“ she’s gone, sir, “ Marian stated meekly, clearly confused as to why one would run from an interview.
“ Who was she ?”
“ I don’t know, sir; I saw her questioning Michael later, she just fled down the stairs,” Marian stated.
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see jet-black hair running toward the bus stop. Her attempt to remain calm and collected proved futile as she seemed to be escaping from something. I smiled. Interesting, so she was the first intern.
Anger seeped through me at the fact that I couldn’t get to speak to her. Suddenly not in the mood to talk I paced back and forth. Marian cowered in fear, obviously waiting for my outburst.
“That’s fine, interview canceled tell the rest to come tomorrow “
“ But sir “
“ I SAID let them come tomorrow, if they won’t, they can apply at a different place !!!” I stormed out, Marian on my heels ready to deliver my message.
They had already heard it. I wouldn’t have hired any of them anyway; they obviously thought there was a strip club, fake boobs jobs, and eyeliners everywhere, and the males were dressed like they were ready for combat.
“ None of you should step here again; this is the corporate world, not mortal combat and strip club openings,” I stated whilst walking out, casting warning glares at the ladies eyeing me..
At least I would have hired her.
“ Why are you back so early?” Justin asks confused at my early return.
“ I don’t feel like speaking anymore”
I spoke to the driver, who was also waiting for my answer as to why I had returned early.
Justin, knowing it’s best to shut up, turned to his phone texting, ready for our mission tonight.
“ how many men have we got here “
“ 16, four will take care of the surroundings and four will take care of the inside, the rest including you and I are to find Lacroy “
I nodded. Aside from being nosy, choosing him to be my right-hand man was actually the best decision. His ways of managing events were top-notch.
Besides we needed to get this missing over and done with.
“ Are we sure he’ll be there today?” I asked.
“ Of course, Lacroy is always available, aside from being the boss, he finds pleasure in watching his girls dance “
“ Alright, let’s go to the warehouse then, I need to speak to the men “
“ yes boss”
“ by the way, you didn’t by any chance see any lady with jet black hair running outside the building when you guys were in here ?” I asked. (Hoping to know where at least she passed “
“ no sir, why?”
“ you know your nosiness would get your mouth chopped off,f,” I replied.
Idiots who can’t look around.
I don’t know why I was getting worked up so much.
The men were ready when we got to the warehouse.
“ listen up, if you got loud shoes on get rid of it, we’re going in quietly… Justin and I would enter first and give a signal for the rest of you to join. We would be acting like regular customers of the club. Do I make myself clear?”
“ Yes, Don,” they chorused.
“ Alright, we leave in an hour “
Excusing myself, I went to my rage room, smashing items. My mind was on one jet black-haired lady.
“ I hope you all know your places?”
Justin asked the men, who nodded in return; sending them to their positions, he alerted me to get ready. Hiding the gun in between my pockets, we walked inside the Lacroy club.
“Welcome, Don,” the bouncer acknowledged. Handing a generous tip to him, I knew I’d bought his silence forever, I was rarely out in the city of Preston unless matters required my appearance, so he knew today was a big deal.
The mission was to be seated as regular customers but to make sure Lacroy didn’t see us.
“ Let’s take the dark booth, he’d probably think we’re private customers and ignore us “
We sat down, waving off the waitress, who continued to bat long eyelashes at us, and we began to scan for our victim.
He soon appeared from the door and took the seat closest to the stage, obviously to stare at his dancers.
“ ladies and gentlemen, our special dancer is on the way; give it up and make some noise for Gorgeous,” a woman, dressed similarly to the waitress from earlier, announced from backstage and received a loud chorus from the audience.
Whoever this Gorgeous was, was quite famous.
The stage turned dark as a song I hadn’t even heard before came on. Gorgeous twirled around her given pole with elegance, revealing her beautifully toned legs.
Forgetting our mission, Justin and I, enticed by her dance, found ourselves concentrating on her movements.
Finally, her movements were becoming faster as she twirled around the dark-lit pole, her torso revealing.
Finally working her way around the pole, her face showed, and beneath the mask covering her eyes, I saw who it was.
She was Gorgeous?? No, no, no.
I turned to Justin who seemed mesmerized by her dance.
“ Close your eyes before I pluck them out and shove them down your throat” his confused expression jolted him back to oblivion.
The men had their eyes on her, and you could see some salivating. She wasn’t food, she wasn’t theirs.
She is mine.
I tapped the controller,
“lock all doors from the outside, change of plans, Justin and I will take care of the inside, shoot anyone coming out “
“ Boss,? These are innocent people “ Justin asked.
“ Innocent huh”
Nobody salivating on her was innocent. They all needed to die..
“ but….”
Ignoring Justin, I filled my gun and clicked.
Targeting the man closest to the stage who had his hands struggling to touch her thighs, I shot right through his head.
Silence at first…
Then a sudden uproar of fear. Closing my eyes and unleashing my pent-up frustration on all, I shot each and every one of them in the span of three minutes. Waitress and waiters included.. I knew the mess I was creating for her and I didn’t care.
Justin stood in awe after his successful attempt to kill just one pervert. I could blow his brains out for watching too. But I decided against it.
Lacroy, hiding beneath the chairs, was the last man standing; he was obviously salivating over her, too. That made twice his crime.
“ you won’t dare kill me, Dante, Jude will come after you “
Jude? That lame dude.
“ My greetings to Hazel, tell him I avenged him “
“ We can sort things out, Dante”
“ I told you, Preston belongs to me, all Mafia lords are under me and you chose to overuse your abilities, by killing my trusted people “
“ Dante let’s…”
Putting the last bullet into his head, the club turned silent. Justin looked around at all the dead bodies.
“ Boss, you forgot about her,” Justin pointed to the person on the stage, lying face downwards, waiting to be murdered.
Noticing she’s been remembered, she got up in a haste to run away.
Not this time Raven.
Raising the gun, I pointed it in her direction. She adjusted her stance, ready to welcome her death.