I could feel my heart beat faster. The blood pumped with such a force it was unreal.
The interviewer entered; but that wasn't what made feel this way, but the fact that I saw the fat, short man with whom I got into fight in the streets an hour before. He was walking behind the interviewer.
I had millions of question going inside my head to which I couldn't get answer to half of them.
Wait! What if the interviewer was the person who was sitting inside the car? Damn! it shouldn't be like that.
Keeping all my thoughts aside, I quickly lowered by head so that I wouldn't be recognised, but that darned man saw me. He look confused as though wondering what I would be doing here. For a split second I was happy that maybe, just maybe he had amnesia and didn't remember who I was, but all my hopes came crashing down when his eyes widened in recognition. Damn it.
He kept staring at me while he went in, not having a happy expression on that wrinkled face of his. This was not good. Not good at all.
A middle aged woman came and announces that the interview would start shortly. This did not make me feel any better. I could not afford to lose this job. I need it, I'm too young to get married! God could only help me get through this.
So,I did what I did best at these situations. I started reading all the prayers worth 24 years of my life. I rocked back and forth, desperation evident in my eyes. I promised God all kinds of things, I would do anything at this point just please let me get this job.
Approximately after ten minutes,the man came out with a file. He stared at me once again and at this point I would trade my sister to know what was going on his head and whether he spilled the beans or not. Yes I'm that desperate.
My thoughts was cut short by a middle-aged woman calling out the first candidates name.
The first candidate Mr.Awan went inside, he looked perfect for the job. His hair was neatly swept back, his attire was on point. Moreover he looked confident enough. I was sure that he would get selected. And so just like that my confidence dropped like my uncle's sugar level..
After approximately 10 minutes or so,
He came out with not a very happy look, distress covering his face which clearly implied that he didn't get the job. His walk wasn't upright anymore as he threw his tag into bin with such an anger I knew a couple of plates were bound to be broken. Hold on a second! He himself didn't get a job. He looked so apt for it.
Other names started being called out and not one person's face looked satisfied. The men looked very grumpy and a woman burst into tears as she came out, her mascara painting here face black. Was the interview that hard that this man who looked perfect enough for the job also didn't get selected? Was it so hard the a woman had to actually cry? When people so qualified itself didn't get the job means what's the guarantee that I would!!??
Now I started get into terms with reality . It's not too bad to get married at 24. Is it? Everyone is getting married. So, that wouldn't be a huge thing. Even I will get married. It's okay!
After numerous panic attacks and worthless consolations, my name was called. She was loud enough for me to fall off the chair.
Before entering the room. I stopped, took a deep breath and promised myself that I wouldn't cry if I didn't get this job. I promised I would be strong.
"Esha is a strong girl." Repeating it again and again I went inside the room.
The room had a cold aura, that one would catch a fever even during summer if they sat here. The entire room was absent of any colors. It was different shades of grey and more black. The floor was impeccably white that I could even see my own reflection! It was not pretty.
The room possesed a silence which made chills go down my spine. It was awfully cold and among the dark interior of the office I couldn't help but notice the man who sat on the big black chair with his head directed towards the stack of papers he was working on.
I cleared my throat and made him aware of my presence in the room. At least I tried to.
"Good morning-" I said
"I know you're inside, stop wasting my time now!" He said.
That was pretty rude if you would ask me.
I was about to take the seat from his huge desk with papers spread all over it and prepared myself to tell the introduction that I've revised for the past 1 month.
"What do you think you're doing?" He questioned.
Taking a seat, what else does it look like? But of course I didn't say that, I needed the job. So instead I gave a confused look
"I never told you to take a seat" He told with a firmness that made me freeze.
I see he is very hospitable.
I remained standing and just as I was about to deliver my introduction, I paused.
I decided not to display my nervousness and threw a wide smile on my face giving the widest beam possible.
"Please wipe off that smile off your face, you look ridiculous." he told without even looking up.
My smile immediately vanished and a feeling of uneasiness settled within me. Okay I did not expect that. Was my smile ridiculous? My train of thoughts was interrupted when he spoke.
"Esha Varnav" my name rolled off his tongue in the smoothest way possible. "Your resume..." he dragged making my anxiety shoot up to the sky.
I finally gathered myself together and looked up. He was still reading the resume. Though he wasn't looking at me but I still a glimpse of what he looked like.
His black, dark hair was the first thing that caught my sight. Damn! It was thicker than mine. He had an intense Light crystal grey eyes that would melt anyone's heart at the first sight. He had a clean shave. He wasn't dusky. In fact he was fair.He looked young. He would be aged around 25 to 26. Overall he looked handsome. He could be a perfect model if you'd ask me. But unfortunately, he turned out to be a businessmen who is going to ruin the last chance in my life. Maybe that's why I disliked him at the first sight even after him being this handsome.
Handsome!? What is wrong with you Esha!!?
He closed my file and looked up, meeting my gaze for the first since I entered this room.
His eyes were drugs I swear.
He studied me for a while and got up from his chair.
Wait! Did that rhyme? Maybe it did. I could be a good poet too.
He was tall enough. He had a broad shoulder and he wore a black suit that perfectly complements the lean line of his body. I looked like a tiny insect in front of him. He had the perfect body. I wouldn't be surprised if he had abs.
He rose from his seat and made his way towards me. My heart was pumping too fast that I thought it would stop within some seconds. He started moving towards me. I wouldn't be surprised if he was gonna chop my head off for bribing his driver. I should really stop lying.
He took steps towards me which me made me take steps back. What is wrong with this man. Why is he being a creep? Usually that was my job!
I kept taking steps back until there was no more space and my back hit the wall.
Ouch!! Well that hurt.
I couldn't move back anymore. But that didn't stop him from moving further. He came more closer and looked at me directly. His eyes was....dangerous.
He then bent down slowly and whispered in my ears "You are hired, Ms. Esha Varnav!"
To say that I was flustered in an understatement.
After saying what he had to say, he casually turned towards his desk and sat down as if nothing happened.
Oh he said that I'm hired. Nice.
WAIT WHAT!!? DID I HEAR RIGHT!? Am I selected?? Just like that? Woah...I mean its quite not believable.
Just to clarify if my ears hadn't betrayed me, I asked him "Sir what did you just tell me right now?"
"I don't like repeating myself and if you had a problem hearing what I just said, then I advice you u make an appointment with the doctor soon" He told with a gaze that made me want to be invisible.
I gulped.
"Yes Sir. Th-Thank-Thank you!" I nodded my head
He could have said this sitting in his chair. Why does he have to put the effort of getting up, coming near me and whispering in my ears? Ugh, I'm maintaining a distance form this guy.
"You will have to report to work from tomorrow and you will be paid 60,000 this month!"
This sentence brought me to an abrupt stop
Before I could even say anything. He continued talking.
"Miss you are getting employed in The Tiwari Groups. And punctuality is very important here. We do not tolerate dishonest employees" He made sure to give an emphasis on the word dishonest.
That sick old man. He ratted me out. He better pray he doesn't have an encounter with me anytime soon or else I will chop his tongue out the minute I see him! But just to be sure, I asked,
"But Sir, in the job offer it is written joining date is from next Monday and moreover it has been told that this job shall be paid 80,000 per month. Then why only 60,000 and an early joining schedule ?" I inquired politely.
"This is my office and I can change anything according to my wish. Nothing to do with your concern here! And yes 80,000 is your actual salary but I have to repair my jaguar which you hit on the streets. If you don't like this offer then you can leave, The doors are open for you" he told with his eyes challenging me.
I shall be nice. I shall be nice. Do not choke him. Do not choke him.
I couldn't say anything back because I needed this job so my mother wouldn't get me married off for being such a useless bum, leeching off my parents. Moreover he did give me the job regardless of the fact that I hit his vehicle. So I was not really in a position to argue.
I just nodded my head with a small smile, opened the door and left that room. Only now could I breathe properly, never more happy to take in the normal environment around me.
The woman who's name I noticed was Layla. She gave me a smile and congratulated me.
Everyone who came for interview, had holes boring through my head. Most of the women had dams of tears threatening to spill out anytime soon and the men were....well men.
Layla took me to her desk, handed me the Contract Information and told me to bring it along when I join.
But for now, I wasn't happy, I wasn't sad.
I had a different feeling. I don't know what was that.
But with some satisfaction I walked out of the building with the hope of coming here tommorow and beginning my work.
I know this wasn't going to be easy but life isn't always about playing nice was it?
~ ?? ~
"Felt like making a deal with the devil!"
~ Esha Varnav ~