A lady dressed in all black hid behind a door like she was waiting patiently for someone to arrive.
Immediately a man walked through the door she knocked him out and dragged his body to a corner, she took what seem like a card from his pocket.
She brought out her gun from her waist belt and walked through the door.
She walked slowly as the gun in her hand was pointed forward.
Two men walked towards her and she shot the first one but the other already got to her so she skillfully knocked him out like a trained fighter and walked walked past the body.
She open the door of a room with the key card she collected from the man she knocked out and was met with an office, an old man was sitting on the office chair.
He looked up to her and a sad smile formed on his lips.
"Ricardo isn't patient with me, he sent you to kill me" the man chuckled and the lady shot him on his chest and he stopped moving while his eyes closed.
She shot him five more times before leaving the office and dailing a number
"Done" she said over the phone as she walked out.
Sebastian wore his bullet proof vest and wore his suit on it, he has a thing for suits, he had a blank expression on.
He was currently in a hotel, a hotel owned by the falcone.
He knew Beatriz would have hired killers and assassins to kill him but as long as he is in this hotel they won't dare touch him. After all it's falcone's ground.
He plan on killing Jose tonight cause his mother's burial is tomorrow, she won't rest in peace until that piece of trash dies.
He walked out of the room and walked towards the door.
He could see some killers waiting outside for him.
'Beatriz acted fast' he thought
Immediately he stepped his foot out of the hotel, a bullet was shot straight at him but as the skilled man he was, he dodged it.
He's eyes met with the sniper on top of another building and the sniper flinch, it's a girl.
Another killer tried to stab him with a knife but he held the dagger as it cut through his palm pushing the girl away with the dagger, he pulled out his gun and shot her on her forehead head.
The sniper aimed to shoot again but Sebastian shot first, even though she was high up and far away his shots never miss.
He walked towards his motorcycle and hop on it driving to Beatriz place.
"He is on his way ma'am" a man beside Beatriz spoke and she closed her eyes leaning on the couch.
"I know, just make sure Jose is safe, if he survives today, take him to England immediately" Beatriz said to man and he bowed slightly.
The front door of the mansion burst open and Sebastian entered, he was still holding a guard by the neck.
He shot the guard in front of Beatriz as she watched him.
He had killed a lot more to get into the main mansion.
"That's fast Mr Alejandro" Beatriz said and Sebastian walked slowly towards her, pointing a gun at her.
The man beside Beatriz also pulled out a gun pointing it at Sebastian.
"Dame a tù hijo (Give me your son)" Sebastian said coldly.
"I'm sorry for your lost Sebastian, I can't bring back your mother, but killing my son won't bring her back either" Beatriz said softly.
Sebastian has an expressionless face as he shot her arm, Beatriz whined and the man next to her shot Sebastian too but he dodged it and shot the man between his eyes.
Beatriz looked at the man's dead body and then at Sebastian, she was still sitting.
"If you don't tell me where he is, I would kill you and then find him, and when I do, I will kill him too" Sebastian said coldly making sure she hears everything single thing he said.
"El està en Colima (he is in colima)" Beatriz said weakly.
Sebastian shot her other arm and turned to walk out.
"Saben que vienes(they know you're coming)" Beatriz said and Sebastian stopped on his tracks.
"I know, but it won't matter" he said to her and walked out the door.
The place was heavily guarded and they were cameras everywhere.
They had been informed that Sebastian was on his way so they have to be careful.
Clara was with Jose in a small room as he paced about in that room.
"Why am I being locked up here, no man can kill all this guards around" Jose yelled.
"Stay calm, we are not even sure if all these guards can protect you enough" Clara said and Jose glared.
"What the hell? That's impossible" he said again.
"Exactly, Sebastian does the impossible" a lady said entering the room.
It was the lady in Chile.
She just got to Mexico and came here immediately, she wouldn't have taken this job cause she never wants to cross paths with Sebastian, not as an enemy at least but the pay was too big to ignore.
"And who the fück are you?" Jose yelled at her.
"Yolanda, Yolanda Manuel am here to protect you" Yolanda smirked and winked at him.
She turned to clara and ordered for her to follow her outside and they left Jose who gritted his teeth in anger.
Sebastian bike came to a halt and he came down.
He walked into the safe house, it felt like he was walking into a trap but he doesn't mind at all.
He walked a few steps and suddenly, red dots appeared on his body.
"If you move, we shoot" a man shouted.
Immediately the man spoke Sebastian walked forward, the snipers were ready to shoot but bombs around the warehouse exploded.
Most of the guards were caught in the explosion and died
Sebastian walked into the main building and walked up the stairs, he killed every single guard he came across instantly.
He sustained an injury cause he was stabbed on his stomach by a guard.
He walked into the one room he knows Jose was inside and opened it to meet Yolanda standing in front of the boy, Clara was beside her.
He's stomach pain was killing him but he showed no expression, he's body was covered in blood of all the guards he killed while coming up the stairs.
Jose flinched at the site of this cold man, his presence was thick and Jose couldn't breathe for a moment.
"You haven't changed, I see" Yolanda smirked but Sebastian ignored her, his eyes on the boy.
"Move away and I would spare you both" Sebastian said calmly.
Yolanda moved away while dragging Clara with her and Jose eyes widened.
Sebastian shot Jose immediately between his eyes and he dropped dead.
Clara was shocked, she looked at Yolanda who was still smirking while looking at Sebastian.
Wasn't this bitîch hired to protect Jose but she aided Sebastian into killing him.
Sebastian turned around and left the room.
"Are you unhappy that I betrayed your lady?" Yolanda asked Clara but Clara remained silent as she stared at Jose's body.
"Don't blame me though, your lady didn't hire me but person who did, said not to get in Sebastian's way" Yolanda said again as she also walked out leaving Clara there.
Sebastian got on his motorcycle and started driving, he was in serious pain but he needs to get to his mother's body now, he hasn't seen her since he came to Mexico and he wants to see her right now.
He was driving but blood was still coming out of the stab and he was loosing a lot a blood really fast.
He started getting dizzy and fell on conscious, the motorcycle lost control and crashed, Sebastian fell on the ground with the motorcycle, sustaining injuries.
Sebastian groaned as his eyes opened slightly and he shut it back.
The smell of anesthetics hit his nose and his eyes flew open as he looked around.
He was in the hospital?
"You're awake!" A nurse exclaimed as she walked towards him.
"I would go get the doctor" she said and left, Sebastian was weak, he felt the drip on his hand as he glanced towards it.
A female doctor entered the ward and was surprised to see him.
It was Maria.
Maria has a hospital in Mexico too, so since she was here on vacation, she decided to visit the hospital but one of the doctors on duty wasn't around so she filled in for him.
Maria was a dedicated person to her work, she genuinely loves what she does.
But she didn't expect to see the handsome, arrogant man at the wedding here.
"How are you feeling sir?" She asked professional as she walked up to him.
Sebastian wasn't seeing her clearly as his eyes were blurry.
"Get me out, I have to leave" he spoke and Maria flinched when she heard the cold voice.
"You can hardly see well, you need rest for a few days" she quarreled but he ignored her and tried to get up from the bed, he removed the drip from his hand.
"Hey you are not fully healed yet" Maria urged as she stood in front of him
"Move lady" Sebastian said coldly.
Maria Moved out of the way but as Sebastian walked in front of her she injected him with the injection on her hand.
Sebastian felt dizzy and fell unconscious.
Maria held him as he fell on her, leading him to the ground.
Damn, he was heavy.
"Nurse!!" She yelled.
"You betrayed me Sofia" Beatriz said through the phone and Sofia chuckled.
"Your son had no hope of surviving" Sofia smirked.
Beatriz folded her fist as she tried to keep her voice steady, she trusted this bitçhy friend of hers and now her son is dead.
"He would have survived, you suggested that safe house cause you planted bombs there, you helped me pay for Yolanda so you could tell her what to do, you killed my son Sofia, the sniper would have killed Sebastian if not for the bomb, yolanda would have stalled Sebastian while clara escaped with him" Beatriz yelled.
"I only made he's death sooner, Sebastian would have killed him either way, you're so foolish to think we are friends after what you did and every damn time you always use the 'you owe me' crap to trap me, i didn't kill you cause I want you to feel the pain of loosing a child beatriz" sofia yelled back.
Beatriz hung up and screamed loudly.
"Ye matarè, Sebastian Alejandro (I will kill you Sebastian Alejandro)" Beatriz squeezed the phone in her hand tightly as her eyes darkened.