She opened the door, came faced with her husband, brother in law, Mohit.
"Hi..bhabhi" Mohit said while coming inside
She smiled in return and closed the door after them
"Hi aunty...." Mohit shouted happily at Santhoshi and hugged her
"Hi Mohit, how are you" her smile widened for a second by seeing him and died in next second seeing her both sons
Aaradhya wants to embrace her husband in her arms and to enquire him but she can't. She is silently standing near couch while all are sitting there.
"Both of them are stressed out, doctor suggested to keep them out of stress that's it" Mohit said to Santhoshi clearing all her doubts
"Now go and take rest ma, we both are okay" Nikhil and Rehanth said at same time.
"Aaradhya take care of them" she said sadly and went away not able to argue with them.
In mean while she bought breakfast for all of them as they went out empty stomach.
After eating breakfast, Mohit said them the reason for Rehanth condition.
"Rehanth you too go and rest." Mohit said while sending him warning not to overthink about anything that leads to stress
He nodded his head....
"Bhabhi and Nikhil come let's go and talk in your room" Mohit said while getting up to go.
In sense of habit they went to their old room..
Mohit locked the door and sat on chair near study table but never failed to notice the changes in the room.
"Nikhil is suffering from thalassemia" He said while bending his head down not able to see their reaction.
Nikhil knew something is wrong with himself as Mohit kept silent whole way not answer his questions
But never expected he too will suffer the same disease as his father.
His father Jayaram kept it to himself refused to go for the treatment on doctor advise.
They all ( Nikhil family) came to know about tht after his father death.
He smiled sadly remembering everything. Now he is in a state which lead him to this situation.
"What is that!" Aaradhya voice broke his past memories
"Blood disorder reduces the production of hemoglobin" Nikhil said while his eyes faced floor
"Bhabhi it's your duty to maintain his diet and he needs frequent blood transfusion that is for weeks and doctor prescribed some medicine"
Mohit explaining everything to Aaradhya while Nikhil is thinking about the future of his siblings and mother after his death.
He knew it costs alot..
"It's minor so blood transfusion can be sufficient, if it major bone marrow transplant is necessary." He said carefully not to dismay them.
"Doctor said to visit the hospital after 2 days." Mohit remainded him
For a while he told them about them diet and precautions to be taken
In the whole time, Nikhil brain is filled with worry and question
How will they live without me!?
Aaradhya too worried about him, but Mohit words strengthen her.
"It is no harm as long as he is treated"
However she has some doubts regarding his job and amount but she scratched it.
By bidding his friend he came and sat on couch..
Aaradhya sat beside him and called him.
He just hummed. "Are you ok?" She questioned him
"I don't know, honestly I'm scared. If something happens to me, what about ma, Riha and Rehanth!" His voice filled with concern and fear.
He himself surprised about his words but he don't have another option,she can look after his family after him.
"Nikhil trust god, everything will be fine" she said while fighting back her tears, even in this dreadful situation he concerns about his family that too she is excluded.
He shook his head negatively "it costs alot Aaru, we can't afford regular treatment. One day or the other I'll leave all of you" his eyes filled with tears.
She can tolerate anything but his tears, she can't see him like this. That's when she decided "she has to do something"
He went away to cry his heart out....
He reached their old room... crying for his fate
She stilled for a moment and ran after him, only to find miserable guy weeping.
She has known him for more than 3 year's but she never saw him like this.
Not when his father left them alone
Not when their family faced worst blows from creditors.
Yes, she has been following him after she saw him at her work place.
She convenieced her dad to help him anyway, that how he got job at my dad's friend company.
After a year or so her father caught her while drooling over his photo, he talked with her MIL to get married that's how we got married.
She immediately hugged him from behind not caring about consequences.
He needs someone to lean on and she decided to be the one
Nikhil turned around and hugged her back by burying his face in her neck.
"I want to live Aaru, like a normal person without any burden's" he cried
You will and it's my promise she thought to herself.
She patted his back and consoled him.
"Can you promise me a thing!" He asked her
She nodded her head " look after my family after me" he asked for the first time.
Again his family she thought..."I will take care of our family with you and it's my promise" she said
He smiled widely and kissed her cheek.
Her world stopped a while, she stirred with happiness.
Two souls searching for their destination without proper way to travel.
His soul impulses for his family to live a happy life without him
Her soul desires his happiness along with his family.
After two days
Two days passed by blur, both Aaradhya and Nikhil kept it secret from Santhoshi,Riha and Rehanth.
But this situation bought them together not like a couple but like a friend.
After that day she always took care of his diet and health condition, she always calls him during office hours just to make sure he has eaten food.
He seems so easy going with her presence too, Rehanth moved to his mom room to give his brother and sis in law some time and space.
Now it's their time to go to hospital, he seemed so tensed about the whole thing.
She just assured him with eyes "shall we go"
He nodded while he is going to get his Bike, she stopped him
"Wait, we will go in auto" she said and dragged him
After reaching hospital, she paid for the auto.
They asked the receptionist for Dr. Himansh Raghav the hematologist.
Both of them waited for their turn.
She is relaxed but inside she isn't, she has to be strong for him
"Mr Nikhil Jayaram" nurse announced while we both made our way inside.
"Hello" young doctor around our age greeted us.
"Hello doctor"Nikhil greeted him
"So you're Nikhil, Deeraj to me about's thalassemia minor right?!" He enquired to confirm
Nikhil nodded
"So..I will come to the point,he needs blood transfusion for every 5 weeks and 2 days rest is must after transfusion." Doctor said while studying his report
"Doctor, how much it costs for transfusion" Nikhil asked
"It's around 15000 including your 2 days hospital charges"
Nikhil gasped and thought that's it his monthly expense is increased by 15000.
"And if you want to go for bone marrow transplant it cost around 25 lakhs " he told to them
Aaradhya studied Nikhil expression and told doctor that they will go for blood transfusion.
"Ok... Then next week we will go for blood transfusion" doctor said
"Ok doctor" Aaradhya said
"And one more point, don't plan to have kids without doctor advise. Give him more vitamin c fruits. That's it"
With that they made out of hospital.
"Nikhil can eat out today" Aaradhya asked him.
But he didn't reply her...he sat like a statue.
"Nikhil" she shook him
"Huh" he asked confusingly
"What happened to you" she complained
"Ntng, it's just amount...."
She cut him off "Nikhil just leave it to me, trust me we all will be like this even after your treatment"
Nikhil nodded not because he love her but because he didn't have a choice other than her.
She is on cloud nine that he is relying on her but little did she don't know that he agreed because he don't have a choice.