"Thank you and please come again!" Cara waved at the three when they left.
Dash was the last to exit, he took that opportunity to look directly at Cara "Thank you too. We will definitely come back." He said and then closed the door.
Cara thought, did Dash just winked at her?
She held her chest like something was about to jump out of it. What is wrong with her today? She stuttered and was nervous the whole time they were here. Cara noticed that Dash kept stealing glances at her. But Cara thought that it was really nice seeing him again.
"Cara! What was that? That tall handsome guy was obviously flirting with you!" Wendy giddily said, poking her finger on Cara’s side in an attempt to tickle her.
"And I heard you said his name. Is he an old friend?" Mel added.
Cara looked at them both "Wendy, Mel," She began, holding their gazes. "He was the guy I met at the park and the one who I encountered again near River."
Wendy and Mel looked at each other, then to Cara, and back to each other.
"Aaaaah!" the two girls squealed, causing some of the customers to look at their direction.
Cara waved apologetically towards them "I'm sorry." She then turned to her friends "Don't be too loud! You might drive the customers away." She shushed them and they just chuckled quietly.
"But Cara, isn't this what they call destiny? You saw him three times already!" Mel exclaimed. "The fact that you didn't have each other's contact number makes it more amazing."
"What are you talking about? It's just a coincidence, that's all." She shrugged, brushing off Mel’s words.
"You should've gotten his number."
"Why would she? Dash is the guy so he should make the first move." Wendy opposed Mel as she walked to the table, where Dash and his companions were, to clean it.
"Ah, I don’t know!" Cara sighed and sat down "Maybe I'll just wait for the day we'll see each other again."
Wendy walked back to them, holding a table napkin "Girls, the problem is solved!" She put the napkin down the counter table.
Mel and Cara looked at her, puzzled, and they saw a cute handwriting on the tissue.
To: Caroline Bliss Finley
Coffee with me? :)
Dash couldn't sleep.
He was pacing back and forth in his condo and kept checking his phone for calls or messages.
It's now 11:40 p.m. and Cara hasn't messaged him yet.
Hayden suggested that he write a message with his number on the table napkin. His reason is that it'll be less awkward if she rejects him through text than in person. If Cara didn't text or call him, then the answer is ‘no’.
Now, he’s anxious thinking about what if she doesn't message or call him. He looked at his handphone again "Oh, I don’t know!" Dash threw it on his bed, he was about to go out of his room when his ringtone echoed in the room.
Dash reached for his phone, his eyes widened when he saw that it was from an unregistered number. Dash swallowed hard, feeling like his heart would jump out of his chest.
"Hello?" His ringtone stopped as he answered the call. He was waiting for the other person on the line to speak.
"Dash! It’s me, Peniel. I lost my phone so I got a new one. This is my new number, you better save it."
Dash's heart sank "Oh, Peniel! Yeah, I’ll do that."
"Hey, don't forget my photo exhibit on Christmas Day, okay?"
"Of course! All of the guys will be there. You need to treat us after though." he jokingly said. He almost forgot Peniel's first photo exhibit.
At least there’s something he'll look forward to.
They said goodbye to each other before ending the call. Dash released a sigh as he went to bed and decided to sleep, feeling slightly disappointed.
He was getting drowsy when his phone vibrated
Buzz Buzz Buzz
He saw the notification, again from an unregistered number.
He smiled as he read the message. Maybe Peniel's photo exhibit won't be the only thing he'll look forward to after all.
“Not really a fan of coffee but anything would be fine, how about Friday? :)”