How the hell did he come here? I smiled unwillingly hoping that it should be my hallucination.
"How is the spice?" he asks with a smirk
"Ahhh- Ah-Si-Sir-Sorry" I gulped.
"What am I asking and what are you telling DR.ESHA" he has to mention "doctor" Esha! Ughh!
"Sir, the spice is not nice" I said keeping the plate down.
"Then tell them to spices out. Being a food organizer how can you serve tasteless food to your guests. Am I right Dr.Esha?" he asks raising his eyebrows.
What the hell! When did he come and when did he hear me telling I was the food organizer. NO! SHIT.... GET ME TO HELL! I didn't know what to reply him. I was completely accused.
"Okay leave that. Come with me now" He proceeded by pulling my hand. I didn't refuse, I went with him. There was a crowd with a lot of people in white coat. Probably doctors. He suddenly left my hand. I looked at him with a confusion.
"Walk before me" he said
I didn't want to question him. Already I was in danger, I just did whatever he said without thinking twice. I stepped before and started walking.
"Auch!" I couldn't realize what happenend but all I knew was, I was among the crowd of doctors. I looked back and Aadhvik was far there with his same sarcastic smile. He pushed me in! Idiot!
"Have this" a nurse handed me a report and directed me towards one of the boy there who was sitting with his mouth wide open.
God! Does this women want me to treat this guy? Why is his mouth bigger than mine?
"These are his reports Ma'am! Please go through them" the nurse said me again. I opened the report and there were many things written and I swear I couldn't get even a single letter.
What? What do you mean by the codont? C for codont and C for cancer Maybe one type of cancer. I myself assumed something.
"How is his report Doctor" a women around thirty years old asked me. Probably it will be that boy's mom.
"Ahhh.... Your...your son have mouth cancer!" I said my assumption with a confused look on my face.
Aadhvik started laughing there with his mouth covered by his hands. Was I wrong? Why is he laughing this much?
The nurse almost died. The boy had a loud cry and his mom, don't even ask. My real identity is gonna be revealed now. Where is Dua? Ugh!
Just then, my life savior enters. Dua comes. My confused look turned into a evil smile because she was here. She would save me at any cost.
"What are you doing here doctor Esha?" She asked rolling her eyes. She was clearly pissed.
She then turned towards the nurse, "She is not a dentist sidhra. She is an neurologist" I literally thought of stabbing dua once. What does she mean by I am a neurologist? Now this bunch of doctors are going to push me into the operation theatre telling me to cut open people's brain. I would be gald if it was Aadhvik's brain but that wouldn't probably take place. Damn! Dua is screwing it more.
Aadhvik's eyes glared at me and Dua. I didn't bother him much. I was concern about escaping from here.
I tried opening my mouth to let out some words in order to save myself. But dua caught my hand clearly indicating not to even move my lips. Yes!
"Neurologist? I have not seen her anywhere in the hospital" the nurse stared at me trying to remind herself of my exisistance in this hospital. But how will she remembered me? Huh!
Dua cut short her thoughts, "She is doctor working in Afganistan. She have come here for service in the charity program"
"Isn't it Doctor Esha?" Dua turned towards me.
"Indeed yes. Hahaha!" It wasn't even funny but I faked a laugh.
"So I am taking my leave. Doctor Esha come with me please" she managed to hide her anger on me with a wide smile.
I walked behind her not speaking anything. She went inside a room and I too went inside.
"What is wrong with you....." She started
She finally stopped cursing me and found some time to take oxygen in and release carbon dioxide out. Yes! She spoke that long.
"Why are you starting at me like a duck?" She mocks me. Duck? What does she mean by duck?
Huh! But for now she is my life savior, I can't get into an argument with my dear best friend. I was still looking at her and she was staring right back at me.
"Will you open your rubber mouth atleast now?" Her face turned red. She walked towards the bottle kept in one of the table and was drinking it as her throat became dry. I can't make her anger rise more. So I decided to open up.
"Aadhvik caught me!" This one sentence from me was enough for her to puke the whole water.
"What? Where is he?" She came closer to me.
"I don't know. He was the one to push me in" I sigh.
"Esha... Why you always end of getting caught no matter how much hard you try not to" she too sighs.
I narrated her everything and she was almost going to chop me off into peices.
"Why will you tell such a dirty lie?" She bangs my head hard.
"Auchhh!" I shout in pain. It was actually a hard bang. I thought my skull would open up. But it didn't. Thank Goodness.
We both could hear somone screming in the mick telling that the event would start within some miniutes and apparently Dua have to go. She left immediately not even waving me a bye.
I followed her as I didn't want to fall in trouble again in the name of neurologist from Afganistan. I went and hid myself behind Dua to escape from Aadhvik's sight. But, where is he? Where did he go? I was looking everywhere around the auditorium and I could hear the same deep voice, but this time it was louder. I looked in the direction from where the voice came.
He was right there in the stage, talking on the mic.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, A very warm good morning to everyone present here. I am highly honored to be a part of the Annual Bright and Shine Program. A special thanks to all the guests, reporters and DOCTORS who having come all way long to attend this event. A very big applause to the managing committee and VARIOUS ORGANIZERS who did their job with so much sincerity. Last but not the least, the security guards who was standing in the hot sun and verifying people's identity to make sure NO INTRUDERS or UNINVITED PEOPLE enter. You all have done a great job to make this event a grand success yet again. Thank you all!"
His eyes was directed straight towards me with a little smirk. Why does he have to specify the word UNINVITED PEOPLE? Why does he have to tell that looking at me alone? Ughhh! I was too pissed and took a seat at the last. I spent the next two hours cursing how useless and annoying he is.
Almost the event the going to get over and my phone reminded me of it's presence, yes it buzzed. Probably Ruhi is texting me, I unlocked the screen to tell her everything and it was not her. It was Aadhvik. Why is he texting me? I was really scared to open. I waved my hand slightly against Dua who was standing a bit far, indicating her to come. When did even Dua forget to read me? She came.
"What did Aadhvik do now?" she whispered.
"Open the message and read. I am scared to open!" I said telling her to sit
Dua snactched the phone from me and took a seat next to mine. His eyes was still staring at me. Why is he giving me that gaze? What is he planning.
"Eshaaaa" Dua whispers again trying not to scream.
"What happenend. Did he fire me?" I was shivering.
"No. Read it" she handed the phone to me.
I slid open the screen and clicked his message once again. His message read as,
"Ms. Esha Varnav. You need not come to work tomorrow. You can resume your work from Monday. Your new working days will be from Monday to Saturday w.e.f from next week till September 30th. Thank you! Have a great Sunday."
"It means you have to work seven days in a week" Dua said
"There is only seven days in a week" I look at Dua.
Dua helplessly walks out. Even she didn't know what to do. What can I even do now? Ughh! Waitt... Till september 30th that means,
Chaaya Aunty!
Summer Vacation!
He was looking as if he didn't do anything. Such innocent look! I felt of taking a stone and throwing it straight on his face.
Why only me? Going to Cannada for summer vacation was my dream since ten years and why would he spoil it? This is not fair.
Already tears started falling from my eyes. I didn't want to stay there anymore. So I walked out. I didn't infrom Dua about my leave. I managed to baord a bus and directly headed home.
My mom sitting in the main hall. I didn't even bother to talk to her. I went to room in serch of Ruhi and I found her working on her assignments. She looked up at my face and probably she came to know I was in a bad mood. She slowly stood up and locked the room.
"What happened Esha?" she asked
I hugged her and started crying. I know there is nothing in this to sit and cry but he not only spoiled my vacation but my whole families. This is not a punishment to me alone. Ahhh! I handed Ruhi my phone where his text was on display. Ruhi read it and she was disappointed.
"What about the holidays?" her worried tone asked
"I don't have any idea" I sobbed
All I wanted is a good sleep for now. I can't stay awake and think of it, it will worry me more. How am I even going to tell it to mom? God! Help me out please.
I don't know when I slept but yeah I slept too long.
"Esha, wake up dinner is ready" my mom comes and wakes me up.
"No I don't want. I am too tired. You go have food" I said in the same sleepy tone.
"If you are that tired, I will come and feed you. Get up and sit"
My sleep vanished in seconds when my mom said that. What did I do to get such a good family? I smile at my mom in a loving way.
"Don't smile with your teeth out, you look disgusting." My mom walks out of the room and my smile disappears like my dreams. I stretch myself and manage to get up. I see my dad and Ruhi seated in the dinning and my mom working in kitchen. I went and sat rubbing my eyes.
Ruhi hits me with her leg indicating me to tell what happened. I just nod my head telling not today but Ruhi was too stubborn that ultimately pushed myself to talk.
"Pa" I called my dad.
"Yes Esha, Tell" he looked up at me.
"My summer vacation is cancelled" I said really not willing to tell.
"Why?" my mom interrupted
"Ma everyone in her office didn't get summer holiday it seems due to important project" Ruhi opened up. She is pretty good at lying than me.
"Then it's fine. We will cancel the vacation" my dad tells without thinking twice.
"Okay we will go for next summer break" my mom agrees too.
Now I am drowning in the sea of guilt. Just because of my selfishness my whole family is going to lose it's happy vacation.
This Aadhvik! Damn It!
~ ?? ~
"The weight of my words became heavy on my heart!!"
~ Esha Varnav ~