Cara fiddles with the pen on her hand. She is now in her apartment making a lesson plan for the next day. She teaches English in Shine Academy and the place she lives in is very convenient as it is very near to the school.
It has been her job as soon as she graduated and she had always dreamed of being a teacher. Ever since she was a student, Cara enjoyed imparting her knowledge to others and she wholeheartedly helped her other schoolmates in their studies. Cara never dropped from the honor roll as a student and became attached to the school, the students and teachers that she decided to spend the rest of her life in school and now, she is enjoying every bit of everyday as she teaches her lovely students.
When Cara had finished the lesson plan, she plopped herself on bed thinking about what the fortune teller said earlier this morning when she and her mom went. The thought of opening her heart again fully to a man has never crossed her mind. If not for Lillian’s insistence to find out if she’ll meet someone new, Cara might’ve never entered into a relationship again.
For more than a decade now, she didn't have a boyfriend. Even if she starts to like someone and the guy courts her, she holds her feelings back and rejects them.
Cara had been like this because of two men that were once a big part of her life. Her father, Brian Finley and her ex-boyfriend, Terence Wang.
It's not that she's dwelling in the past, but the impact from those two in her life was big and those left her scars that Cara didn’t know if they would ever heal. She just can't shake it off even after all these years.
If the fortune teller said was true, If a knight in shining armor will come and rescue a damsel in distress, will Cara let her feelings out this time? Or will she suppress it again?