Dash continuously played with the retractable pen in his hand. He is reading the contract of transfer that his father gave him. It states there that Dion Ashton Bray will temporarily be the CEO of Bray Real Estate Co. until his parents come back, all it needs is just his signature and that's it. The company was built by his father, Aiden Bray, and his mother, Tina Bolton which they have intended to give to their son in the future.
His mind is in a push and pull situation, still undecided. He leaned back to his swivel chair and looked up. He has so many things running through his mind and the thoughts ended with a picture of a girl with a reddish nose eating ice cream. Dash suddenly thought about her. Is Cara okay now? Does she also think about him? When will he see her again?
Dash hadn't realized he was smiling, staring at the ceiling "Wow. One second you look so problematic and then the next you're smiling like a fool."
Dash jolted at the voice that greeted and sat straight then he looked at the door. There were his colleagues who are also Chace’s best buddies since college.
"Hey- Mason! You scared me." Dash said to the shorter handsome guy with an annoyed expression.
"What were you thinking about anyway? We thought you were going crazy when you suddenly smiled. The door was open and you didn't even see us here." The cute guy said while laughing, his eyes are disappearing into thin lines.
"It’s nothing, Hayden. I just remembered something." He cleared his throat before continuing "What brings you here?"
"It's break time, Dash. Let's go grab something to eat." Mason said, folding his arms and still leaning against the door frame.
Dash agreed without thinking twice. He snatched his maroon coat draped on the chair and went out of the school with his two colleagues.
Mason Cortez is a Physical Education teacher and also the school Sports Head Coordinator while Hayden Robinson is a music teacher and he owns a music shop right across the school they all work at.
They're both college friends of Chace and Dash eventually became friends with them since they see each other everyday at school and also eat together during breaks.
The three crossed the street, now looking for a place to eat. "So, have you signed the papers yet?" Hayden asked.
Dash shook his head "Not yet. I just can't leave the school you know, it's like half of my life has always been there. I love what I'm doing and helping the kids is what I've always wanted to do. It'll be different once I manage the company."
"Oh, really? Just admit that you'll miss us!" Mason playfully bumped his shoulder to Dash.
"I won’t!" He replied doing the same thing to Mason. Hayden joined in the fun too.
"Don't worry Dash, we'll visit you there along with the guys. We'll cheer you up, Mr. CEO. Isn’t that right, Mason?" Hayden wrapped his right arm around Dash's shoulder and the other on Mason’s broad one.
"That’s right!" The three grown men laughed and teased one another like kids.
"Where are we going anyway? Eight-two?" Hayden asked them. Eight-two is the café they usually go to.
"Nah, we're always there. How about we find something new?" Mason suggested and they walked a few more blocks when something caught Dash's attention.
"Joy Café" Dash read the sign of the shop. He thought of the name he called Cara that day.
"That looks like a nice place." One commented as they stood in front of Joy Café.
"Let’s go!" Mason said, leading the way.
They entered the place and were struck with pure amazement. It was really nice and had happy vibes written all over it. They saw the mini playpen, some people are reading books while drinking coffee and others are playing board games.
"Welco-" someone said as he turned his head to see who greeted and was surprised. Dash’s smile instantly reached his ears.
"Hi, Cara! I didn't expect to see you so soon." He walked towards her and she was with two ladies. One blonde and had a wide smile, he assumes she is working behind the counter because of the uniform and apron. The other one has short hazelnut brown hair. They are all pretty, Dash thought. But to him, Cara was the prettiest.
Cara stared at him for a good while until she came back to her senses "O-oh Dash! W-welcome! What will you three have?" Cara stuttered as she handed them the menu. She was palpitating and her voice made her nervousness show.
"Uhm, I'll have an espresso macchiato single and blueberry cheesecake please." Dash said then looked at her.
"Okay, how about you guys?" She turned to Mason and Hayden.
"I'll have a caffé latté tall and one slice of chocolate cake please.” Mason said.
"For me a Cappuccino grande, a banana muffin, a slice of red velvet cheesecake and a yogurt & granola parfait" Hayden giggled and all of them looked at him. "What are you all looking at? I'm hungry."
They all laughed and Cara motioned them to a near empty table "I'll be back with your orders in a while." she smiled and left.
As soon as she left, Mason leaned closer to Dash "Woah there boy, where did you meet that fine lady? I thought you said you aren't meeting girls anymore?"
"Yeah and the last time I checked, you were still not over your childhood friend." Hayden teased.
"We just met by accident. I really stopped on meeting girls or going on dates or whatever you call them, a long time ago."
"Really? Well I can tell there is something by the way you look at each other."
Dash shrugged "It’s nothing, I saw her only the third time now since we met at the park and all I knew was her name and now, I also know that she works here."
"Well why don't you get to know her better? It wouldn't hurt to ask her out you know."
"That's right!" Hayden agreed with Mason on that matter. Dash should just go for it.
"Uh- what if she doesn't like me? What if she says 'no'? What if she already has a boyfriend? Or worse. what if she's married!" Dash has this worried look on his face.
Mason tapped his back, "That's why you must get to know her better to know the answers to your questions, silly. You're already 30 but you act like a high schooler about to ask a girl to be his prom date."
Dash suddenly felt nervous. It was a long time since he asked someone out, not to mention a girl he really likes. He just does flings to make him get over Lauren. But this time, it's different.
Wait, does he like her already? They barely had a real conversation. All he knows is his warm feeling when he sees her and the feeling of longing when he doesn't.
Hayden rested his chin on his hand, he was thinking of something then his small eyes widened. "I've got an idea! Do you have a pen with you?"