Before I could get back into the bathroom, he was in my room. He stopped his sentence, mid-sentence and looked struck.
"I uh, I'm sorry." He mumbled, still unable to take his eyes off me.
I knew that I should have felt embarrassed. I should have screamed and run into the bathroom to hide from his lustful eyes, but I found I couldn't.
He seemed to pull himself out of his trance. "Excuse me." He said and left my room.
I smiled to myself. If there had ever been a moment I wanted him to pin me down and fuck me, it had definitely been then. I knew I couldn't allow myself to feel this way. I needed to be professional. There was no way we could have any sort of relationship like that.
But fuck did it turn me on to have him stare at me that way.
A half hour later I was ready and in the living room with Nathan.
"Ready?" He asked. Neither of us bringing up the incident.
I followed him down to the Grand Ballroom. There was a speech given by the CEO of the company that was hosting it. Everyone cheered when they announced Nathan was giving a presentation that weekend. He was very well liked. It was a good quality to have when in a big business like he was.
He introduced I had never met before, but there were quite a few people I remembered from other conventions, conferences and just working together in general.
The food was absolutely amazing. And as the food came in so did the wine which was equally just as amazing. Both Nathan and I had at least five glasses and I knew I was feeling pretty tipsy. But I wasn't about to let myself get drunk and accidentally make a fool of myself. By the end of the evening, I could tell Nathan was pretty loosened up and tipsy. He was making people laugh left and right and I loved his sense of humor.
"It's probably time for us to head back," Nathan said, looking at his watch at a quarter past eleven.
We had been in the lobby talking with other people from the conference.
"Yeah. You've got a big day." I said.
We said our goodbyes to the group of people and followed Nathan to the elevator that would take us back to the suite. As soon as the doors closed, I could feel the desire in the air. It was thick and hard to miss. I had never felt anything quite like it before. And it left me wondering if Nathan could feel it too.
I bit my lip as the elevator rose painfully slow toward our floor.
When the doors finally opened. I was the first to step out, hoping to get a bit of air, but found that the tension between the two of us was only growing more. There was no way he couldn't feel this. It was maddening.