead on me again, “Dammit.”
So after trying for a few uncomfortable minutes to get rid of this ever-growing hard-on, I slip on a pair of shorts, and I head on down to the kitchen, where the usual bunch of assholes are bickering and talking shit. I do not even bother to greet them, “Whom the knows where these girls stay?”
Leo looks at me from head to toe and only but shakes his head at me, “Don't tell me you don't know where your girl stays?”
Well what does the man think, “Do I look like a man that needs to know where a girl stays?”
“I take that as a no.” He shrugs his shoulders as he takes a sip of his coffee, “Why don't you just ask her?”
I snap at him for being such a wise-ass, “Because I don't want her to know, I am coming you, idiot.”
He waves his finger up and down my body, “I think it is time you start cuming cause your cock is tense.”
“If one of you can find out where they stay, then I can.”
Dominic, who was standing next to me, starts to slowly move away, “God, you are grumpy this morning.”
“Shut up and get me an address now.”
Then Joseph joins their ‘Let us give Trayton shit parade,’ “Relax, she stays next door to Kiara.”
I look at him rather funny; how does this man know this, “Tell me how you know where Kiara stays?”
I watch as he turns his head away from me, “I was there last night.”
“Why did you not tell me?”
“It's none of your business whom I go and fuck.”
Well, it has just become my business, so I move but only two steps closer to him and whack him against the head.
“Fuck man.”
I growl at him in frustration, “Give me her address.”
He gives me one stupid smirk and moves further away from me, “I am coming with.”
Then Dominic adds, “Me too.”
Leo puts his cup in the washer and then steps forward too, “Guess I am too.”
Barely able to keep in my excitement, “Get ready. We are leaving.”
Now I need to make sure they do not move their asses out of that apartment. If I have to get there and she is not there, I think I might just explode. So I grab my phone again and text her, “What you up to today.”
This time I need not even have to wait for long before she responds, “Us girls are just staying in today. “But tonight, I will see you.”
I get a wicked little smile on my face as I text my response, “If I don't see you first.”
I wait for her reply, and just as I expect, “That is lame ass.”
“We will see.”
We all pile in the car and head off to the other side of town. We stop and grab them some coffee and breakfast on our way there.
I am nervous. She will either be pissed off or happy to see me. All I care about is feeling those damn panties.
…Ava POV…
The girls and I are sitting in the lounge doing our nails and watching some comedy rerun when all of a sudden, there is a banging at the door. We all look at each other.
“Well,” I look at Emma, “Is someone going to get that damn door?”
She shakes her head at me, “I am not expecting anyone.”
Then I turn my attention to Becca, but she too, “Neither am I.”
I grunt at them both, for I know it was definitely not me, “Just get the door.”
The banging only continues until Becca gets her lazy ass off the floor, but then she looks at Emma and me rather confused, “Uhm. Are you girls sure you are not expecting anyone?”
I look at her rather annoyed, “Yes, bitch.”
Then Emma joins in, “What did I say?”
“Well,” she looks at us both for a rather wicked smile on her face. “Plump your lips and perk your boobs cause Trayton and the boys are standing outside.”
I look at her in absolute total shock, “What! You are joking?”
“No,” she shakes her head. “Come look. Why would I joke about four hot men at our door.”
Not believing her for a second, I walk to the door and peer through the hole, “Which one of you bitches invited them over?”
Becca, who has a rather big grin on her face, just stares at me, “You make it sound like it is a bad thing.”
Well, if Trayton at the door is not the strangest, Emma seems to be worse. “I am not dressed to fuck.”
I gasp as I place my hand to my mouth not to burst out laughing, “How do you dress to fuck if your clothes end up on the floor anyway.”
Emma looks at me, convinced, “It must be that bitch Kiara.”
“Yes,” Becca agrees. “She is going to let them in.”
“Well,” I stare at them both, “You can't let them stand outside.”
“I am not letting them in.” Becca refuses.
“Why the not?” I ask her.
When this damn woman is just plain stupid, “I have not shaven my pussy.”
“Oh my god, Becca. If you shave anything more, it will be gone.”
Emma cringes as she is listening to our conversation, “Shut up. Someone needs to open the door.
“Not me,” I refuse. “I am in my panties.”
“Me too,” Becca adds.
“Well,” Emma points to herself. “I am too.”
I throw my hands in the air, “Then let all of us open the door.”
…Trayton POV…
We are standing outside Ava’s apartment banging on the door but nobody seems to answer. I am getting a slight bit frustrated, “Why are they not opening the door?”
Leo shrugs his shoulder and looks at me, “Maybe they are not here.”
I slightly give him a raise of the eyebrow. “I can hear the talking.”
“Well,” Joseph explains. “They weren't expecting you, idiots, to come.”
“A women always need to be prepared for a man to come,” is Dominic’s opinion.
Joseph turns to Dominic, “Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds.”
I grind on my teeth as I am now losing my composure, “Just knock again before I kick it down.”
Then from behind us comes the voice of a woman; as we turn around, I recognize her as one of Ava’s friends. She shakes her head at us, “Why are you boys standing and kicking doors down this time of the morning.”
“They,” I point to the door. “They are not opening up.”
She chuckles at me as she steps past me, “The bitches are probably standing in their panties.”
Well, if that is not even more motivation, I hurry her on, “Open that door.”
…Ava POV…
Next, we hear someone talking, which sounds like Kiara, “Is that the bitch next door?”
“Yes,” Becca nods her head as she peeks through the hole again. “It is.”
Then Emma also gets up, “She is going to open the damn door.”
I grunt in frustration, “I am punching her if she does.”
“Like she cares,” Becca slowly moves away from a door that we are all expecting to open.
“What now?” I ask.
Then Becca states the obvious, “In all the time we have been bitching, we could have gotten dressed.”
“It's too late now,” Emma adds. “The bitch just put her key in the door.”
…Trayton POV…
I can barely contain myself as I see Kiara sliding her key in that door and it starts opening. As we step inside, we see a very surprised Emma and Becca staring at us. Kiara walks up to the casually, “You bitches should not let your guests stand and wait so long.”
Much to my amusement, Emma slaps Kiara against the back of her head. The poor girl’s face jerks as she grabs hold of it. “Fuck bitch.”
“That is for letting strange men in our apartment.”
Then Becca steps forward and slaps her as well, “When we are in our panties.” And Emma adds, “And not our fuck clothes.”
Leo turns to Emma, looking at her rather confused, “What is fuck clothes.”
“The clothes that lands and the floor before you fuck me,” she explains
He only but smirks at her and shakes his head, “You in your damn panties. It's quicker this way.”
I push them all aside me and look around the room, she is not here, “Where is she hiding.”
Dominic points over my shoulder. “Behind you, damn idiot.”
Then the most weirdest exchange I have ever had in my life with a woman, just plain, “Hi.”
“I guess that was not a pick-up line,” she says as I see her cheeks turn to a nice shade of pink.
“I guess it was not.”
Then Becca interups us, “What did you do?”
She snaps back at Becca, “Just shut; I got you coffee, breakfast, and three hot boys; just say thank you.”
Well, just watching her so cocky so early in the morning is earning me one rather uncontrollable hard-on, “You feisty so early in the morning.”
“You are full of surprises so early in the morning.”
I smile and wink at her, “I am full of a lot of things.”
“Is it me that made you full of those things?”
“It's those panties. I am going to rip them off and take them home with me.”
She looks at me rather shocked as she tries to hide her face away from me, “What are you going to do with them?”
“What does a horny asshole do with women's panties.”
“Wear them?”
“Does it look like this can fit into that?”
She only but chuckles at me, “It depends on what this is?”
“This is what you cocked teased this morning.”
“Oh, that”
I hear Becca grunt from behind us, “God get a room already.”
Then Leo adds, “It's like watching a porno.”
God, she is driving me insane. She is so sexy in those damn red panties. They low enough for me to see where the small strip of her pussy hair starts; they are just tight enough to form two perfect pussy lips through them. She has the tightest ass I have ever seen. I want all of that melted into my cock.
“You are staring,” She says to me as I feel that I can possibly be on the brink of exploding.
“No, I am not.”
“Yes, you are.”
“Does it look like I am staring?”
“Yes,” she points to the very obvious that is in now way going to slow down. “Your cock says you are.”
“Dammit. What do you expect with you wearing that.”
“I can take it off if it really bugs you.”
She does not need to invite me once, and my overeager quick reaction is very testament to that, “Fuck yes. But not here.”
“Do you really think I am going to take you to my room?”
Emma, who has now attached herself to Dominic, only stares at us, “If you don't take him, then I will. You guys are walking erections. Just fuck already.”
Ava laces her soft hand into mine and lead me towards the stairs, “Come, let these whining bitches fight who gets who.”
I have not been so excited since my college days; it feels my cock can explode all on its own. I don't know what to expect, but all I want to do is touch that hot naked skin all over.
“You really know how to drive me crazy.”
“You really know how to surprise a girl.”
“Well,” I take hold of her hand even tighter, “I hope it's a good surprise.”
“We'll see once you take that shirt off.” Much to my shock, she continues, “I can't be the only one half-naked.”
“If you ask nicely, I will even drop my pants.”
She shakes her head as she give me an innocent smile, “Don't get ahead of yourself; I need to think about that one.”
“I will only do what you want me to do.”
“You such a gentleman for someone that came here to take my panties off.”
“Oh no,” I slip off my shirt and move closer to her. “I did not say I was going to take them off. I am going to rip them off.”
“What if it is my favorite pair?”
“Then you will just have to wear nothing from now on.”
“And give you easy access.”
“Of course, what else.”
This is not even a joke anymore; I want her, and I want her bad. I can see the heat glowing off her tiny stomach; her nipples are pressing hard against the tight white tank top, her perfect breasts forming underneath them.
“Dammit, baby girl.”
“You are hot. You have no idea how hard it is for me not to touch you.”
I shift a bit closer to her on the bed, and I hear her whimper, “Then why don't you?”
“I don't know if you want me to.”
“What if I say I do?”
I can see her lips tremble as my words are effecting her, so I push it even further, “Then I am going to slip those off and taste every inch of you.”
“I thought you are going to rip them off.”
“Not today.”
She pushes herself up against the pillows and allows me to take her panties off; I slip my fingers in by the seams and slowly pull them down over her ass and down her long smooth legs.
“God, baby girl, you are gorgeous.”
“Me or my pussy?”
My restraint snaps; I slide my hands between her legs and slip my fingers between her hot skin and the seams off her panties. With one long agonizing move, I pull them over that perky ass and pull them off her long slender legs.
“God, Trayton.”
She sighs as I work my fingers against her slick seam, and in an instant, she loses her pose and loses herself in her own pleasure. I watch as she squeezes her eyes shut and clamps her thighs against my wrist, snapping her hips up before she freezes. All her muscles contract against my fingers.
I press her back even further on the chair and slide my tongue inside her. She lets out another shattering moan. Every time I hit the perfect spot, she makes the most glorious sounds, raw, intense, absolutely delicious noises of pleasure as I continue to plunder her with my tongue. She grabs my hair to even drive me in further. I keep thrusting into her, crooking my fingers, and hitting that perfect spot over and over again. Her moans become long, and she burst into a high-pitched orgasm for the second time.
But I am not done. I drive inside to her once again, but this time I kiss and suck and worship every inch of her. I tease each of her nipples until they are hard and standing at attention. My tongue trails her belly, around her navel. Loving her. Tasting her. Moving down again, I meet her sweet clit that is begging for my touch. I swirl and swirl around, drinking her scent, drinking her reaction until I feel her tremble beneath me again.
I look up and find her gaze; much to my surprise, I see that she has been watching me all this time.
“My god, baby girl, you taste good.”
She bites down on her lip and shyly winks at me, “You surely know how to use that tongue of yours.”
“I know how to use a lot of things.”
Ya, but as much as I want to stay here with her the whole day, I still have a container to find. At least I got a bit of what I came for. I am going to take my time.
I lean in and kiss her on her cotton candy lips, “Am I still seeing you tonight?”
“You bet your sweet ass you will.”
I pick my shirt off from the floor, and her red panties fall out. I slip them into my pocket
“What are you doing?”
“I told you I was going to take them, baby girl.”