Nandini pov: why does this things happen to me only why is God always making me suffer why that person always torture me what am I going to do if I get married to manik and if he gets to know he will create problems between us what am i going to do
And she starts crying
There was a knock on the door
She wipes her tears and goes and opens the door and it was manik
Manik: Tomorrow is ur birthday right
Nandini: yes sir
Manik: what is ur plan tomorrow
Nandini: I am going to orphanage tomorrow till 5
Manik: after 5 are u free
Nandini: yes
Manik: can I take u for dinner
Nandini is shocked
Manik: dont get shocked I just thought if u dont like no need
Nandini: yea I can come for dinner
Manik was happy
Nandini: thank you sir for taking me for dinner
Manik smiles and saying I will pick u up at 7
Nandini says ok
After he left she went home and had a small nap
After she woke up and ate dinner and slept
Next morning
She get a call from unknown no
She picks up the call
Unknown: hey baby happy birthday have a great birthday
Nandini starts to shiver
Nandini: th.. thank... thankyou
Unknown: why are u shivering baby come on u r aways mine
Nandini starts to cry
Nandini: please leave me
Unknown: u cant marry manik If u marry then I will create problems in between u to and he will never forgive u
Nandini: why are u doing this what I done to u
Unknown: i want u i want to marry you
Nandini: why are torturing me
Unknown: I am not torturing u I am telling u baby
Nandini: why
Unknown: because I love u
Nandini: but I dnt love u
Unknown: I know u dont love me
Nandini: ok fine I am going
She hangs up the call
She gets another calling it is from manik
Manik: happy birthday nandin have a nice birthday enjoy ur birthday with lots of happiness
Nandini: tq sir
Manik smiles
Manik: today we are going to dinner be ready for dinner
Nandini: ok sir
They hang up the call and nandini goes and gets ready to go to orphanage
At orphanage she enjoys with the children's and everyone wishes her a happy life and then she calls then for her marrige and they said they will come
At 5 she goes home and she gets ready for dinner with manik and then she waits
After 1 hr
Manik comes and takes to his fav restaurant
Manik: can I know ur likes and dislikes
Nandini says her likes and dislikes
Nandini think something and says
Manik: nandini what are u thinking
Nandini: sir I want to ask u something
Manik: yes sure nandu
Nandini: sir if anyone says bad about me what would u do will u trust them
Manik: why are u asking this nandu
Nandini: can u answer please
Manik: I would not trust them I would give u a chance to tell the reason
Nandu: ok sir can I ask u 1 more question
Manik: yes
Nandu: what would u do if anyone creates problems between us what would u do
Manik: can I know why are u asking this
Nandu: there is a reason I am asking
Manik: can I know the reason
Nandu: can u answer my question
Manik: I would not let that person make us different I would not trust them at all I would trust u from my bottom of heart
Nandu: thank you sir for trusting me
Manik: u did not tell the reason
Nandu: sir I have been getting treat calls saying that he will make u lose that trust and make us separate and marry me
Manik: dont worry nandu I will always be there for u
Nandu: sir we are marrying
Manik: so eager to marry me huh!!???
Nandu: sir I was just asking
Manik: fine fine I was teasing.... be ready by 10 the muhurta is at 10:30
Nandu smiles and they had their dinner and left home
How was the chapter