Timmy stared at the steaming cup of coffee in front of him in a daze. He was surrounded by chattering omegas and betas but couldn’t bring himself to join the conversations. A hand placed itself on top of his, “Are you ok Timmy? You seem out of it.” It was Jane. The president of the Omega and human rights Club. The members of the club peered at him curiously.
“I’m fine, I’m just tired!” he quickly answered. The group broke into chatter giving him tips on how to keep his life balanced. He listened earnestly. When every on quieted down he parted his lips to speak “Have any of you guys heard of an alpha called Kalvin Rogers? Tall, muscular, purple eyes and dark blonde hair.”
Most of the first and second years shook their head but the older students nodded. His question started another chatter around the group.
“Kalvin is so hot!”
“He’s so damned fine!”
“Really? I don’t think there’s anything special about him.”
“Why are girls and omegas so crazy over him?”
“That’s because he’s walking sex.”
“Not only that, he’s really kind and considerate.”
“Yeah! He treats omegas like his equal.”
“He’s super intelligent too and he’s good at art. We had an art course together first year.”
“I would spread my legs for him any day!”
“What? Leave me alone.”
“I heard he’s from a family which lives in Rose Gardens.”
“No way! He’s that rich?”
“I just lost all my hope of being with him.”
“No, he lives in Chapel Hill. In a mansion 15 minutes away from mine.”
“He’s still rich then. But I forgot you were a rich bitch.”
The group continued. Timmy listened attentively, gaining information on his possible enemy. All he was getting was that Kalvin was a lovable alpha which most omegas wanted as a mate. He was possibly filthy rich. He was kind and considerate. Timmy thought back to how Kalvin let go of him when he thought he hurt him and even apologized. His treacherous memory also recalled the fact that he whimpered, even though he promised himself that he would never remember that.
His cheeks turned warm. He felt like burying himself alive. “Are you interested in him Timmy?” Jane asked. “I bet you see him a lot, he’s enrolled in the military tactics program too.”
Timmy gave her a dismissive answer then took a long draw of his coffee. A beta scoffed “Timmy with an alpha? You’re right.” Timmy nodded in agreement with her answer. She was right, he would never go for an alpha.
The weekend rolled around quickly. Timmy had no classes, but he had a morning shift at the café he worked at. The store was on campus, so Timmy got visits from a lot of his friends and even professors he was friendly with. When his shift ended, he took a seat in the patio of the café and started catching up on all his assignments. Basking in the warmth of the outdoor heaters.
He was done four hours later. He packed up and ready to leave, but a body slipped into the seat in front of him. Timmy glanced up to see a smiling Kalvin Rogers and groaned internally. He leaned back in his chair, making sure he was at a safe distance away from the alpha.
Kalvin raised his hands. “I promise not to touch you,” he said, noticing Timmy’s defensive stance. Timmy gave him a hard look before nodding and seating comfortably. Kalvin wouldn’t try anything, they were in a very public space.
Kalvin stared at him uncomfortably, Timmy was about ready to stand and walk away when he finally spoke. “I’m really curious why you broke in and took nothing.”
Timmy sighed. “Can you please let it go?”
“Would you?” Kalvin raised an eyebrow. Timmy realized that he was right. If the roles were inversed, he would have already reported Kalvin to the authorities. He considered telling Kalvin the truth, then remembered Tony. If Tony got in any more trouble at school, there was no telling what his father would do to him. It was better for him to take the blame. “You didn’t take anything. I’m just really curious.”
Timmy didn’t want to drag Tony into this since the alpha didn’t suspect him. Kalvin was staring at him expectantly. Timmy knew if he got reported he would lose his scholarship. The things he did for friendship. He took in a deep breath. “I’m in love with you.”
Kalvin’s eyes widened, “Pardon?”
“I said I’m in love with you.” Timmy repeated. Timmy imagined that the pain he felt by saying those words was comparable to banging his head against the table twenty times. “I’ve been in love with you since I saw you when I toured the university in high school.” Timmy felt a blush creeping onto his skin. Even though there was no truth to his words, they were still embarrassing to say. “I thought I would feel closer to you if I broke into your dorm. I didn’t do anything creepy I swear.” Timmy was swarming with embarrassment. He was desperate to recant his words but knew he couldn’t.
Kalvin stared at him for a few seconds before bursting into fits of laughter.
Timmy felt offended. He knew he was not what alphas considered ‘attractive’, but was it necessary to laugh in his face? “Hey! I’m telling you my feelings here!” He felt like punching Kalvin.
“I didn’t expect that at all,” Kalvin said between laughs, “We both know I am missing something.”
Timmy felt mortified. He wished the ground would open and swallow him whole. Kalvin got over his laughter and looked at Timmy with a smile. “A friend gave that to me a long time ago. He’s a narcissistic piece of work sometimes but I hold him dear. And it’s more dangerous than it looks so, please give it back.”
Kalvin’s words replayed in Timmy’s mind, narcissistic piece of work. “You know Tony Maxwell?” he asked. Kalvin seemed surprised Timmy knew the name but nodded.
Tony knew the dorm number and that Kalvin was not supposed to be home. Not to mention he had a key card! Timmy connected the dots. Kalvin had not stolen the energy source from Tony. Tony had given it to him. His father confiscated his other inventions, so he needed that one back to power everything else he made. He tricked Timmy knowing that he would never willingly break into someone’s dorm.
“That fucking bastard!” Timmy cursed, he had assumed the key card was one of Tony’s inventions. Like a universal key card or something. “Fuck, give me my last few words back!”
“Your love confession was very touching!” Kalvin smirked. Timmy realized that Kalvin somehow had all the other students fooled. He was not kind and gentle. He was a fucking asshole. He could have cut to the chase and saved Timmy all the embarrassment but chose not to.
Timmy grabbed his bag and angrily stood up. “If you want that stupid thing back, go ask Tony for it!” With that, he indignantly stormed off. Cursing the very ground both Tony and Kalvin stood upon.