Timmy silently slipped through the window of an isolated corridor. He quickly slithered down the hallway, reading the numbers on the doors until he reached his destination. Room 1710. He glanced around the hallway before pulling out a key card and sliding it into the door. The door unlocked with a beep.
The air was heavy and stale, like the dorm room had not held fresh air in a long time. Timmy took that as a good sign. If the owner hadn't been around for that long, he wasn't going to return that night.
The dorm room was larger than most, in fact it looked like a studio apartment. Timmy cursed the comfort the rich students got to live in before activating his ear piece. "Tony, I'm in." he said into the receiver in his ear as his fingers pulled his mask off his face.
"Great!" Tony's voice cheered. "So, it should be on his nightstand. A little metallic box with bright golden lines on it."
Timmy found the mysterious item and stuffed it in his pocket. "I've got it."
"Hurry!" His friend, and partner in crime, Nat's voice said through the receiver. She sounded uncharacteristically whinny "The movie is gonna start soon!"
"I'm coming out," Timmy grumbled. He was looking forward to the movie but of course Tony had to spring the mission on them last minute. It wasn’t everyday that the university’s film club decided to show a movie at midnight.
Timmy made his way back to the door, making sure to avoid all the expensive looking furniture. Just as he reached for the door, it beeped.
With a curse, he pulled his mask back over the bottom half of his face. His eyes scanned the area for a place to hide, but the only option was the coat closet. Timmy wasted no time diving in it. He closed the door seconds before the front door was pushed open. Whoever it was would probably hang a jacket where he was hiding. He silently slid his body to the back of the closet, placing the dangling clothes in front of him and pulled his goggles over his eyes. Surely, the door opened. Timmy tensed, not daring to take a breath. He heard rustling in the closet before the door swung shut.
Timmy let out the breath he was holding. Of course the owner of the damned dorm, who hadn’t been around for months, decided to return the day he was robbing him. He instantly regretted telling Nat and Eugene to wait for him downstairs. It was stupid of him to sneak into the alpha dorms by himself.
He listened for the owner's footsteps, trying to figure out where he was in the room. Timmy pushed all the coats out of his face. A creaking sound sounded through the room and the footsteps ceased. The sound resembled the creaking of a bed, the bed was out of sight of the front door. He silently slipped out the closet and reached for the front door. Two footsteps echoed through the silent space. Timmy hesitantly turned to see the owner of the dorm looking at him with wide eyes. "Who the hell are you?” he asked. “What are you doing here?" He took a step forward.
Timmy flung the front door open and dashed out into the hallway. "Hey!" the man yelled, but Timmy paid him no mind. He contemplated climbing out of the window he came through, but he knew he wouldn’t have enough time to open it. As he expected, the angry voice followed him out.
Timmy ducked into the stair way, sliding down the railings for two floors and landing on his feet. He ignored the questions his friends were spitting in his ear. The guy followed him down the stairs, but he was slower. Timmy burst through the hallway and flew to the window. He hastily undid the latch and pulled it wide enough for him to slip out. The man burst through the stair way just as Timmy was climbing out of it. "Hey!" he yelled.
Timmy shut the window from outside knowing it locked automatically when closed. He flew down the fire escape, skipping several steps. He chanced a look up to see the guy fighting with the window. Timmy had always hated the crappy windows around the university until that moment. By the time the man was able to wrestle it open he had already landed on the ground.
"Go, go, go!" he yelled at his friends who were waiting for him. “I got caught!”
"Stop!" the man stuck his head out of the window. Timmy glanced back. He had short blonde hair and a very muscular frame. It was a good thing he hadn’t gotten caught.
"What an idiot, who would actually stop?" Eugene, Timmy’s brother and partner in crime, asked.
"Fucking hell Tony!" Timmy gasped for air, "You said no one would be home."
"He wasn't supposed to be. But we're good." Tony spoke calmly, Timmy could imagine him leaning back on his thousand-dollar sofa. "He didn't see your face, and I got back what's rightfully mine."
"Hurry!" Nat said. They slid into an alley and changed out of their all black attires into more casual clothes. Eugene burst into fits of giggles and the two found themselves following suite. They snuck around in the shadows until they reached the entrance of the beta dorms. It was bristling with life even though it was just past midnight thirty.
The film club members were hard at work, setting up the projectors and distributing free snack. “It’s not too late to tell your friends to come!” a member yelled as the trio walked by her. “Everyone is invited!”
Tony was already waiting for them at the back of the crowd of students, comfortably perched upon a leather recliner. "Hey guys!" He waved energetically. Timmy noticed three other leather chairs besides him. "I saved you seats. The movie just started!" None of them bothered to question the seats. They each plopped on one, slightly out of breath from their dash across the campus.
They sat in the back, but every one’s attention was drawn to them. They did stand out in a sea of people on blankets or foldable chairs. Just like tony liked.
Timmy silently handed Tony the object as Eugene pulled snacks out of his bag and distributed them. "What is it anyways?"
"You know how my father was able to use alien technology as a sustainable energy source. Well I created my own variation of it which, when perfected will be even more powerful than his. This is one of the prototypes I created which-” Tony started but Timmy shot him a look, stopping him from delving into scientific terms that would fly over his head. "It's essentially compact energy."
Timmy nodded. He wondered how the owner of the dorm was able to obtain the device in the first place, but characters appeared on the big screen. The sentence slipped out of his mind when a gorgeous woman strutted down a hallway in heels on the screen.
Timmy likes to think that if he asked, then he would have been able to avoid a series of troublesome and embarrassing moments.