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Chapter 11: Not A Secret Anymore

Haya's POV

Finally a good night's sleep. September was getting cold but I felt warm. I kept my eyes shut and snuggled deeper into the sheets. Warm air was blowing on my neck. It was so comfy and cozy, only problem was the heavy thing on my stomach and legs. I tried to lift it off but it would not budge.

Aghh I was so comfortable. I half-opened my eyes to see an arm over my stomach.


I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again and looking to my side. My cheek hit a nose.

Armaan!!! With no shirt on!

I tried to get up but he was pinning me down with his arm and leg. I tried to lift them off but he just tightened his hold.

I raised my head to look at his face properly. Innocent was the first word that came to my mind. It felt like I was looking at an angel. His lashes were lying gracefully over his cheeks. I wish I had those lashes. He was slightly pouting. He looked so cute.

Dammit what was I thinking? I need to get him off me.


No answer.

"Hey, get up." I tried to elbow him but my arm hit his face. I instantly felt guilty and I must have been out of my mind because I started gently rubbing his cheek.

"Hmm." I quickly jerked back my hand.

"Umm," I hesitated for a second. It's not like he was awake, he would not know what I was doing. "Get yourself off of me. You are heavy." My voice was a little raised.

"Mmm but I want to sleeep." He mumbled still half asleep.

"You can not sleep like this." I again tried to free myself but to no avail.

"What is wrong with sleeping like this?"

"We can not sleep together."

Armaan opened his eyes and looked at me. "That is exactly what people do when they get married. They sleep with one another."

I could sense the double meaning in his words. "How dare you suggest such a thing?"

"What did I suggest?" He tried to act innocent. "Ooo. You have such a dirty mind. But love if you wish for that then I have no choice but to fulfill all your wishes." He pulled me on top of himself and was about to start kissing me.

"No no no." I thrashed trying to get off. "Get off me. Get offme. Getoffmeee."

"Hey, hey stop." Armaan was trying to keep me still. "Stop. I am leaving you." He literally yelled. I stopped at that. "I am leaving you just don't hurt yourself. Okay?"

I nodded. He let go of me and I quickly tried to get off the bed but luck was not with me and I landed with my butt on the floor.

"Told you." Armaan said in a bored voice and got up to help me. He extended his hand but I was too lost in his body. He was muscular but not to much. His abs were visible on his well-toned body.

The clicking of his fingers brought me out of my daze. I glared at him when really I should have been glaring at myself. Ignoring his hand I tried to get up but landed right back. Why did I have to be so clumsy today?

"Just take my hand." Armaan said in an irritated voice.



"Because you are a pervert." I stated. All my fears gone.

"Pervert huh?" He bent his knees to look closely at me. "You were the one checking me out and I am the pervert?"

"I was not checking you out."

"Sure you weren't." He grabbed my arm and pulled me up. I pulled away from him and started briskly walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" He held my wrist. "Don't hurt yourself."

I glared at him. "I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself."

"Yeah, right." He said leaving my wrist and wearing a t-shirt. This was the first time I was seeing him in something other than his suits. He was looking as dashing as ever but instead of gawking at him this time I decided to focus on the question I was going to ask.

"Are you mocking me?" I asked with narrowed eyes.

"I would never dream of doing such a thing." He held up hands.

I gave him an overall scan. "Now what time is it?" Instead of waiting for the answer, I searched the room for a clock and when my eyes landed on it they widened. "Nine already?"

"Yeah you slept quite peacefully in my arms."

I scowled at him. "Baba must have found out that I am not home."

"Relax Baby, everyone sleeps late after a wedding." He said walking out of the room. I followed him.

"Baba always wakes up early."

"Yeah so do I, but see I slept in today." He said descending the stairs.

"He will be worried about me."

"I wish you would care about me when I get worried about you."

"Take me home." I was getting furious now, but he was not affected by it. He sat on a couch in the living room and turned on the television.

"You can call this your home." I threw daggers at him. "Fine but it's a long drive. Almost two hours." At first I was confused but then I understood.

"My Baba's home." I said emphasizing on each word.

"Oh," he acted as if he just registered what I said. "You should have been more specific."

"Are you taking me or not?"

He sighed "Are you sure you will not stay? Just for a little longer?" He was standing in front of me now.

"Yes I am sure."

"You are the cruelest person on Earth." Armaan turned towards some drawers and started rummaging. "Now I know why all those girls were always crying."

"What girls?" I asked before I could control myself.

"Huh?" He asked pretending he did not hear me.

"Nothing." I said with my nose in the air.

"Okay here are the keys, let's go." He said walking towards the door.

Wait he was going to let me go this easily? And what girls was he was talking about?

"Changed your mind?" He asked from the door.


"Changed your mind about going back?"

"Of course not." I said and walked ahead of him.

"Where are you going?"

I halted and looked back. "Home."

"Are you planning on walking the whole way?" I simply stared at him. After a while he grew tired. "Follow me."

He walked to a garage where I could see atleast one and a half dozen cars. Mercedes. Lamborghini. Porsche. Volvo. I was lost in them for a moment but then snapped out of it.

He walked to a Nissan and opened the door for me. I got in, buckled my seat belt and got comfortable. Armaan got in too but starting the car, he stopped as if remembering something.

"I forgot some papers, I will be right back." Leaving the door open he left.

After five seconds his phone rang. At first I ignored it but then I got curious and picked it up.

Areeba Calling

Just the first name? They must be close. Armaan came into view so I put his cell phone back on the dashboard.

"Okay, ready?" He asked starting the engine.

"Someone was calling."

"Really? Who?" He checked his phone. "Oh Areeba." Armaan smiled as he dialled the number and pulled the car out of the driveway as he dialled a number.

"Hi." He said a little too enthusiastically. "How are you doing?... Ah yes of course, honey... Okay... I'll talk to you later... Bye."

Honey? I felt something pressing on my heart. It was a weird feeling. I could not understand it. I could not understand why I was feeling like that.

Armaan turned to look at me. "What?"

I realized I was looking at him so I averted my eyes. I thought about asking him about her but then changed my mind. But I could not stop thinking about whoever this Areeba was and the girls he talked about earlier. He seemed quite attached with Areeba.

"Haya?" Armaan brought me out of my train of thoughts.


"I wanted to tell you that I would never think of hurting your father."

I stared at him for a minute but he was looking straight ahead "Umm... okay." I looked out of the window.

"Here we are." Armaan said parking his car in front of my house. "Are you sure you really want to go?"

"Yes." I said turning away to open the door.

"Fine. I have lunch with Ayesha anyways." He mumbled.

"Sorry. What?" I turned back.

"Ah nothing, just remembering some plans." I narrowed my eyes at him and opened the door. My whole body froze. Faseeh was standing against his car looking at me.

I mechanically got out closing the door behind me and started walking towards Faseeh thinking what I was going to tell him. Before I could reach him, he turned and walked towards my house. He rang the doorbell. Dua answered.

"Haya, where were you. Baba has been asking about you. Quickly come inside."

Damn! I was screwed!

I hurriedly got inside and walked towards the living room. Dua opened the door before me. As I stepped inside I was shocked to see everyone there. Ammi, Baba, Api Zainab, Api Faria, Uncle Mustafa, Zubaida Aunty, Ahmad Bhai and almost all the guests.

"Haya?" Ammi was relieved to see me but soon the relief was replaced by something else. "Where were you?"

"I... I was..." Everyone was looking at me it made me so confused and nervous.

"Haya tell me where were you?" This time Baba asked.

Ya Allah what was I supposed to tell them? I looked around like a lost dear. I could not form words. I had never lied to my parents. I tried to do it now.

"Baba I..." Nothing. I could think of nothing.

"What is the matter Haya? Why are you not answering?" Uncle Mustafa asked. "Where were you?" His tone was a little harsh.

"She was with me." We all turned to look at Faseeh, my mouth wider than anyone else's. "I mean she went with Fareeha."

"Why would you do that?" Ammi asked me.

"The g-gate..." I stuttered and stopped. I could not do it. But I had to. I reminded myself that I did nothing wrong.

"What gate?"

"The gate. I told you I went to- to give the charger to Faria Api the gate closed behind me and everyone was asleep I tried the bell but no one answered and Fareeha had to leave so I went with her."

"You could've called." Zainab Api pointed out.

"Fareeha's phone was dead and so was mine."

"Okay. Thank goodness nothing is wrong." Ammi said.

"What do you mean nothing is wrong?" It was Baba's voice that scared me. "My child was out alone in the middle of the night and none of us were aware of that. What would have happened if Faseeh and Fareeha were not there?" He took a deep breath before speaking again. "Faseeh I am really grateful that you and Fareeha took her with you."

"It was nothing, Uncle. Haya is just like Fareeha to me. It was my duty."

Baba smiled at him and kissed my forehead. "I am sorry sweetheart."

"No Baba I am sorry for making you so worried." I apologized then looked at everyone else. "I am so sorry for making you all worried. You all must have so many things to do. Ammi can I help you with something?"

"Yes go and check if all of Zainab's things are packed."

I hurriedly got away. I took out Api Zainab's suitcase and started checking everything. Someone knocked on the door. I turned around to see Faria Api.

"Hi." I smiled at her.

"Hi," she came in and sat on the bed. "Do you have something to explain?"

"What?" I tried to act confused.

"I never asked you for the mobile charger."

"Did I say it was you?"

"Yes you did."

"Oh I meant Api Farah." I took my other cousin's name. I had never been so grateful in my life for their matching names."

"Okay." She stopped for a few seconds before continuing. "Haya I know you did what you thought was best but you should have thought a little more about it. You know how people talk. I did not point out there that I never asked you for the charger because I knew that would give people more gossip. You should be careful too. You know what some of the people there are like."

"I know and I am sorry. It will not happen again."

"I am sure it will not." She said and started helping me.

Everyone was getting ready for the second day of the wedding. I was putting my hair in a braid when my phone rang. I looked at the caller id and tossed it back. If he thinks he can talk to me after all that happened he is so wrong.

The phone was still ringing.

"Hello?" I looked back to see one of my younger cousins holding the phone to his ear. "It's for you." I swear if he wasn't so cute, I would have killed him for answering my phone.

"What is it?" I snapped.

"Whoa calm down okay. I know I was a little late dropping you back but don't bite my head."

"Why are you calling?" I asked trying to bring my voice back to normal.

"I was missing you."

"Oh really?" I acted surprised. "Did Ayesha ditch you?"

"Someone's jealous." He said in a sing song voice.

"In your dreams."

"Oh baby you have no idea about my dreams. Anyways just for your information I said lunch and lunch time passed a long time ago. It seems like you could only focus on the name."

"I thought you would spend some time with her." I tried to mock him.

"Then who would spend time with Neesha?"

"Then there is no need to call me." I disconnected the call. The phone rang again so I turned it off completely. If he wants to hang out with Esha or whatever her name is then I do not need to waste my time.

I tried concentrating on my hair but my mind wondered off. Esha, Ayesha, Areeba and Allah knows who else. I was fuming now. Who the hell does he think he is? He thinks that he would take random names and I would be jealous. As if!

"Hey, why are you ruining your hair?" Dua asked coming in.

"These are my hair, I can do whatever I want." I literally yelled.

"Okay, I never said they were mine." She turned back.

"I am sorry." I called after her. "I have been trying to something with them for so long but I just can't."

She turned back. "Want me to do it?"

"Yeah and sorry again, I should not have snapped." Well he can spend time with whoever he wants. I am not going to take it out on anyone. Does not mean I am angry because he was doing it. I was trying to justify myself.

Later during the event, I was eating when Faseeh passed by me.

"I want to talk come outside." I went out to see him leaning against a pillar.

"So care to explain something?" His voice was bitter.

"I am really thankful for what you did."

"I want to know that it was not just to hide your sins." I was shocked at his words.

"Well it was not because there were no sins to hide. Don't assume things."

"Then why were you with that man. For heaven's sake Haya you spent the night with him and are asking me not to assume things?"

"I told you I did nothing wrong."

"Then tell me what was right about what you did."

"I-I can't."

"Haya you have been my friend for a long time. You know I do not want anything bad to happen to you. So please if there is a problem tell me, maybe I can solve it."

"Please don't ask." I whispered

Something flashed in Faseeh's eyes. "Fine then I will tell Uncle everything."

"You can't. Please don't." I pleaded.

"Give me a reason."

"I told you I can not tell you."

"Haya you are leaving me with no choice but to tell your father everything." He started walking away.

"Please Faseeh don't." I ran to catch up with him. He halted.

"I am asking for the last time. What were you doing with that man?"

I pleaded with my eyes. Faseeh read them and started walking away.

"Faseeh stop please." But he was not listening. "Faseeh?" No answer "Faseeh stop. Fine I will tell you."

"Tell me." He turned towards me.

"But you have to promise first that you will not tell Baba."

"If you did nothing wrong, I will not tell him."


He rolled his eyes. "Promise. Now tell me who was he and what were you doing with him."

"He was Armaan and he and I are-" I hesitated.

"Are what?"

"Faseeh I am telling you I did nothing wrong. Do you still have to ask everything?"

"Fine, Uncle Murtaza will ask you then."

"Okay okay." I held his arm to stop him from moving away. "Me and Armaan are married."

"What?! Come again?" His eyes were wide.

"We are married. You wanted to know here you are."

"You are joking right?" He was surprised.

"Why would I joke?" I imitated his tone.

"Then why did you not tell your father that you were with him and why on earth would you not tell me?"

"Because no one knows about it." I answered both his questions.

"What do you mean?"

I told him everything of course excluding details of things like last night's kiss and the murder. By the time I finished telling him everything, various expressions crossed Faseeh's face but the most prominent was anger.

"Why did you keep quiet about everything?"

"I told you he did not want me to tell anyone."

"He did not want you to do it and you did not do it. You sure are one obedient wife." He remarked sarcastically.

"Don't make fun of me." I frowned.

"What are you going to do about it?"

"I don't know." I shrugged.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Faseeh asked.

"Means I don't know. I have not thought about it. Okay? Instead of eating my brains you should help me."

"Fine I will think about it. You should go inside now."

I walked back inside. Just as I was about to reach my table, the same girl from last night appeared. I shot daggers at her. She placed a small gift bag on the table and before I could say anything she left.

I glared at it for a minute then before anyone could see it, slipped it into Ammi's handbag. Api Zainab was finally married. She was taken to her husband's house. Everyone was tired so they went to sleep.

I turned on my bedside lamp and took out the gift bag. Inside was a small box wrapped in red paper and a note sticking to it. I placed the box on the bedside table and took the note.

I am sorry for getting you in trouble ?

Just that. I took the box next and tore it's wrapping. The box inside was of royal blue colour with black embroidery. It was beautiful. I opened it to find a very lovely hair comb.

I gazed at it till my phone vibrated. I knew who it was. Maybe he wanted to know wether I liked it or not. I swiped to the green mark.


"Who the hell was he?"

"Who the hell was he?"

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