Other's pov:
Anvitha was embrassed would be understandment.
Anvitha shot the guest a embrassing smile and invited them to get inside and get seated.
"Namaste aunty, uncle, Please be seated. How are you?"she greeted them politely but inside she is hell embrassed that they had to witness their stupid fight. Karan snikered at her. Anvitha shot him a 'behave' look and told them she would inform her mother their arrival and left from there.
God!!! that was embrassing. But why are they here? Fudge!!! i am going to get married. I have never thought of it. Am i ready to leave my parents and karan go to another house?
Do i have option?
Am i ready to take responsibility?
Yeah i guess but what would be my responsibility apart from cooking and taking care of his need as in his daily needs.
She pouted thinking. Her retrieve broke by a knock on the door.
Who the gentleman is knocking last time i checked my brother is no way near to gentleman.
Am i guessing ,right?
Don't tell me i am having my first encounter with my soon to be husband like this...wearing a freaking baggy shirt and track pant.
That's so embrassing!!!!
Wait, are you ready to meet him?
But i saw aunty i met yesterday and an uncle no sign of another person of my age.
"Anvi, Open the door. What are you doing? What taking you too long?"anvitha heard her maa from other side. She released a breath of relief. She made a bee line and open her room door.
"Amma, Who are they? Why are they here? " anvitha questioned naina hastily.
"They are here to meet you. Wear something pretty and come down soon."naina stroked her cheek lovingly.
Naina couldn't belive swati would come to talk about the alliance the very next day. She was glad but at the same time worried. She was worried that how she would tell to anvitha. She had discussed this alliance with kumar, he was not happy with it. They were not rich as them and they don't want to marry anvitha so soon. He was quite unsettled how they would treat his princess once she get married as anvitha was brought up normally not like them sophisticatedly. He wanted some time to think as its life time commitment. He doesn't want to rush and told naina the same.
Naina went to attend the guest leaving anvitha to get dressed. Karan was quite shocked when he got to know the purpose of their sudden visit. He was happy at the same time sick worried. Soon anvitha made her presence wearing a cotton kurti and pencil cut pant. It was simple but on her it looked vibrant.
Anvitha eyes scanned the room in search of faces of known people. Her eyes found overly-enthusiastic-grinning karan. She narrowed her eyes at him because she knows the reason behind that stupid smile. She went and sat next to him passing a polite smile to couples stiiting across.
"Don't be too happy, i am not going anywhere as of now."she whispered gritting her teeth but covered up with fake smile.
"Let see what happens."he was grining the same, Anvitha scowled.
Soon her mother entered with snacks, tea and told anvitha to serve. She did as told and sat next to karan. She was feeling uneasy under their gaze. They were not glaring but she could literally see stars in their eyes.
"So anvitha, What do you think about marraige?" suresh asked anvitha siping his tea. Anvitha took a deep breath and was lost in her own world. After a long killing silence she answered gaining everyone attention.
"MARRAIGE IS HOLY BOND WHERE TWO SOUL INTERVIEWED TOGETHER PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY AND EMOTIONALLY. MARRAIGE GIVES US OTHER RELATIONS TO CHERISH."anvitha completed her answer with small smile and soft gaze. Everyone was awestruck at her reply.
"I really like your daughter.would like to welcome my daughter to my house, if you permit."suresh was highly impressed with her reply. Suresh saw innocence and purity in her as soon as he entered. He liked her at that instance and was happy to marry to his son. He wanted to check her cannot help being bussinessman he doesn't believe what he see. From the answer he got he was sure she would fill all the void in his son's life. Sagar was brought up alone. He never shared his feelings, emotions to other. He always gained for attention. He doesn't know the value of relationship other than his parents. Suresh and swati was always worried about his son after their dismiss. They wanted someone to be with his son till his last breath for what he is, not for his money or fame. They wanted his son to know the value of relationship and experience it.
Suresh was extremely overjoyed to find a pure soul for his son. He mentally noted to thank his wife for pressuring him to meet anvitha as she doesn't want to delay. They had called sagar in the morning to confirm his decision.
"Dad, once i decide something i known it outcome and responsibilities. You know i don't make decision without knowing it. I am ok with this marraige, go ahead" sagar was busy with office work while they called. He stopped hearing their purpose of call. His heart beat increased rapidly as the thought of anvitha crossed his mind.
"Ok son we thought of not making it delay and we are going. Are you going to join us" suresh asked his plan. Sagar badly wanted to see her. All the night he couldn't sleep thinking about her and what did he lack for her to not acknowledge him. He desperately want to see her and encounter himself but he wanted her to be as desperated as him to meet him. So declined politely telling that he is busy and he will be coming to mysore in 2 days and told them to fix engagement on that day as he will get busy with new collection in next 15 days and told his father to fix the marraige as soon as possible.
Suresh was gobsmacked. Here they haven't got approve by anvitha parents he want to fix the marraige. Anyways he told him he will try to talk to them.
Sagar knew his parents would do as he told so he got busy with work to keep anvitha out of his mind. As hard as he tried anvitha innocent face, sweet smile, shining eye wouldn't leave his mind.
Anvitha was rooted to her spot. It was too much to her. She had never thought of marraige. She wanted to spend some quality time with her family. Heck she even declined the offer of ACCENTURE company to join their office. Now she may get into new relationship which she lack experience in it. She was nervous all well as worried. Looking at her state her mother guessed what she might be thinking so urged her to go inside.
Soon kumar arrived house and he put his thoughts in front of them. They promised to take care of anvitha as their own daughter.
Kumar entered anvitha room to ask her acceptance.
"Anvi, what do you think about this alliance? I won't pressurise you but when you ask me i think they are good people. Final decision is yours." he said. Anvitha sat there contemplating what to do.
Soon or later i had to get married. Papa knows best so he woun't take any decision without thinking. So why not try?
"Ok papa, as you wish. I am ok if you guys are ok with this alliance." anvitha told taking a deep breath.
Kumar was delighted, he kissed her forehead lovingly and left to share the good news to others. Anvitha sat there thinking. Thinking about her future life. Her thinking cane to stop as karan entered her room obviously without knocking.
"So, you ok with this?" karan was very careful with his words.
"I don't know. let's give it a try. Papa said they are good people."she said fidgeting with her dupatta her eyes never meeting his.
"Anvi, Don't worry. If you don't want to get married tell me i will handle."he said holding her from stopping her action. He felt her hand cold and covered with sweat.
"That's ok anna. let give a try." she said. Karan knew what she is feeling.
She us confused, scared, nervous, shocked. So he moved towards her hugged her to his chest.
"You know na i will always be there for you. You got to share with me." he said holding her tight. she nodded her head . She could feel her dam getting broke. She cried hugging him tightly and let the silent tear wet his shirt.
"Single scratch he is dead meat.I promise that"his brother told possessively. Anvitha giggled hearing at him.
"He would be 6 feet under as that thought strike him. You know me na anna.He should be worried how to handle me not you anna."she told him pulling away. Even in her miserable state she knows how to lighten mood of others.
On the other hand kumar and naina was shocked with their demand.
As sagar,wanted suresh and swati put their request infront of them to get engagement in next two days and marraige in 15 days. They have already met pandith for dates and they came with auspicious date for marraige.
Kumar and Naina never in dream thought her daughter would leabe them soo soon and top of that their request was scaring them. It is too early and they wouldn't be able to organise in that short period of time. That didn't worry them their precious daughter leaving them too early was killing them.
Finally they agreed to their request half heartedly.