As the plane landed, I shut the lid of my laptop. The new project was hectic. I had to stay in London for 6 days due to it. Things would have been easier if Danish had not opened his mouth. I trusted that son of a b***h and he ratted us out.
I unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the plane. I did not normally use private planes, the first class on normal planes offered more connections than a private plane ever could.
I had to use my private plane today because of my most trusted man who was also my best and only friend. I met him in high school and when I say only that does not mean that I was a loner.
Well I was far from that, I was the boy who was always followed by a group of students trying to copy me. I was the boy who every girl wanted to date and I was the boy who used girls. If they can not care for their dignity, I do not need to do it either, right?
My best friend was my complete opposite and he did not follow me like a lost puppy maybe that is what I liked about him. He was the kind of person who always thought about others before himself.
His only sin? He knows that along with my honest business, I am also a part of the underworld, a big part and he still has not reported my activities to the authorities.
That is ironic because he runs a law firm. That law firm is where he met who he said and I quote "the love of his life". I have already missed their henna ceremony and he would kill me if I miss his Nikkah too.
Even though he never did anything to destroy me but he constantly reminded me that what I did was wrong.
I was now in a car which was driving me to my house here. My mother had arrived the previous day to attend Khawar's wedding. She and Khawar's mother were practically inseparable when they were in the same room. Khawar considered her equal to his mother and she considered him equal to me so she was staying at his house.
As I reached home, I took a shower and dressed into a black suit. My stubble was heavy but I had no time to shave so I just left it that way and taking my car keys went out the front door and drove to my best friend's wedding.
I met him at the enterance, he was beaming. Maybe he really loved that girl. We both went inside. Some of my acquiantances were there. I chatted with them.
The Nikkah was performed and I was one of the witnesses. Faria was brought on stage. I have to admit they looked good together. Several girls were constantly roaming around Faria Bhabhi.
That is when I saw her. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Something attracted me to her. For a minute, I could not take my eyes off of her. She was smiling innocently, unaware of the fact the she just made herself the focus of my world. She became my sun.
Someone put a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Khawar.
"Hey, dude what are you looking at?"
I pointed at the girl, "Who is she?"
"She is Faria's cousin, more like sister. Why are you asking?"
"What is her name?" I asked ignoring his question.
"Dude, why are you asking?" He repeated his question.
"What is her name?" I asked again but with more force.
"Haya. But why are you asking?" He seemed irritated now.
"She is pretty, isn't she?" My voice was dreamlike.
"Pretty?" It came as a shock to him. "Hey, do not even think about it. I told you she is Faria's cousin. She is off limits, find someone else."
"I am serious about her." My words surprised even me, but looking at Haya, I knew they were true.
"What!?" Just the reaction, I expected.
"I am serious about her." I repeated emphasizing on each word.
"Listen, I know you more than your mother does and I know what you think of women so if you are messing around, I have already told you SHE IS OFF LIMITS!!" he literally yelled.
"Have I ever told you that I was serious about a girl. Hell have I ever told you that I was interested in a girl. I never went to the girls. They always came to me so trust me I am serious."
Khawar had a thoughtful expression on his face. "You are right, you have not said these things before. But even if you are serious, I have to warm you she is a lot younger than you."
"Age does not matter."
"Then are you ready to wait for at least eight years because she won't marry before that and she most certainly would not get involved with you in any other relationship."
I thought about it for a minute. "No."
"What do you mean no?"
"No I am not ready to wait." I explained as I took a glass from the table and poured in some water.
"So you are not interested in her anymore?" His voice was almost hopeful.
"Who said that?"
"But you-"
"I said I will not wait, not that I will leave her." Khawar gave me a confused look. "I will marry her soon."
"And how do you plan to convince her father?"
"Leave that to me and go to your wife." I said and walked away.
I sat with some of my business acquiantances. Haya was sitting with Faria Bhabhi. She was looking lovely in red and black. I yearned to see her hair which were covered with hijab.
I was glad she was covered because that is what prevented most of the guys from staring at her. Most, not all and I wanted nothing more than to punch the ones who were staring, but I restrained myself.
These feelings were so new to me. I never felt the need to keep a girl away from others' eyes. I never loved a girl. I never felt so possessive. I sighed as I looked at her.
Haya. My Haya. Haya Armaan Malik. It sounded perfect.
As if feeling my eyes she turned to look at me. Her eyes roamed my face for a little longer than necessary but then she could stare at me all she wanted. Everything that I owned was hers.
She still had not taken her eyes off me. I smirked and realizing what she was doing, she turned her face away but not before I saw her blush. She looked even cuter if that was possible.
After sometime she left with two other girls. I also went out of the hall to receive a call. Danish's case was still very complicated. He had done a good job and it was difficult to clean his mess.
I saw Haya as I was going back in and walked towards her. Just as I was about to reach her, she somehow tripped. Before I knew it my arms were pulling her to my chest.
As soon as she was stable, she turned around to face me and stuttered a thank you. My breath got caught in my throat. She was so close. I involuntarily leaned towards her.
Her breath was getting more and more irregular. That made me smirk. I leaned in further.
"It's okay love. Just be careful next time." I whispered and walked away.
I did not want her in any other man's arms. She was mine and just mine. I would kill any man who touched her. The thoughts of another man with her were doing strange things to my head. That is the first time in my life that I felt jealousy.
I frowned as I walked towards Khawar who was going back to his wife. I saw Haya with Faria Bhabhi.
"Introduce me to her." I said.
"Who?" He asked surprised.
"Haya." I said as if he was dumb.
"You are still thinking about her?"
"Dude just do as I ask."
"Listen," Khawar held me by my shoulders and looked into my eyes, "my marriage is just on papers, please let me first make sure that I have my wife. If you keep pestering me like this, she might run away and take Haya with her. None of us will get anything." He was speaking like he was adressing a child. "So be calm, be patient."
"Just introduce us." I said rolling my eyes.
Khawar huffed but finally gave in.
"Hey Faria meet my best friend in the world, Armaan Malik." Khawar introduced me to his wife.
We greeted each other then she introduced me to Haya.
"Lovely to meet you."
She just nodded and looked away. I smirked. We left the stage after a minute but my eyes followed her throughout the event.
That night all I could think was Haya. I asked one of the women in my IT department to get all the information about Haya and also her pictures from the wedding.
Normally I would ask a guy to do all this but this was my girl. I did not want any guy knowing her too much. Well except me of course.
I had to leave for London again the next day so I could not attend Khawar's reception but I had lunch with him before I left.
He said he would ask Faria Bhabhi to talk with Haya's parents.
"When?" I asked.
"Don't be impatient. I just got married let me enjoy it for a few days at least a month."
I glared at him. "A day."
"Two weeks."
"One and a half day."
"One week?"
"Two days."
"Five days?"
"Two and a half days."
"Three days then?"
"Fine." I said in my gravest tone.
After three days, I had to wait to get their answer. During this time, I studied all that there was about my Angel.
She was in high school. Had two sisters. Had a loving family. Her family was not rich but financially stable. She never had a relationship with a guy. Thank God for that.
She was a bright student. Got A Grades. Well she was smart.
I had her pictures but I refrained from looking at them for long. I loved her. There was something about her that made me want to respect her privacy.
I never respected any girl but she was a person that I wanted to honour and I felt that getting her personal information or looking at her pictures was violating that honour.
I did not want to be a creepy stalker. I wanted to be someone she loved and trusted so I had to do everything in the right order.
Finally on the fourth day, Khawar blessed me with the good news that Haya's parents had invited me and my Mom for tea.
I was back on Wednesday so I went to talk with my mother.
"Good evening." I greeted her as I entered with a tray containing tea and cake that I had baked for her.
"Good evening." She smiled as she put down her book and put it on the bed side table. "Hmm what is the occassion?"
"What ocassion?" I tried to act innocent.
"You do not bake often." She smiled with narrowed eyes.
"Do I need an ocassion to bake for my mother." I said as I put the tray in front of her and kissed her cheek.
I served her and sat at the foot of her bed.
After a while I managed to gather enough courage to talk to her.
"There is something I want to discuss with you."
She laughed softly as she took a sip. "I knew it. What is it?"
"It is about a girl."
Interest sparked in her eyes as she put down her cup and looked at me. "What girl?"
"A girl I want to marry." I said nervously.
"Hm okay let's talk to her parents."
"Are you not going to ask who she is?"
"I know my son will choose the best."
"Yeah she is the best." I agreed with her. "But there is a little problem."
"What problem?" Her face was serious now.
"She is sixteen." I said and then quickly added. "She will soon be seventeen."
Mom looked worried now. "Is she educated?"
"She is getting education and she can continue after our marriage."
"And will her parents agree?"
"I am sure they will. They have already invited us this Friday." I told her.
"Invited us?" She was surprised. "Who talked with them?"
"Faria Bhabhi. It's her cousin. Her name is Haya."
"I think you are being impractical. She is too young."
"Mom, it's not like I would trap her in the house. She can go on with her life but with little changes."
"Marriage is not a little change. But fine I will visit them." She finally agreed.
*Bhabhi = Brother's wife