Other's pov:
Finally they agreed to their request half heartedly.
They wanted to meet sagar once before they decide as they have not met him.
They told that he is in bangalore and he will be coming on tuesday directly to the engagement ceremony.
Kumar wasn't satisfied he wanted to meet sagar in petson and check whether he is suitable to his daughter. He cannot let his precious daughter to marry to someone without knowing him better. He also wanted to talk to pandith to cross check regarding dates of engagement and marraige.
Finally kumar and karan both planned to visit sagar in bangalore. Suresh informed to sagar about their arrival and they had planned to meet at restaurant near his office.
In bangalore, Kishore got shock of his life. He never thought his best friend was already for marraige. Sagar called kishore in the morning and had told him to meet at their hangout place early. When swati called him in the evening to inform the news, He couldn't hold back anymore. He barged to sagar office uninformed. Sagar was quite surprised with his visit but he neverthless he was glad now he could tell his interest in marraige to him.
"So, are you sure about your decision?"kishore couldn't stop himself by questioning. Sagar groaned in frustration.
why everyone is asking the same question repeatedly?
"Kishore, i know what i am getting into. It's just a marraige why are you guys making big deal out of it."sagar made annoying face.
"Just answer to this question. Will you be able to keep her happy if not satisfied?" kishore countered him.
"Of course, I will give her all the luxury in the world. Why wouldn't she be happy?"Sagar told in 'duh' tone.
"It's not about luxury and money, as far as i heard from aunty she is lovely person who is blessed with love and care. Could you atleast give her your time " Kishore hissed at him not at all satisfied with his way of thinking.
Not all the girls are after money. It's not his fault as he is always surrounded by opportunist. He cannot help but think people are same as everyone.
"You know how busy i am and still you are asking me which is not in my
hands" sagar could not understand his friend, what he is implying. For once he thought he is doing crime by agreeing to marry.
"Sagar just tell me one thing, Why her?"
Kishore wanted to know why he is so desperated to marry , especially her. When girls were throwing themself on him he wasn't interested. They were rich, upto his status, his taste, why anvitha. He want to know the reason behind his sudden interest in marraige.
"Spill. I know you better than anyone."Kishore threw him warning glare at his side.
With defeated sigh.
"She didn't acknowledge me"sagar said as his eyebrows frowned and his ego seeping inside him.
"What??!!!"kishore was flabbergasted. He couldn't believe his friend. For once he thought he really attracted to her innocence which is rare like a diamond.
"you , what? Unbelievable. Have you gone nuts. I am going to stop this marraige. You cannot marry someone just because your of your ego man. Grow up you moron."kishore threw his hand in air in annoyance.
" YOU.ARE. DOING.NO.SUCH.THING."Sagar pressed each word.
He cannot understand what is kishore problem. Not every marraige sail with love. He had come to this conclusion that one has to marry to shut the society. He was ranging like bull when kishore told that he is stopping the marraige. He coludn't understand why he is getting angry but still he coludn't let go...let go anvitha. He was completely gobsmacked by her beauty but he is not going to confess it. At first sight he wanted her and he be make sure she is his.
"Hell yes, i am stopping this marriage. Stop me if you can."He pushed his chair and got up to leave. Kishore thought he couldn't let poor soul entangled in this meaningless marraige and he couldn't let his friend do mistake.
Sagar visibly panicked. He marched towards him and blocked him from going. Sagar knew he had no other option other than telling him what he felt for her.
He took a deep breath"i am attracted to her. I really like her simplicity. She is simple beauty indeed"sagar had dreamy smile. His smile turned to frown when he remembered her ignorance.
"You know kishore, i have never had interest in girls. They fall for me but i never gave any heed to them. When my eyes captured a beauty i couldn't take off and expected her to look at me at least once but she ignored me."he took deep breath to control his inner turmoil.
"I wanted her to acknowledge me that's is all but when she didn't after trying multiple times i felt bubbling up anger with in me. I felt unwanted, unattended, not important person to her, i never felt like that in my life. When mom talked about marraige, i thought she would look at me knowing i might be her future husband she never did that. That killed me. Someone beside her other than me didn't sit well with me. Her ignorance added fuel to my burning ego. So i did what i felt right. I thought i could show her who I'm, how powerful, successful, efficient, rich and capable i am by marring her. So i agreed to marry her."sagar expressed his feelings as he never hide anything from kishore. Kishore was quite taken back by his talk. He never thought that a simple girl would swipe his friend off his feet. Nevertheless he is happy. He could see how desperated sagar is for her. He wanted to prove himself to her that he is best, Impress her. Why would someone want to do that if another person doesn't hold any place in his life?. He is happy that he found a pure soul instead of fake bimbo in his interest. He knows they would fall in love after marraige once they get to know each other as both are gems apart that egostic bastard doesn't come out of sagar.
Little did he know that egoistic bastard is the sole reason for their misunderstanding.