Cara tossed and turned wearing her pajamas in bed. She checked the time.
11:40 p.m.
She thought of what her mother had said to her and after several minutes, she decided to take and unfold the tissue next to the night lamp and began typing on her phone
“Not really a fan of coffee but anything would be fine, how about Friday? :)”
She pressed send and waited for a while. Thinking that he might already be asleep, Cara put her phone under her pillow and then closed her eyes.
After a few seconds, she heard her message tone.
“You have a café but you don't like coffee? Friday sounds good :D”
Cara blushed as she typed her reply and they started exchanging messages.
From Cara:
Not every café owner likes coffee you know and I like tea more, compared to coffee.
From Dash:
Really? I only know a few who prefer tea over coffee and one is my grandmother. You have quite a taste of an oldie. Or are you really old and your face age is like half of your real age?
Cara laughed as she read Dash’s message.
From Cara:
Hey! I'm only 29, I'm not that old.
From Dash:
Oh, you’re younger. I’m 30.
From Cara:
One year isn’t really much of a difference, right? Haha.
From Dash:
I agree though. Oh, it's already past midnight. Aren't you going to sleep?
From Cara:
I’m about to. How about you?
From Dash:
I was about to sleep but your message interrupted it.
Just kidding! Lol
I was actually waiting for you to text me.
Cara's heart beat wildly at his last message and she repeatedly read it, thinking of what to reply.
From Cara:
Now you know my answer. Uhm, I think I better sleep now. I’ve got a busy day tomorrow. You should sleep too.
From Dash:
Okay, Cara. See you on Friday. Good night! Sleep well~
From Cara:
Good night and see you!