The thought of sharing a room with him sent a tingle through my body. We were going to be staying very close together for the weekend. We had been alone quite a few times, like we were on the plane, but never overnight and in the same suite. I had to make sure I held up some professionalism during this time. I was just glad to know we had separate rooms and bathrooms.
She handed Nathan the key and we headed for the suite. When we got in there, I was blown away. I had never seen such an amazing hotel room in my life. It was like an apartment.
"Wow," I said taking in everything.
"It's nice, huh?"
"Nice? This is amazing. Unlike anything, I've ever seen before. It's nicer than my 1 bedroom apartment." I was sure it was at least 3 times the size as well.
"Seriously?" He asked with a laugh.
"Yes, not all of us are billionaires." I joked.
He smiled, very full of himself. But I supposed he had a right to be. He had worked hard to get where he was at. Nothing had been handed to him, and that was definitely something to admire. I think he was allowed to have a big ego.
"I'm going to go get ready for the conference," I said. "Which room do you want?"
We were standing in the living room area and to my left was one room, to my right was the dining room, a wet bar and I assumed the second bedroom was toward the back.
He looked at me. "Lady's choice."
I chose the bedroom to the left and headed for it, with my bag and purse. The room itself was huge, the bedding looked absolutely inviting. The bathroom was just as amazing, if not more. The sunk-in bathtub alone was half the size of my bathroom back home. I began to remove my clothes and started the water. It quickly heated up and I couldn't wait to step in.
I climbed in for a quick soak and washed my hair and body in the tub. This was the most luxurious thing I had ever experienced in my life. I finished washing, and despite not wanting to, let the water drain from the tub. I got out and began to dry my body off with the world's softest towel. I was definitely going to need a pay raise after experiencing this true luxury this weekend.
I threw my hair in the towel, twisted it up on my head and went back into the bedroom. I still couldn't believe there were a bedroom and bathroom just like this on the other side of the suite.
I pulled a pair of black lacey panties with a matching bra out of my bag and put them on. Followed by thigh highs that I was wearing under my dress for that evening. I took my hair out of the towel and ran my fingers through the mess of wetness. Just as I was about to head to the bathroom, I heard Nathan.
"Hey Skylar, do you have those notes..."