In the evening Ammi woke me up and asked me to come downstairs. I was still wearing my uniform so I got up to change. I could barely find any strength to move.
"Haya come downstairs." Ammi came to my room for the second time. "Haya?" She seemed worried as she touched my forehead "Why are you so pale? Haya? Beta your temperature is high. What happened?"
"Ammi I want to sleep." My eyes had already closed.
"Beta you have been asleep for five hours already. Freshen up a bit and come downstairs."
"Ammi I want to sleep. I am so tired." My voice was full of tears.
Ammi sat next to me. I shifted my head to her lap "Beta what happened? You are worrying me."
A sob escaped me. "Ammi."
"Haya? What is it?" Ammi was really worried. "Did something happen? Why are you crying darling?"
I did not answer her just cried with my head burried in her stomach. She let me weep, after sometime I stopped and wiped my eyes.
"What happened sweetheart?" It was then that I had to decide wether to tell her or not.
I made up my mind to tell her everything, it's not like I did something wrong. I was about to open my mouth but thought about it again. Maybe just maybe it was all a dream. I mean c'mon I got married? That is ridiculous, right? I do think I am creative enough to dream all that, but why would my imagination put all that in my dreams?
But Armaan. Armaan would surely not do something like kidnapping me, right? Everyone always said good things about him.
"Ammi today," I was confident now that this morning was just the work of my imagination "today I fell in physical education class."
"Are you seriously hurt?" She asked.
I shook my head.
"You have been falling your entire life." Ammi laughed. "Why did you start crying all of a sudden? And what about your fever?"
"I don't know, I was not feeling well since last night." My voice was steadier now.
"Ok honey, change your clothes, freshen up a bit and come downstairs. Eat something and then you can rest." She kissed me on my forehead and left.
I poured some water from the water jug on my bedside table and gulped it in seconds then got up, washed my face and went downstairs.
Downstairs was decorated with balloons. That is when I remembered it was my birthday.
My sisters were there, Fareeha and Faseeh were there too and Api Faria just stepped in. I ran into her arms. This was the first time I was meeting her after her wedding.
I hugged her tightly. "I missed you." I was not letting go of her.
"Happy Birthday sweet heart." She hugged me back and then pulled away from me to look at me. "You look bad."
I laughed, "Thanks for the compliment." Then I saw Khawar Bhai. "Asslam o Alaikum Bhai."
"Waalaikum Asslam Beta. How are you?" He patted my head.
"Fine." I smiled at him. He handed me a shopping bag. "Thanks."
"Khawar Beta how are you?" It was Baba.
"Fine Uncle, how are you?" Khawar Bhai politely replied.
"Good. Faria." Baba patted Api Faria's head.
Aunty Zubaida and Uncle Zubair also came. And I forgot the morning like I would forget a dream. My fever had lightened.
Me and my sisters stayed with Api Faria. We teased her a lot. After everyone left me, Zainab Api and Dua cleaned everything.
Ammi and Baba went to their room to rest. Zainab Api and Dua were at Aunty Zubaida's house. Faria Api was there so we had decided to spend the night with her. I stayed behind because I wanted to get some things.
I was in my room, placing my gifts in the cupboard and getting some books to study as I had not studied the entire day.
The doorbell rang. I thought it was Ahmed Bhai. After getting my books I answered the door. There was a man there.
"Mrs Armaan Malik?" I was shocked. I thought about it for a minute and even after thinking for a minute I made a fool of myself.
"I am not so sure." The man laughed and handed me a gift bag. He went to a car parked on the other side of the street and drove away.
So this morning was not a dream. That means I was married to that jerk. The more I thought about it, the more details I remembered.
I went up to my room and sat on my bed. I looked at the gift bag in my hands. The guy who delivered it was definitely not a delivery man. Maybe he was his personal delivery guy or something.
What agitated me was that Armaan had told me that he was not going to tell anyone about us. What if someone else had opened the door? What would my sisters, my Ammi and most importantly my Baba think of me?
I wanted nothing more than to tell them everything. But I was not ready for that type of confrontation.
So it means sooner or later he is the guy with whom you will have to spend your life.
I shuddered at the thought. I don't know what I thought about him. Baba definitely did not like him so naturally I should hate him too. But he was so nice to me this morning, before which he was an absolute jerk.
I had two choices now. Either I would have to tell my parents everything or spend the rest of my life with him. Well I had time to think about my problem.
The doorbell rang again. My cell phone vibrated. I picked it up to see a text from Ahmed Bhai.
Haya I am waiting outside.
I tossed Armaan's gift on my bed, picked up my books and went out.
Api Zainab made some snacks while the three of us were busy in chatting. Api Faria told us about the trip she and Khawar Bhai were taking.
"I will be back in time to help with the wedding preparations." Api Faria said as Zainab Api stepped in the room with a tray full of cookies and rolls.
"Whose wedding?" Api Zainab asked.
"Your wedding." Api Faria had a mischievous grin on her face. Me and Dua laughed.
Zainab Api glared at all of us.
"Api Faria? Who is Armaan?" Dua asked all of a sudden.
My eyes turned to her. I am sure I was glaring at her.
"Dua." Api Zainab said in a warning tone.
"What? I am sure Haya wants to know too." Well I am damn sure I don't.
I looked away and composed myself.
"Haya you won't mind if we talk about him, would you?" Dua turned to me.
"Why would I mind?" Atleast I sounded normal.
"See." Dua smiled at Zainab Api who was still glaring at her. "Who is he, Api Faria?"
Faria Api looked at me for a second then turned to Dua. "I don't really know him. I met him only twice. Once on my wedding and then when he invited me and Khawar to dinner. His mother is really nice." She smiled at something.
"So you have been to his house? How is it?"
Hell. I wanted to reply but could not.
"It's very beautiful and tastefully decorated but Khawar told me it's nothing compared to their house in Neelum Valley."
"So that is where they live?" I blurted out before I thought about it.
Api Faria looked at me for a second and then replied. "Yes, he is here for some business these days. I think he is leaving soon. But he might live here next year because I think his mother is visiting her sister. She will stay there for a while."
I nodded.
"So is he handsome?"
"DUA!" Api Zainab was going to kill her.
"I just asked a simple question." Dua pouted.
"You can ask your sister." Api Faria pointed to me.
"Haya have you seen him?" Dua squealed.
"It's no big deal." I was irritated.
"Tell me everything about him. Please please please." She was literally begging.
"Why are you so interested in him?" Zainab Api definitely had enough.
"He has to get my approval. He is my possible brother-in-law."
Her approval? He does not care about my approval.
"Dua enough." It was Faria Api. Dua made a face at her but kept quiet. We began to talk about Faria Api's trip.
Aunty Zubaida woke us up. I had to go to college. Me and my sisters went to our house. I was the first one to enter our room. The first thing my eyes landed on was Armaan's gift. I quickly covered it with a blanket.
Thank God no one saw it.
Zainab Api was making breakfast for us and Dua was already downstairs. I picked my bag and was about to leave the room when I heard my phone ringing.
It was an unknown number. I swiped to the green mark.
"I was hoping I was not late." I almost hung up but restrained myself.
"What do you want?" I was curt.
"Just wanted to hear your voice."
"Okay bye."
"Wait, you did not tell me if you liked my present or not." His voice was warm.
"I did not open it."
He laughed "Then open it."
"Yes now."
"I am getting late." I tried to make an excuse.
"I know you are not."
I decided to stop beating around the bush "Well, I don't want to open it."
"Do you want me to do it for you?
"What do you mean?"
"Just that if you don't do it, I will have to come to your Baba's home to open it for you." He emphasized on 'your Baba's home'.
I huffed. "Fine I will do it."
"You are such a good girl." I know he was smirking.
I picked up his gift and started unwrapping it. There was a red velvet box inside with black embroidery on it. I opened it to see a bracelet inside.
It was made of platinum with little diamonds in it. Thin thread like white gold was overlapping itself making it look fragile yet absolutely stunning. It took my breath away for a second.
"So do you like it?" He sounded hopeful.
"It's beautiful." I responded involuntarily.
"I am glad you like it." I could sense his smile. "Wear it today. And go to college. I don't want you to fail. I love you. Bye." He hung up. I kept staring at the bracelet. He seemed genuinely happy.
I found myself smiling.
Gosh something is seriously wrong with me. I shook my head and placed the bracelet in it's box and dropped it in my bag.
It was beautiful but it was too expensive. I could not accept it.
The road was crowded as usual. I was the last one to get out of the van. Instead of staying away from the crowd. I mixed in them though it was suffocating I made my way inside before anyone else.
During lunch break, I was sitting with Fareeha when a girl came up to us and asked Fareeha to come with her. Fareeha looked at me and then followed the girl.
After a minute the same girl came and handed me an envelope. I was puzzled but she left without explaining. I opened the envelope to see a folded page. I unfolded it, the first line caught my attention. I got up and went to an empty classroom to read the letter.
My Lovely wife,
I am sorry for bothering you like this and being so desperate but I really wanted to talk about a few things.
First I wanted you to know how much I missed you since yesterday. I can't stop thinking about you. Everything around me reminds me of you somehow. Even when I close my eyes you are all that I see.
I don't know what spells you are using on me to make me go mad like this but please don't stop. You make me so happy. I feel like the happiest person on this planet.
I also wanted to thank you for yesterday it was the happiest day of my life. The day you finally became mine.
I am glad you liked my present, but you did not wear it. Please do. Pretty please?
I hope you are better now. You looked fine this morning. Let me know how you are.
Last thing focus on your studies. I don't want your Baba's hands on my neck.
Write back please.
Your Loving Husband,
I found myself smiling again. What is wrong with me? What was wrong with him? Who writes letters anymore?
Despite my thoughts, I found a paper and pencil.
Thank you for the bracelet. I really liked it but I can not keep something like that.
And I am fine now.
I put the paper in the envelope and came out of the room to find the same girl on the door. I handed the envelope to her and quickly walked away.
His letter was still in my hand. I moved towards the waste basket to throw it.
"Haya there you are. I was looking for you at our table."
"Oh you startled me. What did that girl want?" I asked Fareeha.
"Nothing just homework. Let's go. Class is about to start."
I looked at the letter in my hand and for some unknown reason kept it in my pocket and followed Fareeha.
Later at night Armaan called me and asked why I could not keep the bracelet.
"Because it is too expensive."
At this he laughed. "I know it is your duty as my wife to protect my property but don't worry I have a lot of money."
I frowned and did not drag the matter any longer.
It was almost a week since Armaan last talked to me I was hoping he would forget about me but no such luck.
The road was crowded at off time too. I frowned at the countless line of cars. I moved to find my van but it just was not there. This was strange I could not find other girls that travelled in the van with me.
I looked around and saw two men in suits coming towards me. One of them I recognized as one of Armaan's friends. This was not good. I moved back but they blocked my path.
I looked around hoping someone would notice but everyone was busy.
"What do you want?" I asked glaring at Armaan's friend.
"Armaan will be dropping you home today."
"He doesn't need to do it." I started to walk away but the other guy blocked my way.
"Your van has already left." The other guy said.
"Then I will walk." I started to move again but he held my arm. I jerked back.
"Armaan would not be happy if we force you to do anything so it would be better if you stop being so stubborn." It was Armaan's friend.
I glared at him. "Why does he want to drop me?"
He shrugged "It is his business. You can ask him."
"Fine. Where is he?" I asked in an irritated voice.
"At his house."
"At his house? First I have to go to his house?" Now I was mad. Who does he think he is?
"Yes Ma'am."
"Well I do not want to go."
"You do not have a choice."
"And why not?"
"Because we have orders to bring you to him no matter what. It is better that you don't test us."
"Fine." I stomped.
The car ride was silent. When it stopped in front of his house, Armaan immediately came out and opened my door. He held out his hand for me but I ignored it and stepped out on my own.
"When can I go home?" I asked.
Armaan smiled at me. "Soon. First come inside and let me look at you, I was dying to see you." He said as he led me inside. "I am sorry I could not come to pick you up. I was really busy. Please sit down."
I sat on the couch. Armaan went into the kitchen and came back with two glasses of orange juice. He gave one to me and sat next to me.
"I am sorry but I could not help it. I missed you a lot. I had to see you today. How are you?"
"Fine." I said as I took a sip of the juice.
"Where is your bracelet?" His tone changed.
"In my bag."
"Why are you not wearing it?"
"Because I don't wear jewelry." I answered simply.
Armaan took a deep breath. "Wear it now and next time I do not want to see you without it."
I just took a sip of my juice and did nothing else.
"Haya I told you to do something. Don't test my patience today."
"When can I go home?"
"Not until you wear that bracelet and promise me to always keep it on."
I rolled my eyes. "I told you I do not wear jewelry."
"You will get used to it."
"Why do you have to be such a control freak?"
"Why do you have to be so stubborn? Wear it or you are not going home."
"Fine." I gritted my teeth and wore the bracelet. "Happy? Now can I go home?"
Armaan smiled but before he could say anything his phone rang. He picked it up and went out of the living room. He came back after a minute.
"Haya I will come back in a few minutes. Stay right here." He said the last part in a warning tone.
Well I would have stayed there if he had not asked me to do so. I left my bag and followed him.
He went to the backyard where a man was standing. He looked terrible. He was one of those men that you would not want to walk next to.
Armaan talked with him for about five minutes. I was getting bored so I turned around to walk back but immediately turned back as I heard a gun shot.