Timothy woke up with a start. He felt drowsy and disoriented and his heart thudded against his chest. He had a bad dream, he just couldn’t remember what it was. “Wake up Timothy!” Nat called through the door to his small room.
“I’m up!” he yelled lazily. He stumbled to the bathroom and got ready. Nat had already left for her morning lecture when he stumbled out of the bathroom. Timmy peered at the kitchen. Eugene had textbooks sprawled out in front of him, studying for a quiz he had later that day. He greeted him with a smile then went back to studying.
The three lived in a three-bedroom apartment a five-minute walk away from the university. The place was tiny, but very convenient.
Timmy stepped out his small complex, shivering slightly from the cold breeze. He walked slowly but managed to slip into his lecture hall a few seconds before the lecture started. He noticed Dakarai sitting not too far from him. He contemplated joining him but decided against it when noticed Kalvin was seated close to him.
Kalvin wore a black shirt and blue jeans, but somehow managed to look like he was styled for a magazine shoot. He was radiant. All the people around him were leaning towards him, as if paying attention to his words and laughing pleasantly. Timmy sighed. How easy it was to be an alpha. No discrimination. No oppression. More opportunities available.
Kalvin wasn’t enrolled in that class though. If he continued drawing a big crowd like he was, then the teacher was going to notice him. Not that it was any of Timmy’s business.
The professor cleared her throat loudly and started her lecture on War History. A three-hour long lecture which made Timmy want to impale himself on the long tables. He would have readily chosen to walk down a hallway of Legos barefoot rather than to be subjected to that lecture for the rest of the academic year.
When the lecture was finished, Timmy all but run out of the lecture hall. He was starving and intellectually drained. Not to mention avoiding Kalvin. He dragged himself to his rendezvous spot with Nat and Eugene. As always, they were there before him.
After eating, they all made their way to the training center and checked in. There weren’t any lessons to attend that day, so they went to the shooting range to practice. Nat and Timmy grabbed paintball guns while Eugene grabbed his bow and arrow.
Each of them was excellent with their weapon, effortlessly hitting the targets in fatal spots. Eugene decided to be a show-off and shoot and arrow over one already lodged in the wooden target. It split the old arrow in half and buried into the red dot. “I’ve been practicing,” he gloated. The onlookers around him couldn’t help but be amazed by his skills.
“What’s the point of archery during battle. You’re being chased around, and you have to find your arrows,” Timmy mused. He shot at the target board, drawing a smiley face with the splatters of paint. “Also, why don’t you ever practice at the archery range?”
“Archery is an art,” Eugene countered. “Also, I would be lonely.”
“Art has no place in war,” Timmy said.
A group of the instructors stumbled upon the two in the middle of the conversation. “It is unfortunate that you do not see the necessity of archery. When you are stranded, you can create your own bow and arrow. Could you do that for your gun Mr. Mitchells?” One of the instructors spoke. It was Jarred the one who oversaw archery. He sounded so bitter Timmy was scared that he had inadvertently offended him.
“Timmy has a point though.” Belinda the instructor for guns spoke. She smiled at him, “Timmy is very promising. Even with this paint gun he shoots with such accuracy. And he excels at hand to hand combat and combat with knives. In a quick paced battle, he would have it easier than a person with a bow and arrow.” She gestured at Eugene.
“We archers strike from a distance, supporting our teammates in the most efficient way possible. Not to mention Eugene excels in hand to hand combat as well, he is very crafty and can turn anything into a weapon.”
“We have snipers.” Just like that the two got into an argument. Which was hilarious considering that they were married.
“Fine Jarred.” Belinda finally said, “Let’s have a bet. There is a boxing match happening right now McLoran vs Jackson.”
“I pick Jackson.” Jarred stated, “If he wins then your student must shoot 10 bull eyes.”
“I pick McLoran then. If he wins then your student must shoot the center of the head ten times.” She pointed at the shooting range. Just like that they sealed a deal with out consulting the students standing right in front of them. A crown collected, taking interest in the debate.
Of course with the crappy luck Timmy had been having, Jackson won the damned boxing match. Coach Jarred looked at his wife and Timmy with a smug expression, Eugene mirroring it perfectly. “Sorry Timmy!” Coach Belinda said but Timmy could see the laughter behind her words.
“Please bet on your own life next time!” He protested.
“Never! What’s the point of being an instructor if I don’t abuse my power? Well my shift just ended. You got this Timmy; you can do it!” with that she left with Jarred who yelled:
“I’ll check the security cameras tomorrow.”
The crowd around them was a mixture of laughter and sympathy for Timmy. Everyone knew how much he sucked at archery.
The clock struck six. Everyone headed to the changing room but Timmy who was bound to the archery range. Eugene, that bastard, had the audacity to blow him a kiss as he abandoned him. Nat patted his shoulders encouragingly but still laughed and ultimately left.
It took Timmy a whole extra hour to hit 10 damned bullseyes. Something Eugene could have done in less that a second. He was tempted to flip the security cameras off so Jarred had a pleasant surprise when he watched the video. But he remembered that he liked not being suspended.
He trudged into the locker room, his flesh hand numb and red. He was surprised to see Kalvin hunched over himself, tying his laces. Timmy felt awkward. He didn’t know if he should ignore Kalvin or talk to him. He chose the former.
An awkward silence floated around the room, so thick Timmy felt suffocated by it. He wanted to run. He had only been there for a damned minute and he wanted to run.
“Were you able to shoot 10 bullseyes?” Kalvin asked casually. Timmy was taken aback. If Kalvin knew about the bet when he wasn’t around when it happened, that meant his entire year knew.
“Yes,” he grumbled. “Archery is the sport of the devil.”
Kalvin laughed loudly, a pleasant sound which caressed Timmy’s ears. “Are you calling your brother a devil?”
“Yes, that’s all he is.” Timmy slung his bag over his shoulder. Suddenly he felt his body being turned and his arms were pinned over his head. His bag fell to the floor. “What the fuck!” he cursed angrily. He wasn’t completely surprised, sometimes alphas got like that with him.
He tried to break free, but his wrists couldn’t even budge in Kalvin’s vice like grip. Timmy stared up at the alpha in surprise. The man easily overpowered him, yet he had a metal arm! He met Kalvin’s purple eyes and glared at him defiantly. Alphas hated that, that simple action never failed to rile them up. Only, it didn’t have the desired effect on Kalvin. If anything, it seemed to amuse him.
“Are you going to tell me what you were doing in my dorm?” Kalvin asked. Timmy’s mind blanked, but he managed to keep a straight face.
“What are you talking about?” he asked.
“Playing dumb?” Kalvin shot him a look. One that told Timmy that he had been caught and no number of lies would waver Kalvin. Timmy felt panic steadily ease its way into his system. He tried to wriggle out of Kalvin’s grip to no avail.
He contemplated kicking him, but that might have just angered Kalvin. Angry alphas and a omega in the vicinity was never a good mix. Especially an alpha that could easily overpower him like this. If it was anyone else, he would have beat them to a pulp for touching him.
“Let go,” Timmy demanded.
“Something tells me you’ll run if I do,” Kalvin mused. And he was right. Absolutely right. Who the hell wouldn’t? Despite his words, Kalvin naively loosen his grip. Timmy grasped that chance.
He used a move his combat instructor recently taught him. He was able to break out of Kalvin’s grip for a second, but the alpha grabbed him again with ease. He held on to the omega even tighter and pushed his body against him to render him motionless. “Not going to speak?”
“Why are you accusing me of this?”
“You have such a sweet scent,” Kalvin said pleasantly. Timmy had made up his mind to kick him and try escape in the little opening that would leave him. Kalvin seemed to anticipate this and moved even closer to him. “You left it all over my room.”
Timmy tilted his face away from Kalvin. They were standing so close Timmy could feel Kalvin’s breath on his cheek. Pheromones rolled off the alpha’s body, assaulting his senses. From that short distance he took the brunt of it. Kalvin’s pheromones were weirdly gentle yet powerful at the same time. But one thing was clear, kalvin wasn’t angry.
Timmy relaxed his body into Kalvin’s hold, and stopped his futile attempts at escaping. He faced Kalvin once more, looking up at him with the intent of giving him a piece of his mind. Their eyes met and all the words he had planned dissipated from his mind.
Time seemed to slow down while he was staring into Kalvin’s eyes. Timmy felt his heartbeat slowly increasing, it felt strangely good to have an alpha pressing up against him. An alpha who could easily overpower him. With a shudder Timmy realized that he wanted Kalvin in ways he couldn’t explain. To touch his body, to ravish him. His skin heated up and he let out a laboured breath. Kalvin moved even closer. A low whimper escaped Timmy’s throat.
Kalvin quickly let go of him and took a step back, “Sorry, did I hurt you?”
Timmy clapped a hand over his mouth, immediately snapping out of his trance. He was shocked at himself, he whimpered. Freaking whimpered! What was wrong with him? Before Kalvin could capture him once more, he dashed out of the locker room.