“ Time’s up gorgeous, you’re up “ Mr Lacroy called from behind the door.
“ Just a moment, boss.” I applied my eyeliner and lipstick. Adjusting my skimpy dress, I picked out the heels from the old Collection of my co-dancer, Marinette, and tied it tight around my legs.
I worked with Mr Lacroy once a week on a private dance night, which means I was the only worker allowed to come dance for the big men.
I walked out to meet Mr. Lacroy.
“ Today is going to be a good day, investors are in town, I invited them over because you’re the best “
Smiling in return, he handed me my eye mask and left to go sit down.
I’d been working with him for the past year now, and though we’ve had our own arguments because of his pervert behaviors, we’ve worked out just fine.
It was the only thing helping me look after Dad and Annie since he was out of work now and sick.
Walking down the hall to the stage, I passed the music room, changing the song to my all-time favorite. Since I was the only one around today, I tapped on the automated voice to announce my appearance and got ready to roll. I chose dark lights as well, my golden entrance.
Climbing up the stage, I decided to work my way around the pole.
Shutting my eyes, I let free will allow me to maneuver around the pole, revealing my legs first, followed by my torso.
Two men at the dark booth, looking unconcerned at first, began to turn their attention towards me and I decided to give them a hell of a show.
Gorgeous was always the show.
The bigger one, although I couldn’t see his face, reminded me of Dante King.
What would he be doing here anyway?
I let the music change my movements and finally revealed my face in the eye mask.
The sudden uproar of approval and horny men made me sick and pleased at the same time..
One of the men had come close to the stage, striving to touch my legs.
I frowned.
Then froze in shock.
The man beneath me has blood oozing from his head. I was quite used to this, being it Preston.
But the person with the gun drew fear in me so much that I was rooted to my spot.
Dante shot multiple times, hitting each target in the head, causing a mess all over the club.
I stumbled, falling on the stage. The sudden noise it made caused me to crouch lower in fear, ready for my end.
Then a conversation, between Dante and Lacroy. I’d always known Lacroy was into the Mafia, but I didn’t know he had somewhat provoked Dante. The main lord.
I heard a gun click somewhere and realized that was the end of my boss.
“ Boss you forgot about her” I heard his member say
Run Adel, run
Not this time. I got up to see his gun pointing towards me.
He was going to kill me. Of course, I’d offended the one and only Lord and king of Preston.
I braced myself to meet my end.
The shot was swift and suddenly slow ….
Too slow to get to me. I opened my eyes, he didn’t shoot me.
He shot a man who was behind me, also with a gun.
Suddenly crazed by the days event, darkness enveloped me.
The last thing I saw was Dante rushing over to me.
He’d probably strangle me, I thought.
“ she’s awake sir !” A voice screeched in happiness as my eyes opened to find a boy holding my hand.
“I can see that, now get your hands off her” he let go of my hands and quickly backed away from me.
Dante edged closer to me and sat beside the bed. The dimly lit room highlighted his side view as he observed something on his phone. His eyelashes a little too long for a male.
At least he didn’t kill me, It was best to shut up. But I really did need something.
“ Water..” I managed to squeak out.
“ get her some water, Carlos, “ he ordered, without looking at me..
Carlos brought the water and decided to help me sit so I could drink.
“ I think she can sit up by herself Carlos, leave !”
Carlos handed the water over to me and quickly disappeared through the door. I managed to sit upright and drank the water.
Finally satisfied and feeling Suicidal, I began my death journey.
“ Why did you save me, I mean you killed everyone”
“I didn’t need you dead “ he replied.
“ so, can I go home now “
“ always so eager to leave my presence.” This time, he turned his attention to me with a smirk.
“ erm…, my dad would really be worried, if you don’t want me dead, then please take me to him”
“ oh I will”
“ you will?”
“ of course”
His monotone replies made me realize he wanted something.
“ I’m….”
The door opened and two men entered. The tallest bore a striking resemblance to Dante but had a more pleasant expression.
“ Have you guys heard of Knocking” Dante shot right at them.
They both stared in shock at mE, ignoring Dante.
“ is that not…..”
“Isn’t it time to return to Spain???” Dante intercepted.
The two knowing not to pry, quickly left, leaving me alone with Dante.
“ Can you take me home please “
“ of course, let’s go,” I shot up, deciding to ignore the fact that my dress had been changed. I didn’t even wanna know.
“on one condition”
“ of course, I would do anything to spare my life after yesterday; I could clean, wash, be your…”
“ BE MY WIFE “ he stated, changing my words from “being his maid to ‘wife’
I gazed at him, lost in his words.