Nandu: off course manik I would give this relationship a chance I would give chance for real
Manik was very happy
Manik: thank you so much nandu I wanted to make this a real marriage for what we have to consume our marriage
Nandu was blushing hard
Manik: aww my baby is blushing huh
Nandu: shut manik
Manik: do u need time I would not like to force u
Nandu: no need manik we have taken lots of time
Manik: do it ready
Nandu: yes hubby
Manik: then why wait let's do it
They had a love making whole night
On the other side
Abhi: mahara u r my darling dont worry I would marry Laita and treat hr like a slave and ur my real wife
Mahara: thank you dont love her
Abhi: u trust me I would never cheat u
Mahara: thankyou I trust u alot
This convo was heard by a girl she litterly broke down
Next morning
Lalita goes to nandu
Nandu: hey lalita what happened why u look dull
Lailta: can u find m another guy I dont want to marry abhi
Nandu: why what happened
Lalita: I dont like him
Nandu: u both look together
Lalita to herself: how can I tell u sister that he is cheating on me and wanted to treat me like a slave after marriage
Nandu: laili what happened where did u get lost
Nandu: ok dont worry we wont force u for anything
Lalita: thank you sister love u so much
Nandu: I love u to baby u r happiness is my happiness
(The girl ho heard abhi convo is lalita she came to meet abhi but she heard abhi convo she left from there)
Nandu ti herself: something is wrong before she like abhi then why suddenly she is coming and saying I dont want ro marry abhi something is wrong
Manik saw her lost
Manik: what happened nandu any problem are u feeling pain somewhere
Nandu: no no I am not lalita came and said she does not want to marry abhi so that is why I am going something is fishy manik please find out
Manik: dont take tension I would find out about abhi
Nandu: thankyou manik I cant keep my sisi in danger
Mani: dont worry
Nandu hugged manik
Then manik left to work
This is the end of chapter