Haya's POV
He went to the backyard where a man was standing. He looked terrible. He was one of those men that you would not want to walk next to.
Armaan talked with him for about five minutes. I was getting bored so I turned around to walk back but immediately turned back as I heard a gun shot.
I placed a hand on my mouth to stop the scream. The guy was lying at Armaan's feet who had a pistol in his hand. I could see blood on the ground. Another guy came and talked to him about something before leaving.
Before Armaan could turn back, I rushed back to the living room. I looked at myself in one of the mirrors. My face was white as snow and my eyes were huge. Dammit.
I rushed to find a bathroom and the second I found it, I locked myself in. After splashing some water on my face, I tried to calm down but it was not easy. For God's sake I had just watched a dead body.
About five minutes passed. Armaan was shouting my name and after a while there was a knock on the door.
"Haya? Baby you in there?"
"Yeah." It came out a bit croaked. I cleared my throat and replied again, "Yeah I'll be out in a minute." I could feel fear settling in my stomach.
I looked at the mirror and pinched my cheeks for some color and took deep breaths. Armaan was standing right in front of me when I opened the door. I closed the bathroom door and stepped aside. He was staring at me intensely.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah yeah." I sounded like I did not trust myself. Great.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes why wouldn't I be?" I was trying hard not to sound nervous and trust me that is really difficult when you are facing a murderer.
"Okay." He said it like he did not believe me.
"Can I go h-home now?" Why did I have to stutter?
"Okay yeah let's go." He started walking towards the door. I immediately followed him. A car was parked in front of the porch. Armaan opened the passenger door for me. I quickly climbed inside.
Armaan leaned forward and buckled my seat belt. I could feel his breath on my neck.
"Love you are forgetting something." He whispered in my ear. He was too close. His nose rubbed my jaw as he laid a kiss there.
"Wh-what?" My brain was refusing to work but my heart was making up for it.
Armaan chuckled and kissed my neck. "Your bag love don't you want to take it with you?" He started kissing my neck again.
"What my..." I strived to remember what he had just said but his lips were making it difficult. My heart was in my throat. It was almost like I was enjoying it. I heard a moan and I was mortified to know it was actually me.
Armaan chuckled again and after giving me another kiss leaned back. I felt disappointed. Wait WHAT?
"I will get it for you." He kissed me on my forehead and walked back towards the house. What was he getting? Wait did I just enjoy that? I freaking moaned!!!
Shaking my head I closed my door that is when I saw a man dragging a sac behind him. The sac was stained red. Oh my God I forgot about the murder. I had just let a murderer kiss me.
My head was starting to hurt. I leaned back and closed my eyes. After a minute I heard a click and saw Armaan getting in the car. He handed me my bag without looking at meand started driving. The ride was silent. Armaan did not take his eyes off the road. I was extremely grateful for that because I am sure I looked terrible.
He stopped the car in front of my house. I quickly tried to open the door but it was locked. I slowly turned back to look at Armaan but he was still staring at the road.
"Th-the door?" I whispered.
Armaan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He reopened them after a few seconds. "Don't talk about that with anyone. I do not want to do something similar to your Baba."
I shuddered at this. Then the bast**d turned to look at me with a smile as if nothing had happened. He took my hand and kissed my knuckles. "I love you." He smiled and clicked a button on the dashboard. Without hesitating for a second I opened the door and ran to my house.
I rang the door bell multiple times. Armaan was gone by now. Ammi opened the door. I quickly rushed inside and closed the door.
"Haya? You are late. I was trying to call your driver but he was not picking up."
"Oh yes. The... the van had a flat tire so it... it took some time." I was having a hard time breathing.
"Alright come inside." She took me to the kitchen. I sat down and poured some water into a glass.
"Why are you out of breath?" Zainab Api asked as she came into the kitchen.
"Umm nothing really." I was out of excuses. Ammi looked at me for a second and went back to her work. I went to my room and dropped on my bed. Then I noticed the bracelet I was still wearing I took it off and threw it into a corner.
Today was officially the worst day of my life or maybe the day I married that jerk was the worst day. I could not decide. I saw a person die today. One second he was standing there and the next he was not. His life ended just like that.
And to think that I was actually married to the person that killed him. But I was angry with myself, I had let that person kiss me afterwards and maybe even liked it and to top it all I forgot all about the murder. Hell I forgot about everything.
I was confused. I don't know how I felt about him. I might have considered staying with him before but now... I have no idea what I had to do now.
I heard a beep and picked up my phone from the side table. There was a message from the jerk.
Stop thinking about what happened.
As if I could. Those thoughts consumed me the whole day. I could not focus on anything. Baba noticed it at dinner too but I just made an excuse.
I looked at the clock, it was 2 am already but sleep was nowhere near my eyes every time I closed my eyes to go to sleep the image from this afternoon kept coming back. That man lying at Armaan's feet and blood all around him. Armaan had acted like nothing had happened. Maybe it was an everyday activity for him.
I felt sorry for the guy. I felt guilty that I had judged him. Maybe he was not a bad person. He did not deserve to die like this. I felt guilty that I was actually protecting his killer. Even though I did not want to but the fact remains that I was protecting him.
He must have a family. A family who was never going to know what happened to him and I was a part of it all. I lifted my head off the pillow and looked at my sisters.
Baba had always taught us to fight for the right thing. I could not let Armaan get away with that. I could not be an accomplice in all of this. I could not let Armaan blackmail me for the rest of my life. I could not stay with him for the rest of my life.
I decided then that I would tell Baba everything he would understand everything and he would know better what to do next. I won't feel guilty about that guy's murder either.
With the firm resolve of telling Baba everything I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.
I was back at Armaan's place again. He was in the backyard again and I was watching him talking to the same guy. I turned around to walk away but hearing the sound of a shot I turned back. There was blood everywhere. Everything was turning blood red except Armaan and the dead man.
I heard a whisper "Haya?" It was full of pain. The dead man's hand raised towards me. I started taking mechanical steps towards him. When I reached him, I crouched down and turned the man's face.
It was Baba.
I looked back at Armaan. He smirked and then whispered "No one can take you away now."
He leaned down to grab me and I got up panting. I was on my bad. It took a minute for my breathing to get back to normal. I looked around sunlight coming from the windows and Dua and Api Zainab were not there. I looked at the clock and sat up quickly. It was eleven already. I slept that late?
I went downstairs to find Ammi sitting on a couch.
"Ammi I had to go to college today. Why did you not wake me up?" I asked as I entered the living room.
Ammi smiled at me and patted the space next to her. "Asslam o Alaikum Beta."
I felt guilty for not greeting her first "Waalaikum Asslam." I sat next to her.
"You had fever that is why we let you sleep." She touched my forehead. I nodded. "Haya?" Ammi tucked my hair behind my ear.
"Are you okay?" I nodded but she looked unsatisfied. "For a few days you have been acting strange. I don't know if I am just imagining it but you do not laugh anymore. You are always busy in your thoughts. Did something happen?"
I thought about telling her but then my nightmare came to my mind so I shook my head. "Nothing happened Ammi."
"I just want you to know that if something happens or has happened you can tell me."
I smiled at her and went back to my room and started pacing. I can not believe I had changed so much that my mother noticed it.
Why had I not told her anything? Maybe I was afraid for Baba. I thought about it for a while and then picked up my phone and dialled a number.
"Asslam o Alaikum." I greeted as soon as she picked up the phone.
"Waalaikum Asslam?" Faria Api replied. "Shouldn't you be at college right now?"
"Yes I was sick so I had to take a day off. Are you free? I had to ask you something." I questioned.
"Umm yeah I am free." She seemed confused.
"How rich is Armaan exactly?"
There was silence for a minute then she asked "Why are you asking?"
"Just answer me."
"Er I don't know exactly how rich he is but Khawar says his business is huge and he has a lot of properties not only here but also abroad. And judging from his house and car collection I think he is pretty rich."
"Umm can he..." I hesitated. "Can he do something... er... something really bad to someone and get away with it?"
"Haya I think he is a nice person. As far as I know him he would not do something so bad that you feel the need to ask it. Do not forget he is best friends with Khawar. And if he does do something bad I do not think he will get away with it."
"Okay that is all. Thanks." I disconnected before she could say anything else. I was confused now should I tell Baba or not?
I wiped away all the thoughts from my head and went to the sink to brush my teeth.
Khawar's POV
"So she saw it?" I asked Armaan.
"She did not exactly see it. But she knows that I did it." He was sitting in one of the chairs in front of my desk in my office, playing with a paper weight.
"Why would you shoot a guy knowing that she was there?" I was annoyed now.
"How was I supposed to know she was watching me? Even afterwards I was a bit suspicious when she disappeared for five minutes but I still would not have known if Aslam had not told me."
I took a deep breath. "So what are you going to do now?"
"About what?" He asked with a confused expression.
I was going to hit him but restrained myself. Seriously how could someone be so stupid?
"About Haya, Armaan. About Haya." I emphasized on Haya. "What if she talks to somebody about it?"
"Oh she won't." He was so at ease. "I threatened to kill her father."
"WHAT?" I yelled.
"Calm down man. It's not like I will actually do it no matter how much I want to."
"I thought you said you loved her."
"I do okay? I do." He was trying to be convincing. "But I had no other option. I know it must be shocking for her but she has got to accept every part of my life."
"Dude you are the one that loves her not the other way around."
"How can you say that?" He seemed offended.
"Fine I can not say that." I admitted. "But if she did not fall in love with you the first time she saw you the chances of her ever loving you are slim to none."
"Why would you say that?" Armaan frowned.
I facepalmed myself "Bro you have dated a lot of girls and you still don't know a single thing about women?"
He made a face at this. "It is not like I had to win any of their love. I did not care a single bit about them."
"But you do care about Haya right? How do you know it is not a fleeting feeling?"
"Of course I care about her. I have never felt like this about any girl and does the fact that I still have not killed her father means nothing to you?"
"Why are you treating her like this then?"
"Treating her like what?" Was he really that clueless?
"You stalked her. You pestered her father continuously. You kidnapped her. You married her forcefully by threatening her. You killed a person in front of her. And you threatened to kill her father not to mention that you want to kill her father."
"He deserves it. He is the reason that I can not be with Haya right now."
"She is his daughter. He can do whatever he wants with her life."
"Well now she is my wife. I can do whatever I want with her life."
I took a deep breath. "The point remains Armaan. She is not going to love you if you keep treating her like this."
Armaan was quite for a few moments. "I do not know what to do. I really love her but I don't know how to show it to her." He was looking helpless.
"Step one: stop forcing her to do things."
"Huh yeah right." He laughed. "She would not look at me then. You have no idea how stubborn she is."
"My friend, girls are stubborn."
"The girls I had were not."
"News flash they were after your money and your looks." I stated the obvious.
"Fine tell me what to do."
"You can send her flowers actually don't you don't want her parents to find out. Just send her nice texts and maybe a letter or two like you did before and---" my phone rang. I picked it to see Faria's name on the screen.
I asked Armaan to give me a minute. He took out his phone.
"Hello? Is everything alright?" I asked after accepting the call.
"Yeah why would you ask?" She seemed confused.
"You don't usually call at this time."
"Oh. Yeah I don't. Are you busy?" Faria seemed a little distracted.
"No I am not. Tell me what I did to get the honour of you calling me." I was smiling.
"I wanted to ask you. Do you think that Uncle Murtaza is thinking of accepting Armaan's proposal?"
I looked at Armaan before answering. "No I do not think so. Why would you ask?"
"Haya called me today."
"Haya called?" Armaan's full attention was on me now.
"Yes she asked me weird questions."
"What questions?" I asked.
"She asked me how rich Armaan was and..."
"And what?"
"And if he can do something really bad to someone and get away with it."
I was quite for a minute.
"Yeah? What did you say?"
"I said that he is a good person. He would not do something bad. Khawar? I am worried. Do you think Armaan is involved with her? Like is he meeting her or something?"
I took a deep breath. "Of course he is not. I don't know what Haya was thinking."
"Are you sure?" She really sounded worried.
"I am sure."
"Okay that's all. Allah Hafiz."
"Allah Hafiz." I put the phone down and glared at Armaan. "For you. For you I had to lie to my wife."
He ignored my accusation "What was she saying? Why did Haya call?"
"Haya asked her how wealthy you are. And if you can get away with doing something really bad."
"What?" He was worried now. "That means she is planning to tell someone about what happened yesterday. I can't believe that girl. I thought she would not open her mouth because she loved her father. I have to do something." He was getting up.
I got up to and blocked his way. "Hey where are you going? Take it easy. You have already done enough to her. Do not do something you would regret. Even if she tells someone nobody will believe her. It's just the word of some random girl."
"Her Baba will. And it can disturb her relationship with me. I do not want her father to hate me more than he already does. Khawar if he knows he would never agree to give Haya to me and I told her that I would not take her away without her father's permission. So please step aside."
"Armaan..." I tried to reason but he pushed me away and went out of my office. "Armaan." I called out as I followed him. He was in the elevator but before I could reach him, the doors closed and he was gone.
Haya's POV
I had breakfast and then went to my room. It was almost 12 o clock now. I sat on my bed and opened a book as I had not studied the previous day.
My phone rang. It was Armaan. I stared at it for a few seconds and then put it back. He called again and then again. I picked up when he called the tenth time.
"Why were you ignoring my calls?" He growled.
I was scared for a second but then I remembered he was not in front of me. "I did not want to."
"Do not make this mistake again." His voice was malicious.
"What do you want?"
"Are you thinking about telling your Baba about what happened yesterday?"
That is when I decided that I did not want him to blackmail me. "I am not thinking. I am going to tell him everything."
He scoffed. "I thought you loved him. Now I won't be responsible for anything that happens to him. Call me when you feel sorry." With that he disconnected the call.
I had a bad feeling about this. I almost called him back but restrained myself. He said he loved me. He would do nothing that would hurt me. With that thought I put my phone down.
I was waiting for Baba to come home. It was six in the evening now.
6:15 He must have something important at work.
6:30 He was never late but maybe he was really busy.
7:00 Even Ammi was worried now. Baba had not even called yet.
7:30 Ammi asked me to call Baba but he was not picking up. I was panicking now. I opened my contacts and stared at Armaan's number for five minutes before putting it down. Maybe Baba was really busy.
8:00 I dialled Armaan's number.
"So my love finally called?" I wanted to puch his face.
"Where is Baba?"
"Darling you do not sound sorry at all." I did not say anything so he continued. "Fine I do not wish to make you feel bad. Just promise me that you will not tell him anything. About yesterday or about any other day we spent together."
"I-I promise." My voice was broken.
"Shh baby do not cry. I will send him right back. All you have to do is keep quiet. Now don't worry about anything. I love you. Good bye."
A few minutes later the doorbell rang. I rushed downstairs. Everyone was going to the living room. I rushed to the door but stopped as I saw Baba. His face was ashen. He looked tired.
"Just had a lot of work at the office. I forgot to call. I am so sorry." He was sitting with Dua and Zainab Api stroking their heads. As he saw me he smiled but I could see behind that smile. I ran to him and hugged him. I was crying now.
"Shh Beta it was nothing I was just late due to some work."
He was convincing. Everyone believed him and I might have done too if I did not know what that jerk was capable of. I can not believe I had put Baba's life in danger.
That was probably the first night in my life that I cried myself to sleep.