Next morning when they woke
Nandu felt so relaxed because she slept in his arms
The evil people came back they are non other then aliya and soha
Everyone was asking how is nandu feeling
Nandu: I am feeling good
Doctor came and checked
Nandu: can I get discharged
Doctor: sure u can discharged
Nandu: thank you
After sometime
Nandu got discharged
Manik was taking nandu home
Cabir navya harsad nyo were coming on other car
After sometime they reached
Aliya and soha went somewhere to destroy manan
(But it wont happen)
Manan reached home
Nandu was weak she could not walk so manik picked her in his arm
Nandu: why did u bring to your home I want to go to my home
Manik: u stay with me
Nandu: fine I will stay with u as I trust u
Manik: thank you
Nandu POV
Omggg i m going to stay with manik
I am going to propose him I really love him he is such cute person I wish I could marry him
(But she forgot that she is married)
POV end
Manik: where are u lost
Nandu: nothing
He took her to their room and when she saw the room she feel like she know this room but could not remember and she fainted
Manik: nanduuuuuuuuu
Hearing his shouts everyone rushed and saw her fainting
They called doctor and then he came and checked
Docotr: I think she is remembering something that is why she fainted no problem nothing to worry
Everyone gets happy as she remembering
Then after sometime she comes and calls
And manik rushed to her and hugged her
Manik: nothing to worry I m here
Nandu: I need to tell u something
Manik: u take rest we will talk later
Nandu: no no manik I need to tell u know
Manik: ok what is it
Nandu: someone wants to kill me
Manik is shocked
Nandu: actually the accident was happened purposely only
Manik: how can u be sure
Nandu: I know because when u were driving I saw a truck following and he was coming close to us but ur speeding and then the truck also got speeded and when u saw me the truck overtake us and put sudden break and when I scream it was to late and u turned to right as it is hill he did it purposely and went away now tell how are u did anything happened to u nothing happened to na
Manik was literally in shock listening to her
Nandu: manik what happened why are u not talking
Manik: nothing u sleep I will come
Nandu: please dont leave me I am scared that keeps in my mind I am scared
Manik: slept with her the when she is in deep sleep he made adjustments and went out
Everyone asked how is she feeling.
Manik: she got her memory
Everyone was happy
Manik: where is aliya and soha
Harsad: they said they have some work so they did not come
Manik got doubt
Harsad: what happened buddy
Manik explained what nandu said everyone is shocked
Manik: so I have doubt that either aliya or soha must have done this
Then everyone started doubting
Then manik calls someone and asked something and got cleared that they did it
Harsad: what happened
Manik: aliya is involved in it
Harsad was shocked
Manik: I am sorry harsad she is involved in the accident so we must arrest her
Harsad did not say anything
He left from there
Harsad knows what happened between nandu and aliya so he does not want to say to anyone as nandu got discharged know
Harsad recalled everything and started crying
Soha comes there and asks what happened
Soha: what happened harsad why are u crying
Harsad: why is aliya wanted to kill nandu what has happened it happened we cant change that she is the one who is involved in nandus accident why is she like this she has to change
Soha: I know I dont know why she is like this
Soha consoled harsad and they left from there
This was witness by a person
Person: what has happened why is harsad crying I need to know what has happened between nandu and aliya
This is the end of chapter