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"What good are wings without the courage to fly?" Atticus.

Hoseok and Namjoon headed together to Jimin's room in order to wake him up and have breakfast together.

The Wizard gently knocked and opened the wooden door. "Jimin wake u-oh!" he widened his eyes when he saw the diamond-haired sleeping, his head resting on the King's shoulder. They both slept on the little couch in front of the window.

The two lovers shared a confused look and kept staring at them. "The King spent the night here?" Namjoon whispered, looking at how peaceful Yoongi was, his black locks covering his eyes as his head was rested against the wall.

"It seems like it." Hoseok shrugged. "This is the strangest thing I have seen in so many years."

The Elf nodded and ran his fingers through his long silver hair. "Should we wake them up?" he asked.

"I don't think it is a good idea." Hoseok shook his head. "I know how embrassed the King will be."

"Then why isn't it a good idea?" Namjoon smirked. "I want to see his face."

The Wizard looked at him and chuckled. "Should we?"

The silver-haired rubbed his chin, his eyes not leaving Jimin and the King. "Let's just go, I think we should not disturb them after all. Just look at them, I would feel bad to wake them up."

"You are right." Hoseok smiled. "Let's go downstairs."

They quietly closed the door after them and left to the dining room.

After a few moments, Jimin finally woke up. The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was the beautiful garden in front of him. The blue sky and the shiny sunlights highlighted the vivid colours the nature around the castle. The flowers were dancing along with the gentle breeze and the birds were quietly flying over the trees.

He could see the magical fountain reigning all over the large green space, its colourful water falling elegantly.

He froze when he felt another body pressed against his. Without lifting his head, he took a look at the clothes and recognized the King's velvet jacket. He raised his head and his eyes grew wider when he saw Yoongi sleeping next to him. His mouth was slightly open, his dark hair covering his face and his golden crown was almost falling from his head.

Yoongi might have felt him moving so, he woke up too and widened his eyes when he saw Jimin in front of him. He looked around him and realized he didn't spend the night in his room, a thing that never happened to him before.

"Good morning, your Majesty." Jimin smiled to him.

"Good morning." the black-haired shyly rubbed the back of his neck. "I am sorry I slept here, I must have been so tired yesterday night."

"No, it's alright!" Jimin waved his hands, seeing his eyes shifting from their natural grey to blue. "I slept too."

"I... I will go change in my room." Yoongi stood up. "I will see you in the dining room."

"Y-yes." the younger blushed.


He took a bath and dressed up with the clothes the Fairy maid left on his bed. A sky-blue silk shirt opened to the chest, a pair of white trousers and a nocturne blue velvet jacket with silver embroideries.

He stared at himself through the mirror, he never thought that one day he'll have the chance to wear such luxurious clothes, especially ones especially made for royalty. He quickly fixed his messy hair and headed outside the room.

After all these weeks in Fantasia, he got used to seeing Gnomes, Fairies, Ogres and all kind of creatures, they don't scare him anymore. He greeted them with a smile and felt a little bit awkward every time they bowed to him. He remembered how they treated him when he first arrived to the palace, but now that he's getting along with the King, things have changed.

He entered the dining room and was surprised to see Lord Taehyung speaking to Hoseok and Namjoon. He felt bad because he thought he may have been worried about him when he didn't find him in the mansion. He stared at him shyly, admiring the beauty of his long white hair descending all along his back. The Elf was wearing a long silver tunique that reached his knees, along with white trousers and a pair of brown boots. He could see how uncomfortable he was with his cousin, it seemed like every time he saw him or stepped inside the castle, the memories of his late sister would invade his mind.

Taehyung turned his head and looked at him. "Jimin!" he shouted and approached him.

Jimin smiled but it immediately faded when he realized the Elf wasn't happy, he looked mad and angry.

"What have I told you?!"

The diamond-haired gulped. It was the first time the Duke raised his voice at him, also the first time his smile left his handsome face. "I told you not to leave the mansion without me or a guard!"

"I'm sorry, your Grace." Jimin couldn't look at his eyes. It is true that Taehyung always insisted on him to have a guard accompanying him to the village or else. He told him that it was dangerous for him to go out alone because he was still new to this world and also because he tends to attract the other's attention.

"Do not do it again!" the blue-eyed shouted.

"Go easy on him, Lord Taehyung." Yoongi appeared in the dining room. This time he was wearing a burgundy silk shirt and a night blue velvet jacket, about the same as Jimin wore.

"He was attacked by a Tentaculios!" Taehyung was so angry that he forgot his manners in front of the King.

"He survived." Yoongi calmly said. "His hair is more powerful than any Dark Creature."

"But what if he could not save himself?" the Elf crossed his arms. "What if he died?"

"He did not." the King answered coldly. "Look at him, he is alive and healthy."

"You know he came to see you? He put himself in danger for you!"

"Y-your Grace." Jimin tried to stop the Duke from shouting but he just ignored him.

"Jimin is under my responsibility!" Taehyung continued. "You should have put some guards around the forest, how can you leave it like this? What if someone died?!"

"Taehyung!" Hoseok called and signalled him to stop.

"Let's go eat Jimin, you must be hungry." Yoongi gently tapped the diamond-haired's back.

Jimin shyly nodded and went to the table, Hoseok helped him sit and put on some croissants and beignets on his plate.

Yoongi stared at Taehyung for a long moment before saying, "It seems like you still love blaming others." he mumbled coldly, pain and disappointment paint on his face.

He sat on his chair, leaving a tense atmosphere around him. Hoseok and Namjoon shared a sad look and stared at their King who seemed to be in deep thoughts.

"Jimin, let's go back to Vulas. We'll eat breakfast there." Taehyung broke the silence.

"Should I really go now?" Jimin nervously asked.

The Elf raised an eyebrow. "Are you planning to stay here?"

"No, it's just that King Yoongi promised to let me ride his Cloud Dragon." Jimin answered calmly.

Taehyung let out a loud sigh.

"Do not worry, I will ask my guard to accompany him back home." Yoongi said coldly.

The Duke nodded and stared at Jimin. "I will see you tonight then." he said before leaving.

"Your Grace!" Jimin followed him in the garden. "Please wait!"

The Elf stopped and faced him.

"I... I am sorry for putting myself in danger. Next time, I will make sure to have someone to accompany me." the younger said. "Also, I promise to come back to Vulas tonight."

Taehyung just nodded and gently ruffled his shiny hair. "I will be waiting for you then.".

When Jimin came back to the dining room, Hoseok and Namjoon welcomed him with a large smile. "Your favorite juice, strawberry." the Wizard took out his magic want and the cup appeared instantly in front of Jimin's chair.

"Thank you." he smiled and stared at the King who looked still mad after what happened between him and the Duke.

"Your Majesty, please forget what was said." Namjoon said. "My cousin tends to lose all control of himself when he is stress. Please, forgive him."

"Your cousin thinks he is the only one who lost her." Yoongi mumbled. "We all did."

Hoseok smiled sadly and tried to remember something that might make them change the subject. "Oh, I heard the Prince of Rosa will come to visit us next week. I was wondering why."

"One of the Fairies died in his castle and he is accused of killing her." Yoongi said.

Hoseok and Namjoon stared at him with surprise. "Did he really kill her?"

The King shrugged. "He was asked to present himself in the tribunal next week. He sent me a letter, asking for my help." he chuckled. "He wants me to help him prove his innocence."

"He contacts you only when he needs something." the healer rolled his eyes. "When we asked him to send us the royal healers from his castle to help us after that incident, he refused. Now, he needs you."

"A selfish bastard, this is what he is." Yoongi mumbled.

Jimin just stared at him confusingly, wondering what they were talking about. "Is the Prince of Rosa the one who has the power of Beauty? The one who seduces the creatures?" he asked.

"Lord Taehyung taught you well." Yoongi scoffed. "Yes, it's him. Prince Jin of Rosa."

"He'll seduce you with his charms then throws you away like garbage." the Wizard said. "I do not feel like meeting him next week."

"By the way, Hoseok." Namjoon stared at the Wizard's purple eyes. "I need your help.

"A potion?" Hoseok asked with a smile.

"Yes." the Elf nodded. "I emptied the stock yesterday and there are so many children who need the potion, they are in a bad state."

Hoseok nodded and gently rested his hand on the younger's. "I will be glad to help you again."

"Thank you."

After the King finished his breakfast, he stood up and stared at Jimin. "I need to attend a meeting right now. When I come back, we will go see Aguless."

"Yes, your Majesty." Jimin shyly bowed. "I will be looking forward to it."


Hoseok went to help his lover so Jimin found himself alone once again. He went for a walk around the garden and sat in front of the fountain. He kept reciting each colour's signification to keep them in his memory in order to understand the King better. From what he could see lately, his eyes mostly shifted to blue when he was around him. He smiled just thinking about the fact that the charismatic King might be shy with him.

He watched the Fairies work; some mopping the floor, others cleaning the cutlery or removing the dirty sheets and replacing them with cleaner ones. He admired how they flapped their silver-colored wings every time they flew from one place to another. They were beautiful and felt bad for those who offered themselves to the Prince of Rosa.

He went back inside after a while and headed to the library. He found a book he has been reading when he used to stay in the castle. He laid on the couch and continued the story.

A few hours later, he found himself in the main hall, surrounded by the servants. He was telling them one of the stories he wrote back in his world. The story about a young Prince who chose a kind commoner over a thousand and made him the new Prince of his kingdom. All the creatures were dreaming with the beautiful romantic story. They were eager to know how the two princes were going to fall in love and how the King of another kingdom was going to conquer a handsome knight.

Jimin found a strange happiness in telling them what his imagination created. He smiled every time they would widen their eyes or squeal and clapped their hands when the King finally kisses his Knight or when the young commoner asked his husband to make love to him.

At a moment, all the servant's smiles were replaced by a surprised facial expression. They stood up and bowed, their legs shaking with fear.

Jimin turned and found Yoongi staring at them. "Your Majesty, you're back." he bowed.

"Were you telling them a story?" the King approached.

"Yes." Jimin nodded. "An old one I wrote a few months ago."

"I see."

"Y-your Majesty, I swear we did all our work before we came here." a servant said nervously.

"Y-yes, we were just taking a break. We promise we will go back to work now." another fairy said.

"I hope you enjoyed the story." Yoongi said with a smile.

Everyone stared at him with wide eyes. They were expecting him to get angry and yell at them but he was smiling. It has been years since they saw a smile on his face, years since he last talked to them or organized small parties for them.

"W-we did! We certainly did!" they said at the same time. "Sir Jimin is very talented."

The King nodded and stared at the diamond-haired. "Let's go."

Jimin smiled to his new friends and followed the King outside.

"I hope you will tell me this story too someday." the black-haired said.

"Of course." the younger nodded. "But I don't know if you'll like it."

"I heard you talking about a King falling in love with a handsome Knight. I am sure I will like it." he said, staring at his beautiful hair moving with the gentle breeze and covering his face.

They walked for a long moment until they reached a large empty field.

Yoongi stood in the middle and whistled loudly. A few seconds later, Aguless appeared between the clouds. He looked like an angel falling from the sky, with his large white wings.

He landed on the field and bowed to its owner.

"Come here, Jimin."

The young boy nervously approached them, he was amazed by how big the Cloud Dragon was. "He's very beautiful." he mumbled.

"He is indeed." Yoongi smiled and caressed Aguless' skin. "Give me your hand."

Jimin shyly gave him his hand and watched him put her on the dragon's dry and scaly skin.

"Do not be afraid, just caress him."

The diamond-haired did as said and started caressing Aguless. The dragon seemed to be satisfied because he closed his eyes and relaxed to his touch. "Can't he talk like other creatures?" he asked, admiring his white-blue body with a light blue underbelly, giving him the appearance and texture of a cloud. He has sky-blue eyes, along with a strip of light blue on its forehead. He has two golden horns were on the back of his head and a pair of large feathery wings that curl up at the tip.

"He does not talk but he understands everything we say." the King answered.

"Oh I see." Jimin nodded, then his gaze landed on a collar around his neck. It had a beautiful Ruby on the middle. "It's very nice." he mumbled, gently touching the stone.

Yoongi didn't say anything and kept looking at it.

"It was a gift." he finally said after a long moment. "From Kythaela."

Jimin gulped and stared at him sadly. He didn't intend to remind him of her, or no, he doesn't even want him to remember her especially when he was with him. He likes it when the King smiles so, he wouldn't like to ruin it.

"A woman offered it to her as a symbol of their friendship." Yoongi continued. "She told me she had a strange hair that looked exactly like the Ruby, red and shiny. She always talked about her."

Jimin stared at the stone, rubbing his chin. "You never met that woman?" he asked.

"Never." he shook his head. "No one has ever seen her before."

Aguless nudged Jimin with his nose, surprising him.

"He is asking you to ride him." Yoongi explained. "Let me help you."

The dragon laid on the floor to make it easier for them to get on his back. The King lifted the young boy and helped him climb, then he sat right in front of him.

Jimin let out a scream when Aguless suddenly stood up and started walking.

"Hold on tight!" the King shouted when the dragon flapped his wings and flew over the field.

The young boy was too scared that he put his arms around the King's waist, making him widen his eyes. "Are you scared?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

"Y-yes, I am scared of heights." Jimin said.

"Hold on to me, do not worry, Aguless will never let you fall."

The diamond-haired just nodded. His eyes were closed, his hands and legs were shaking and his heart was beating very fast.

Yoongi turned his head and saw his state. "Jimin." he gently caressed his hair. "Open your eyes."

"I can't! I'm scared."

The King smiled. "Just open them and see."

When Jimin finally opened them, he has gasped when he saw the breathtaking scenery under him. The large coloured river was surrounded by trees that change colours too. It looked like a paint palette, a work of art. "Woah!" he exclaimed. The beauty of this view made him forget his fear of heights. They were flying between the clouds but he didn't seem to care, he was hipnotized.

"See? You were ready to miss this." Yoongi said.

"This is beautiful!" Jimin didn't feel himself tightening his arms around the King, making him more nervous than he already was.

Aguless flew down to the river, like he was asking them to touch the water. Jimin put his hand inside and got surprised to see it turning yellow. "Oh!" he exclaimed.

"You are happy." Yoongi told him.

"Yes." Jimin blushed. "Your turn, your Majesty."

The King nodded and put his hand in the water. They both widened their eyes when it shifted to purple.

Jimin raised an eyebrow. He tried to remember what he read on the book and he was sure he didn't see anything about the purple colour. He saw the King's cheeks turning ridiculously red and wondered what it meant.


Aguless was tireless. He kept flying over the large fields, letting Jimin explore this new world and see some places he has never been yet.

After a long hour, they got back to rhe castle. Jimin couldn't feel his legs anymore. He almost fell but the King was there to catch him. "It's normal in the first time. You'll get used to it after."

"I hope so." Jimin laughed awkwardly. He approached Aguless and gently caressed his head. "Thank you for the wonderful moment you gave us. It was really nice to meet you."

The dragon bowed to him, satisfied.

"Thank you, your Majesty." Jimin told the King. "But I should go now, Lord Taehyung must be waiting."

"Sure, I will call the guards. They will accompany you there."

"Say..." the young boy shyly smiled. "Can I come back again?"

Yoongi smiled and nodded. "Of course, but as the Duke said, don't come alone this time."

"Thank you!" the diamond-haired said with a large smile. "You should know that you are a good person, your Majesty."

At that moment, the King's eyes shifted to the same colour they saw earlier in the river. Purple.

He didn't say anything, he just headed to the castle, leaving Jimin as confused as he has ever been.

"Purple?" he asked himself. "What does purple mean?"

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