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"Nobody can save you but yourself, and you're worth saving. It's a war not easily won, but if anything is worth winning, then this is it." Charles Bukowski.

He regained consciousness a few seconds later when his hair blew a blinding light around the forest. The strange creature sounded a frightful scream and Jimin could see his sticky, dark skin burning under the rays of light of the same color as his hair. He could not articulate a word, just a few moments earlier he thought his life was going to end and now he had the power to beat the creature who dared to hurt him.

He watched it burn little by little until its black ashes scattered on the floor. The young man sighed long before collapsing on the floor, he was so scared that he could not feel his legs anymore. He could still feel its sticky tentacles choking his neck.

He observed the huge trees that surrounded him. Thanks to the light of his hair, he could clearly see where he was, lost in the middle of an endless forest. He could not see any path that could guide him to the exit. He saw only trees and huge rocks.

Tears started falling on his cheeks, there are some times where he wish he could go back to the human world, lay on his old couch and read a book peacefully. Reading a fantasy story had nothing to do with living it, feeling all its magic and danger.

He wiped his tear as he spotted three silhouettes running from afar. A man of the same size as him accompanied by two ogres. As they approached him, he could finally recognize the King as his guards. "Diamond!" Yoongi ran and knelt in front of him. Jimin saw his sweaty black hair sticking to his forehead and his grey eyes, but this time the color was lighter and he remembered it meant fear and worrisome.

He felt bad for making him worried about him especially when it is completely his fault that he found himself in the middle of a mysteriously forest and get attacked by a strange creature.

"I saw a light coming from the forest, it never happened." Yoongi whispered. "It is not called Forest of The Dark for no reason." he added, taking a look at the younger's shiny hair. "What happened to you Diamond?"

"I-I was attacked by some creature." Jimin simply answered.

"What creature?" one of the guards asked.

"I-I don't know, it has a dark gooey skin and long tentacles."

Yoongi's eyes grew wider as he looked at his guards who shared the same expression as him. "A Tentaculios." he mumbled. "Where is it?"

"It burned." Jimin said, pointing at the ashes.

The King couldn't believe it. He kept staring from the ashes to his guards then Jimin. "H-how... no one ever survived from a Tentaculios attack."

"It is because of the light, your Majesty." an ogre said.

"Oh, yes indeed." Yoongi nodded his head as he watched how Jimin's hair was dancing along with the gentle breeze. "Of course it is your hair."

"What about my hair?" the young boy asked.

"The Tentaculios is one of the Dark Creatures who live in the complete darkness for many years. They are known to be the most dangerous ones in Fantasia, no one has ever had enough power to fight them, they always end up dying. The Elves did a research about them and they concluded that the only way to fight them is to use the light. We gathered many Wizards and asked them to create the strongest ray of light possible but it was a failure. It indeed burnt some of them but the most dangerous ones were still resisting." Yoongi said. "You just killed one, just you, by yourself." he added. "This is incredible." he shook his head.

Jimin widened his eyes, he was surprised to know that his hair was that powerful. "Is it bad that my hair could so such a thing?" he asked.

Yoongi chuckled. "Your hair just saved your life, how can you ask that?"

The younger blushed and kept staring at the King's uniform. He was wearing a black velvet vest and a long brocade cape covered with solver embroideries, which gave him a classic and dramatic look, along with black trousers and long leather boots reaching his knees. Without forgetting the golden crown on his head, to make him look more powerful and charismatic.

"Why did you come here?" Yoongi interrupted.

"I waa going to the castle." Jimin answered shyly.

"Why?" the oldest raised an eyebrow.

"I-I wanted to see you."

Yoongi gulped, seeing the blush on the younger's cheeks. He didn't expect him to answer too honestly and say that he was coming to see him. Not Hoseok or Namjoon, but him.

"C-can you walk?" he asked, avoiding his eyes.

"No, I can't move my legs."

Yoongi nodded and gently placed his hands under the younger's legs to lift him.

"Your Majesty, we can hold him." a guards said.

"I will do it, just guide us to the castle." Yoongi said.

"Yes, your Majesty." the ogres bowed and started walking.

Jimin's eyes were still wide, he wasn't expecting the King to lift his body, he wasn't expecting to have his head resting on his chest, feeling every single heart beat and listening to his heavy breathing.

He raised his head and saw his eyes shifting to blue, his favorite colour.

He remembered what he read in the book earlier in the day, "Blue is the color of the sky and sea. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, confidence, calmness, shyness and sadness."

He stared at him and wondered if he was shy like him. He blushed just by thinking about it.

Yoongi lowered his head and gulped when he realized the younger was already staring. He quickly moved his eyes from him, trying his best to breath normally.

Jimin pressed his lips together and tightened his grip on the King's arm. He may have been attacked by a disgusting creature earlier but now he was happy to be in safe arms.


Whispers could be heard at every step the king made inside the castle.

Everyone was surprised to see him walk, Jimin in his arms, lifting him up bridal style and the young man quietly resting his head against his chest. They did not find it strange just because their cranky king was raising a stranger but mostly because they never saw him do something like this before, not even to late Kythaela.

"Jimin?" Hoseok raised an eyebrow and stared at the King. "What happened to him?"

"Open the guest room." Yoongi ignored his question and followed his servant. He walked in a long corridor, letting Jimin the chance to admire all the portraits and paintings hung on the walls while listening to his heart beating faster.

They arrived to a room and the King gently laid his body on a large bed. "You can rest here."

Jimin shyly rubbed the back of his neck. "Thank you, your Majesty." he smiled.

"What happened?" Hoseok joined them and sat in the edge of the bed.

"He was attacked by a Tentaculios." Yoongi answered.

The Wizard widened his eyes and stared at Jimin with a horrified look. "H-how?"

"His hair burnt it." the King answered, knowing exactly what his friend was confuses about. "His hair emitted a light too strong that it couldn't resist it."

"B-but... We did everything, we gathered all our power and we could not fight the Dark Creatures!" the purple-eyed exclaimed.

"His hair is very powerful." Yoongi crossed his arms and stared at Jimin. "But he does not seem to know it."

The Wizard approached Jimin to examine him, he raised an eyebrow when he realized he hadn't a single scratch on his body. "You said you were attacked, and I know how a Tentaculios leaves burns and wounds on someone's body, why can't I see none?"

"I haven't thought about it." Yoongi rubbed his chin.

"It is my hair..." Jimin mumbled quietly. "Since I was a child, I never got sick, wounds and scratches heal at the moment, I don't feel too much pain like others."

The King and the Wizard shared a confused look. "You are very interesting Jimin." Hoseok said. "I have never seen a creature like you before."

"B-but there are a lot of creatures who have powers, why do you say that?" Jimin asked.

"We have powers yes, but you are more powerful. You are the first one to win against a Dark Creature, this is amazing!" the Wizard exclaimed.

The young boy scratched his hair, he was so confused that he couldn't think anymore. A few weeks ago he was a normal college student who spent his days studying and getting bullied by his classmates and today he was an unknown and powerful creature. Life sure is full of surprises.

"We should let him rest." Yoongi broke the silence. "Let's go Hoseok."

"Sleep well." the Wizard gently ruffled Jimin's hair. "I will ask the cook to prepare a good meal for you."

"Thank you." Jimin blushed.

The King stared at him for a moment, his blue eyes shining brightly, before Hoseok pulls him outside the room.

Jimin chuckled and laid his head on the soft pillow.


He woke up a few hours later, he stood up and found some clothes on the small round table. A black shirt and a long jacket with the same embroideries as the King's cape. He was so excited to wear something like this, he wanted to look like a 'royalty'.

He stared at himself in the mirror and giggled. He sure looked very different, the silver embroideries highlighted the color of his hair, making it shine brightly.

He made sure he looked good and left his room, heading to the main hall.

"Hello Jimin." he met Namjoon on his way. He was wearing a long white apron on his robe, he must have just come back from taking care of a patient.

"Hello." Jimin smiled. "You were working."

"Yes, one of the servants has a fever, I had to stay by his side until his temperature cools down." the Healer said. "I heard you were attacked by a Tentaculios."

The diamond-haired nodded.

"This is incredible." Namjoon said, looking at his hair. "But I feel sad."


"You said you never get sick or hurt so I will never have the chance to take care of you."

"You already did!" Jimin protested. "Remember when I fainted because of lack od nutrition, you took care of me."

"Uhm it is true." Namjoon smiled and ruffled his hair. "But I was only joking, I wouldn't want you to get hurt. You are a friend now, so I hope you will always stay healthy."

"Thank you." the younger smiled.

"Oh, here you are!" Hoseok was waiting in the main hall. "It is good that you came too." he blushes, staring at Namjoon as he took off his apron and loosened his long silver hair.

"Why? Is there any special occasion?" the Healer asked.

"A dinner." Hoseok answered. "We are eating with the King tonight."

"Oh?" Namjoon raised an eyebrow. "It's been a long time."

"I know right." the Wizard sighed. "It seems like some things are starting to change." he smirked, staring at Jimin.

They walked together to the dining hall. A long table full of all kinds of dishes was standing in the middle of the room, three bouquets of lilies complimented the white and silver decorations.

The servants pulled out their chairs and helped them to sit down.

"How are you feeling?" Hoseok asked Jimin.

"Well." the youngest answered. "I was actually heading to the castle before I got attacked, it is nice to see you again." he smiled.

"Oh, you missed us." the Wizard pouted. "I know we are so amazing."

Namjoon chuckled. "Talking about me? I know I am."

"Tsk what about me?" Hoseok said.

"You're good but not as amazing as I am." the Healer smirked, making the black haired roll his eyes.

Jimin was watching them, a large smile on his face. He really loved their relationship, they looked like friends but acted like lovers sometimes, they love to tease each other and enjoy their reactions. He wished he could have someone to joke with this way, someone who would look at him the same lovable way Namjoon looks at the Wizard.

"Your Majesty." he saw his friends standing up and bowing to the King. He immediately stood up and did the same.

Yoongi walked elegantly to his chair and sat. He stared at him with his grey eyes he always thought looked very beautiful.

"Good evening, your Majesty." Jimin mumbled shyly.

"Good evening. How are you feeling?"

"Better. Thank you for letting me rest in the room."

"All the pleasures is mine." Yoongi said and took a sip of wine.

"I heard you carried him to the room." Namjoon smirked. "This is unlike you."

"He couldn't walk, was I supposed to let him on the floor?" Yoongi frowned.

"The guards could have carried him." Hoseok said.

"I know, but I did it anyway."

The two lovers grinned and stared at Jimin. "It seems like he transforms from a grumpy King to a heroic knight when it comes to you." they said, making the younger blush.

"Shut up and just eat." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

They ate silently, each of them enjoying the delicious food the cook Youngjae made for them.

Hoseok and Namjoon drank so much wine that they ended up laughing like idiots and teasing each other with lame jokes. Jimin couldn't stop laughing while watching them, resting their heads on each other's and singing so loud, not caring about the King's presence.

Yoongi just rolled his eyes every time and quietly drank from his glass. It seemed that he wasn't a lightweight like his friends.

"Let's go sleep Joon I'm tireed!" Hoseok pouted.

"Mm let's go." Namjoon put his arm around his lover's shoulders and helped him stand up. "Good night." he mumbled lazily and both left the room, clumsily walking and bumping on the walls.

Jimin chuckled and stared at the King who looked unamused. "They are funny." he said.

"They are stupid."

"I envy you for having them as friends." the younger said with a smile. "Your life never gets boring with people like them."

The King sighed and stared at him. "You must be sleepy too, we spend too many hours in this table."

"Just a little, yes."

"Let me accompany you to your room."

"Oh, am I going to spend the night here?" Jimin asked.

"Lord Taehyung has still not arrived to the village. He went very far for the meeting so I can not let you go back to that house alone."

"I see." Jimin mumbled. "I am sorry for bring a burden again, your Majesty."

"You are not." the King put his empty glass on the table and stood up. "Let's to upstairs." he gently grabbed Jimin's arm and they both walked outside the dining room, heading to their rooms.

"Lord Taehyung used to sleep here." Yoongi said when they arrived to the guest room. "We spent a lot of time together, sometimes he would stay here until late at nights and Kythaela would beg him not to go back to his mansion."

"It must have been amazing to be together, all of you." Jimin said.

"It was." Yoongi entered the room and sat on a small couch next to the window. "We used to talk here, him and I." he added. "He would share his concerns and I would share mine, we discuss it and we give advices to each other. It was nice to talk under the moonlight."

Jimin sighed and sat next to him. "Oh! What is this!" he widened his eyes and pointed to a big creature that was flying around the castle.

"Aguless." Yoongi smiled looking at the white creature flying slowly and elegantly under the dark sky. "It is a Cloud Dragon, one of the most beautiful and rarest creatures in Fantasia."

"Oh, is it yours?"

Yoongi nodded. "Sometime he takes me for a fly when he feels that I need to escape from here. It is very nice to be up in the clouds, you feel free."

"Woah! It must be really amazing!" Jimin exclaimed, his hair shining bright inside the dark room.

"If you'd like it, we can maybe ask him for a ride tomorrow."


"Of course."

"Thank you." Jimin smiled and kept staring at the moon. He remembered tha afternoon's events, how he found himself in the complete darkness for the first time in his life, how he was attacked by the most dangerous creature and how his hair saved him. He remembered the mysterious woman's voice and how it kept insisting on him to enter the forest. He thought maybe he shouldn't follow it any more but then thanks to it he realized how powerful his hair can be.

"What are you thinking about Diamond?" the King interrupted his thoughts.

"About everything." Jimin sighed. "I don't know if I should be relieved that my hair has such power or I should be scared of it."

"You have no reason to be scared of it." Yoongi said. "It is a gift, you should be proud."


"You are special Diamond." Yoongi added, looking straight at his eyes.

Jimin blushed and drowned in his ocean blue eyes. "You're the first one to tell me this." he whispered.

"How is it possible? I am sure someone must have told you this before."

Jimin shook his head. "As I told you that night, everyone treated me like a monster. For them I was only different, not special. They would hurt me and abuse me, not treat me kindly like you did."

"Do not forget that I jailed you when you first arrived."

Jimin chuckled. "Because you didn't know me, I can understand it. I was a stranger so you should be aware."

Yoongi nodded with a gentle smile.

"I can not thank you enough for what you did today." the younger continued. "You are an amazing creature." he said before hugging the King, putting his arms around his neck.

Yoongi's eyes grew wider as he felt Jimin's body pressing against his. His diamond hair was on his neck, giving him a feeling of relaxation and happiness.

Jimin got worried that he might have made him angry, but he didn't give him the chance to overthink because he hugged him back.

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