Feb 14
Manik reached office and saw decorations he was amazed that their college did so beautifully decorated
Aswin: good morning sir today there is nothing to do and we have party to do today night
Manik just hummed and went to his cabin
Nandini also reached there and seeing nandini aswin was so happy he thought that he will propose her
But who knows what will happen
Nandini: so beautiful
Aswin: yes beautiful
Nandini is left to her cabin
After 6 hours
Nandini got a parcel
Nandini: who sent me this parcel did manik sir sent me
There was a knock on the door
And the person she saw was shocked
Person: hey baby girl what is up
Nandini: why are u here
Person: because today is valentines day
Nandini: so what she started shivering
Person: come on baby doll we love each other right
Nandini: who said that we love each other
Person: come on I know u love me
Person gets angry and leaves saying I will not leave u and will get u
Nandini started crying
After sometime she washed her face and then left for the party
Manik was shocked
Nandini was taking breathtaking
She brought this for herself as she knew that there would be party
She brought this for herself as she knew that there would be party
Manik went near nandini
Manik: u look breathtaking
Nandini: thank you sir
Manik: don't call me sir call me manik
Nandini was shocked
Manik: can I have u tonight
Nandini got confused
Nandini: sir what did u say
Manik: can I have u for the party
Nandini blushed
Manik then took her hands and started to walk and made her meet with his business people and also introduced her as his future wife to them
After sometime
Manik took the Mike from the DJ people and started talking
Manik: hi guys how are u doing are u enjoying the party well I hope so I want to say something important to u that I am getting married
Everyone started to hoot
Manik: well I want to introduce you my future wife she is non other then nandini Sharma
Everyone is shocked
Manik: I know u guys would be shocked but it is truth we are getting married coming Sunday
Everyone was happy but two peons are not happy they want to break their relationship
Manik called nandini to the stage and introduced her as his future wife
And the party finished at 10
And everyone left
But 2 people are planning something
After everyone left the 2 person meet together and planned something big and thought to kidnap nandini