Two weeks passed doing late night works in his office. He reduced my remaining salary for this month in various occasions. What all he is going to do more? I don't have anything to lose hereafter.
Everyday starts with my mom's scolding followed by my dad's kisses, Veronica's smiling face, Aadhvik's glare and ends with Ruhi's gossip session, Dua's mocking and Inaaya's consoles.
Today is also going to be same. Nothing special. I had to work on an important file today as it has to be submitted the next week and I managed to complete it around eleven thirty. I went to Aadhvik's cabin and submitted the report. He went through it and said it was fine.
I offed the lights and he was already in his car. I went and took my seat and we were heading towards my home.
On the way, he looked back and took something from the back seat.
"Here, hold it" he said giving me the file that I was working on.
"Why are you giving me this Sir" I asked taking the file.
"I forgot to keep it in my room. Tommorow morning go and keep this in my cabin. I have to attend a meeting in Delhi tommorow and my flight is on morning three. Remember this is an important file. So be careful." He glares at me.
I knew this is an important file so I have to leave all those fun aside and be serious. I nodded my head. He dropped me in my home around twelve fifteen and I went inside to keep the file under Ruhi's studying desk while Ruhi was still awake studying for her exams. The same gossip session took place between us. I then texted Veronica telling I reached home and about the file.
Since Ruhi couldn't wake up late alone she said me to be awake also. So I called Dua and Innaya. Innaya told about her surgery which she is going to do tommorow morning at six. I don't know which couple was that who wanted to delivery their baby at six morning. I would probably withdraw the plan to giving birth if I had to go through a C-Section six in the morning. Weird!
"She is a businessman's wife and I am gonna witness her surgery. Woah!" Innaya sounds really happy.
Then Dua starts about her work and followed by me. We didn't feel to end the talk, but we hardly have to as Innaya have to wake up early for her operation. Ufff! When did she grow this much to take a baby out? Time runs fast isn't it?
It was three when the call ended.
THREE! Hmm.... Aadhvik's flight would have started by now. Ruhi also completed studying and we two went back to bed.
The sun raised as usual. I woke up early today and stretched myself. It was five. I woke up too early to be honest. I head out of my room proudly because I am not a morning person. How nice it feels to wake up without mum's scolding early in the morning. I texted Veronica who is a morning person and said I would reach office early in the first bus which goes to my office stopping.
My dad who was reading newspaper literally serched for his specs inorder to make sure that it is me and not Ruhi. And trust me when he came to know that it was me, his reaction was priceless.
I then walk all way to the kitchen and my mom is immersed in cooking that she failed to notice it was me,
"Come Ruhi. Do you want milk?" She asks
"Esha Here!" I clear my throat and my mom couldn't believe what she heard for a minute. She looks up in suprise and finds me standing with a proud feeling.
"There is nothing to feel proud. Don't over react" she started yelling me. Oh my mother! When did she even change? I spoke with her for some time and then went to take a bath.
I was almost done getting ready and asked Ruhi for money as he cut my salary. My dear little sister was kind enough that she gave me her pocket money for my transportation.
I took the money and the file to board the bus. As I was early today I went on the first bus which would reach my stopping so there wasn't much crowd and I managed to find a seat for myself. There was almost two three people standing behind who didn't bother to take a seat even after there was many empty ones.
Innaya dialled me and her voice sounded really low. I knew something was wrong.
"What happened?" I questioned her.
"Everything is wrong. Nothing is right." She started crying.
"Inaaya...." I tried cooling her down.
"She had a miscarriage before coming to hospital itself Esha and senior doctors are treating her now. The baby didn't survive" she cryed.
Ufff! How can I console her now.
"It's okay. Not your mistake!" I tried consoling her but she was not ready to listen any time soon. I spend the journey trying to motivate her. Since my destination was about to arrive I said her to sleep and promised to call her back after my work.
My stopping came and I have to end the call with Innaya. I got down and found a roadside pani puri shop. Awwww! One pani puri doesn't hurt much. Does it? I looked at the time and I had time. So why not enjoy some spice? Moreover I had a some more money left which Ruhi gave me for transportation.
I went and asked him for two plates and he was getting them ready.
"Here Ma'am" he said giving me two plates. I took them and started eating. Uff! How can my love for pani puri ever fade away? Why I didn't eat them for so long. Yummyyy!!!
I completed the two plates within some miniutes and paid the man. I then took my belongings which I kept in the near by chair and headed towars the office.
Thank goodness! The elevator has been repaired, so I don't have to walk all way to the third floor. I reached my floor and find Veronica going somewhere down in the steps. Where is she going during office hours? Let me ask her when she comes.
I was so onto finishing my work that I completely forgot about the file which he said me to keep.
Ah damn! I took my office bag to take the file out.
What the hell?
What can't I find the file inside?
God! Why again me? That too this is an important file. Please not this time. I ran towards his table to make sure that I didn't go and keep it there.
Where? Where? Where?
Where did I keep it?
I remember bringing it with me from home.
What if I left in under the desk? Let me call mom to tell her check.
I took my phone to dial her.
Wait! If I tell her to check, she would then question me when I return home. No! I will ask Ruhi. Ughh!! She too must be in school now. Shit! I head home catching a taxi and went serching myself. It was not even there.
"When did you come from office" my mom asked.
"I came in search of one of the file. It was under Ruhi's desk. Did you see it Ma?" I asked my mom in the most causal way.
"No. Ruhi was taking some of her things from the desk back in the morning. Ask her when she comes back."
What? Did Ruhi take it by mistake along with her book? I ran back to catch an other cab and went to Ruhi's school. The receptionist there said me to visit the principal asking for permission. I then went to the principal asking him to permitt for seeing Ruhi.
Screw this principle! What is wrong with his brain. Why can't he let me meet Ruhi. He said me to write a letter asking him for permission and I scribbled something on an A4 and gave it to him which he then signs, granting permission.
I said my parents not to join her in this school. I knew this school is the most useless one in the city. Crack heads! I couldn't even take a seat I was walking to the either sides and finally Ruhi comes running.
"What happened? Why did you come here? Anything serious Esha?" Ruhi was too shocked too see me in her school. Even she knew something was wrong.
"I lost his file. Did you find a red colour file anywhere under your desk" my voice was shuddering.
"No, you took it with you, I saw" Ruhi too was really scared.
"I have to go now Ruhi! Bye" I went directly to the office and took all my belongings and came home. God knows where Veronica went but it's good that she isn't here. If not she would definitely not let me go home. I didn't want to stay there. If he came to know then.... then....I don't know.... Ahhh!
It was four in the evening and Ruhi came back home running. My mom was sitting in the hall and I was in the room. So Ruhi got to act cool infront of her. She slowly pepped in and came into room.
"Esha! Esha.... Esha... You know what?" She couldn't even talk. I was now too scared. I can't even tell it with words.
"What happened Ruhi" I bit my lips out of curiosity.
"In my van, the radio was on and...and...." Ruhi couldn't even talk.
"And what Ruhi?" I gave her some water. She drinks it and then starts talking, "And they were telling about the file Esha! I am scared!" Ruhi is really worried. She is in fact scared.
I switched on my room's TV and kept a random news channel. Never in my life I watched news channel and look what happened now! Everything is because of this Aadhvik.
The news channels was filled with the file being leaked out by some unknown and there was so many criticism on Aadhvik and his company. Shit! Shit! Tears started coming from my eyes that is enough for the whole city to submerge.
And in one the news channels they literally said that "sources states that it was leaked out by the program manager." Trust me, I literally thought of jumping from a cliff when I heard that. God! I didn't leak out anything. Ahhh!
My mom called me out, Ruhi was helpless.
Did my mom come to know everything??? I gained some courage and went to the hall.
"Look, your company is getting lot of critism. You didn't know?" my mom seemed to be casual. Maybe she didn't know it was me to lose the file.
"Yeah. It seems som-some files was... was lost" I managed to hide the fear.
"Hmm" she nods.
My mom then went to my neighbours house telling that she would be back within an hour or so.
Soon, calls started coming from Innaya and Dua.
"Huh! This Aadhvik deserves that! Yess!" Dua scremes out of happiness.
"Dua I was the one to lose it" I scremed crying. It took Dua some time to actually get what I said.
She tried calming me down but nothing could do it this time. I was so worked up. I went and locked myself inside the washroom. Ruhi was banging the door telling me to open it.
I can't let this happen! I didn't leak out any files. I lost it. It was my mistake but...but I didn't do it purposefully. What is going to happen next? Aadhvik wouldn't think twice before killing me now. God! What plans do you even hold for me?