Other's pov:
Swati noticed some changes in her son as soon as he entered the venue. Swati found him looking at a girl which is quite surprise and shocking.
His eye held desperation, desperation for someone's acknowledge. His eyes showed many things other than that. She could tell by instincts he liked anvitha. Swati had been pressuring him to get married and settled but he had no interest in any girl and topic related to marraige. So when he is showing interest in someone she has to grab the opportunity and tie him up. Swati had an eye on anvitha from the starting of ishu and nishanth wedding preparation and rituals. She really liked her. She thought anvitha suit her son sagar. She liked her bubbly, caring nature where as her son is boring and always into himself which he call himself as cool. When swati found his interest in anvitha, she took matter in her hand.
Swati talked to naina and kumar about her interest to marry their daughter to her son. Initially they were worried and not okay with the alliance. Later after compulsion they agreed to this alliance but anvitha parents told the final decision would be anvitha's. Swati was elated hearing it. She noted mentally to talk with sagar and his father as they reach home. Swati wanted to greet anvitha and talk to her as she couldn't talk to her all these days. It's not like she couldn't but didn't want to scare the poor soul by directly talking about marriage with her, she really adored her.
All the guest started to their respective house. Anvitha was ready to drop but she managed to clung to her brother to avoid futher embarassment. Her dopey eyes searched for her maa in the wedding hall. When she couldn't find she sighed and closed her eye completely to slip into deep slumber.
It can only be accomplished in dreams...
"Anvi...Anvi....wake up. I can't carry you as i have exams tomorrow. You weigh like pig." here comes karan irritating voice.
"PIG!!!!"anvitha shrieked in her sleepy voice.
"You did hear only pig out of my lengthy sentence. I called you many more like buffalo, elephant, fox that too cunning fox, lizard, cockroach and non stop irritating housefly." karan laughed holding his stomach looking at her red face.She was about to bust but interupted by her mom.
"Anvi, come dear. You have to meet someone. " naina gentally took anvitha to swati.
Naina dragged anvitha to where swati sat with sagar and kishore. Anvitha for some odd reason felt nervous. It's not like she haven't talked to people. She felt this encounter different.
She was bitting her lips out of nervous all the way.
Sagar was busy sending mails to his pa, Kishore was doing the same. Sagar heart beated fastly against his rib cage and his eyes raised from mobile to front found anvitha standing few feets away from him.
"Namaste aunty, How are you?" anvitha greeted with her sweet voice when her heart was beating crazily. She was aware of other people across her dared not to look at that side. She was confident girl but her confidence decided to ditch her when it is nedded.
Sagar liked her angelic voice. He took deep breath to keep himself sane. He had his eyes on her and didn't mind even when his mother, kishore and anvitha mother noticed him staring at her. He was shamelessly gawking at her.
"I am fine Anvitha, How are you?" swati took anvitha hand in her lovingly. Involuntarily anvitha smiled at her gesture and relaxed . Sagar lips curved into smile.
She look even more beautiful when she smile... he thought.
"What is your profession? What did you pursue?" swati was cautious about her words. She didn't want to scare anvitha by directly talking about marraige.
"I did my BE in ECE, aunty. I am have not yet planned to work staying at home.. just chilling..."anvitha talked freely as she liked swati and her kind gesture. Swati laughed at her comment. She looked over her shoulder found her son gawking at anvitha. She mentally patted her shoulder for guessing correct that her son indeed attracted to anvitha. She was happy...very happy. If it goes as planned she would be the happiest person amongst.
Sagar was completely enjoying their banter until his go kicked in. It's been 5 minutes she didn't even stole a single glance at him, Here he was gawking at her like love stick puppy. He grunted loudly. This gained her attention. She looked from her corner of eyes and found a faint handsome man sitting with his mobile in his hand. She wanted to look at him completely but she felt shy.
It's not appropriate to check hamdsome hunk when surrounded with people...
She mentally chided herself. Her cheek turned to shade of red. She looked other side to hide it from everyone.
"It's already late, we should get going. We will talk the rest over phone call regarding the bio data and details"naina said looking at swati swati returned with the nod understanding what she is talking about.
Anvitha who had pleasant smile at her face shrunk as soon as she heard her maa. She was confused, when it completely understood what they are talking about she stood rooted. Her eye widen and her breath got stuck. She didn't dare to look at the side where the handsome hunk sat graceful.
"Come,Let's go anvitha" her maa whispered" greet her bye".
Anvitha mustered up confidence which had gone when she found she was about to get first encounter with her 'might be husband' whispered a ' bye aunty' and left hurriedly to her father. She needed a hug to cool down her crazy beating heart.
On the other hand, Sagar was visibly shocked by the new found information he masked with straight face. He was confident anvitha would look at him after all they are talking about marriage,any girl would be curious to know to whom she is going to get married. His lip curved to smirk soon it turned to angry when she fled off the place completely ignoring him.
He clenched his jaws, balled his fist eye shot fire towards her.
He decided something unpredictable.
He took huge step.
Just to gain her attention.
Both kishore and swati was shocked would be understandment. They couldn't understand what is running in his head. He never showed interest in girl ,now all of sudden he wants to get married. They were confused of his decision. Confused would be simple word.
Here sagar was seething with anger. He was utterly disappointed. He had mixed feeling. Anger, sadness, disappointment and what not.
He was equally confused at his behaviour but he wanted her,That's is ultimatum. . The moment his eyes landed on her he was highly attracted towards her. He had never felt such attraction towards anyone.
Her ignorance created havoc in him. He had never loosed his cool and never felt so on edge. His heart and mind decided to marry her and tie her to him till her last breath.
He is aware of his decision and he never bothered about her opinion . He will make sure to tie her to him through this sham called marraige. He was very confident enough like usual.