The morning was too good. The sun rays falling on my face felt like god himself was blessing me with endless happiness. I turned towards my left and looked at the watch. It was around seven thirty. But the only thing is I have office today.
Wait? What day is it? When will I get my weekend. I got up and found Ruhi was still sleeping. I thought to play with her for some time.
"Ruhi it's nine o clock your bus left... Ruhi" I shook her and she woke up within fractions of second.
"What???" She started to cry out of fear as she had her exams today.
"OMG!! Stop crying. It's only seven thirty. Chill" I really didn't wanna console her but if she cries, my mom is gonna take my life away because Ruhi becomes the most annoying creature when she cries.
"Esha why would you do this. Dumbass!" She yelled.
"Someone's pocket money" I said looking all around.
"Sorry... Sorry Esha. Sorry!" She said and hugged me. Why is she being so chessy for just a few rupppes that I am gonna offer her?
I finally managed to get up from my bed and got myself dressed neatly. Today I had time to eat because Aadhvik wasn't there to watch me come to office at time. I slowly boarded my bus and reached the office.
Before I could enter the building, I found the Jaguar standing infront. Woah! How can I miss this opportunity? This luck comes once in lifetime. I won't lose it. I took my phone and dialled Dua.
"I am very busy, I am attending patients. Later okay?" Dua Whispers.
"Wanna go a ride in jaguar?" I knew she wanted to. But she still rejected with a No.
"I will buy you chocolates!" This is how you can tackle dua. She would do anything to get chocolate stuffed inside her mouth. Weird!
"Okay I will be ready. You come to my hospital" she whispered once again.
Today is gonna be fun. I started the car and drove off stright to her hospital and I found her hiding in one cornor because no one should a doctor is bunking.
I opened the door window and waved my hand and her eyes wide opened seeing me. She came running and sat in the car quickly.
"Go! Go! No one should see me" she scremed.
"Fine don't shout, I will" I said starting the car.
We soon reached the chocolate shop and dua's eyes widened in desperation. Her jaw was dropping seeing the logo of the shop.
I couldn't find parking anywhere so I parked my car in some cornor and Dua was quick enough. She got down and went inside the shop. I locked the car and followed her. When I entered the shop she was already there placing her orders. I knew she was gonna get high on sugar today.
I simply sat behind her placing my orders and soon her orders came and trust me the whole table was filled with different type of chocolates.
While my orders was still pending. I was just staring at her and the way she eats.... don't even ask me! God! She didn't even look like a freaking dentist. She was eating as if she was prevented from eating chocolates for a decade.
My orders also came soon and I started eating mine. Then comes the most tragetic part, the bill. The bill arrives and we both are staring at each other. Dua slowly hides her purse inside clearly indicating that I have to pay. I didn't mind much today as I was happy. I smiled and looked at the bill. ₹1089 it read. Never mind I would pay. Earing 50,000 I have to do somthing with the money.
"You literally paid?" Dua asked me in awe.
"Yeah I did! Indeed I am earning 50,000" I chuckle.
"Duh! I earn more than you!" She frowns taking her hidden purse out finally.
Suddenly Dua's frowns turns into a smile, a smile that said that she was up to something. Why is she smiling? I looked at her expecting her to talk something.
"Spill the beans" I cheerfully said her
She opens her purse and takes out a small invitation and hands it over to me. It read that the Annual Bright And Shine programme is going to be held tomorrow in her hospital to which only the doctors and reporters are invited.
"What is so special in this? This takes place every year" I asked rolling my eyes down, looking not so intrested.
"You also come this time, because I am going" Dua tells hoping for me to tell a yes. She had lost her senses.
"ONLY INVITED DOCTORS ARE ALLOWED DUA!" I tell it pretty loud. So that it hits her useless brain.
"Do you think I am illerate? I know only doctors are invited" she raises her eyebrows with a small smirk.
"What are you planning"
"Ah well, you know my old white coat is in my home. Remember?" She tells and her smirk soon turns into a evil smile.
What would I do without this women in my life?
"Okay I will come" I chuckled.
"Now we have to leave Dua. He will come at five and now it is already four" I said with the most unhappy look on my face. Obviously if he comes back , everything is gonna go. I still hoped for some good news telling his plane was crashed but nothing like that seemed to reach my ears soon.
So now me and Dua heads out the chocolate shop to only find his car, his car. Shit! Shit! Nooo... Am I dreaming? I pinched myself to make sure
HIS BLACK JAGUAR was being taken away by police.
I ran towards it but in no vain. The car had already been taken by the police in a big truck like some vehical. I don't know what it was exactly.
"This is your end Esha" Dua warned.
I can't let this happen. This can't happen. How do I get the car back? I turned towards Dua and told her to leave but she hesitated.
I somehow managed to get two auto's and I reluctantly pushed Dua in one and payed that auto driver and I myself got seated in the other. I said that auto driver to get head stright to the airport.
Summer was already near and the auto was too small, I was sweating as hell. It was kind of suffocating inside that small vehical but I had money to afford this small vehical only. I texted Ruhi telling I might be late to home because when Aadhvik comes to know all this, he is going to screw me up.
Ruhi called me by then, "Yeah Ruhi tell me?" I said sounding really anxious
"What happened? What you screwed up this time?" she whispers. I was pretty much sure she was talking to me under her blanket or under her table. That isn't my concern now. So I told her everything and she sighs
"For now, Don't worry I will manage mom and dad. You take care." This is the perk of having a younger sister. For now I don't have to worry about home, Ruhi will take care. But who will take care of Aadhvik's action. NO ONE!
The time was exact five and he started giving me missed calls one after the other. I am screwed! I didn't have enough courage to answer them. Tears filled my eyes making everything look blur. I wiped it off. I don't want any more salary deduction. Ah! Finally I reached the airport at five twenty approximately and the first face I see was his. He was too mad, it was very obvious looking at his face that he lost all his cool. I told the driver to stop the auto in front of him and I get out gaining some courage to look at his face finally.
"Where is the car?" His deep voice sounded dangerous
"Si-Sir I parked it and the police came and took it" I gobbled half of the thing what happened.
"Where did you park it?" His eyes was staring at me deep.
"In the road" My this answer pissed him off for real.
"No Sir!" I intruptted because I can't lose a part of my salary. He left his hands inside his pocket and waiting for me to answer further. I can't make him wait now.
"Sir, I parked the car in the road and went. Police saw the car and it looked expensive so they took it" I said closing my eyes because I didn't have enough strength to meet his deadly gaze.
"IF YOU DON'T SPLIT OUT EVERYTHING YOU SEE WHAT WILL I DO! BETTER MISS. SPLIT OUT!" I couldn't hide anything more. I said him everything and his anger rose to such a extend that I wouldn't be suprised if he came and slapped me. I deserve that!
"How are we going to go now?"
"In this" I pointed my hand at the small auto
He was about to come near me and chock me to death. But his actions was stopped by a women in far calling his name, I looked behind and it was a women around my mom's age in her mid forty. Why is she calling his name? Aadhvik said me to get inside the auto. I thought he was going to talk to that women. But No! He came and sat beside me and told the driver to go. I looked back and still found the women running behind to reach him.
"Sir someone is calling you" I said
"It will be a pleasure to me if you just shut your mouth and sit" he said not even looking at my face. He was that mad!
"In which street you parked the car?" He asked me looking at his phone
"Near the Chocolate Boom shop" his eyes turned towards me "Why did you go there?" and I couldn't control my rubber mouth so I ended up telling everything from yesterday to today what happened. I HATE MY MOUTH!
He then tells the driver to drop us in B12 Police Station
Why police station? What is he even planning? Is he going to jail me or what?
He dials someone but no one picked the call on the other side which intensified his anger more, Damn! Within some time he started to sweat more and he removes his coat and throws it towards me but it fell down. SHIT! I gulp and pick the coat up and keep it with me. God! It was too hot inside the auto, I was sweating. Yuck, I have to go take a bath. Ughhh!
Aadhvik was the one to sweat more. He removed his tie and the first two buttons of his shirt and this hot temperature inside the auto made his angry level rise to another level. He kept wiping his sweat off with the hand kerchief and I was trembling. I couldn't even guess what was he up to. We reached the Police Station and I pushed him aside to get down the auto. I want some good air to breath. Ah!
He got down and walked before me and I followed him and the auto was still waiting outside. Everyone inside the police station stood up seeing him. What does he think of himself? Is a God? Nonsense.
He went to the cornor table where only one short man was standing.
"Rajesh Uncle" Aadhvik begin
"My car has been taken away this evening. Can I know where is it now?"
Uncle? Aadhvik knew him before?
"What is the last four digits of the car Aadhvik" Rajesh uncle asks showing many number plates
"That one, The Black Jaguar" Aadhvik points at one of the number plate.
"Oh! This car was parked in No parking"
Kill this Rajesh Uncle! Aadhvik now turns and glares at me.
"When can I get it?" he asks looking at his number plate
"Only in the court, after paying a fine of ten thousand" Rajesh uncle's gaze now turns towards me. Why is he staring at me? Idiot!
I pushed Aadhvik and went near Rajesh Uncle, "We can't come to court and all. If you want some money we will pay you, please give us our car now." I whispered
"Are you bribing" Rajesh Uncle rolles his eyes.
"Indeed yes" I nodded my head
"Who is she Aadhvik?" he asks him with his eyes still pointed towards me. Why is he not taking his eyes off from me?
"Don't ask me uncle. This women keeps making mess in my life." Aadhvik tells with innocent look. Women? What does he mean by women? I have a name. Nutcase.
"I can feel you Aadhvik" Rajesh uncel patts his head.
What the hell? Am I a joke? Bloody Bullshit!
"Anyways Aadhvik, since it is weekend Tommorow you have to pay the fine in the court on Monday. Show this to them while paying" Rajesh uncle said handing over a small paper to Aadhvik.
"She will pay Uncle. No worries" Aadhvik said smirking at me.
WHAT THE HELL? WHY SHOULD I PAY? THAT TOO TEN THOUSAND! Before I could look at him he wasn't in his place, he started walking towards the auto which was still waiting there. I typically ran behind him and got myself inside the auto. I can't question him in either way because the mistake was mine. So I just have to accept my mistake and pay for it.
Today is Friday, so I can have some fun during the weekend. I have to sneek into dua's buliding tommorow in the name of doctor. Ahh! It is going to be fun.
His long silence during the journey broke, "Where is your home?" he asked.
"West Costal street" I said with an innocent look on my face trying to gain some sympathy but in vain. The driver drove to my street and then I showed him the direction and finally I reached home.I could see Ruhi standing up in the terrace probably she was waiting for me. It was already twelve in midnight. I got down and walked towards the main door without telling anything.
"Wait!" he got down from the auto and came near me
"Who will pay for the auto? Your sister standing upstairs?" he was being sarcastic. I couldn't see him clearly as it was dark and the street lights weren't working. Damn it.
Is he that good at observing? How he knew it was my sister?
"Sorry sir" I went and asked the driver how much I have to pay and he said six hundred. WHAT? His meter box red only three hundred then why is he charging me double?
"Your meter box ready only-"
"I have to reach my home also" Aadhvik answered me before I could finish my question. Kill him! I opened my purse and paid the money hardly. How many losses I am gonna have more?
"Paid Sir" My voice was low enough for him to guess my mood. He then boarded the auto and left. I was just looking him leave and suddenly the auto stopped. He let his head out and said, "You have to come to office tomorrow and work"I just nodded my head nicely for him to see in the dark and the auto now started taking its leave.
I looked up to see Ruhi but she wasn't there. Where did she go? Before I could think more she came and opened the main door for me and hugged me. She was too worried I guess.
"THIS AADHVIK!" I started
"His voice sounds so good Esha! Aww" she blushes.
"His voice sucks!" I said more in a loud tone.
"Shhh... Mom and Dad doesn't know you are this late?" Ruhi whispered.
"What did you tell them then?" I whispered back
"We will go to room, Come" she pulled my hand we crawled to our room and Ruhi closes the door slowly.
"Mom and Dad went for a function and reached late around eleven so I said them you are in the room and you slept. Thank god, they didn't come and check" Ruhi tells with a sight of relief in her face. I then narrate her everything and she was too upset. Its not because I am going to loss my ten thousand, it was because she was too worried about her illegal pocket money.
I then go take a bath as I was sweating too much inside the auto. I finally come and check my phone after a very long time.
SHIT! Dua gave thrity eight missed calls. She is going to burry me alive undergorund. I dialled her immediatly and she took the call in one ring. This made me more scared.
"Dua Sorry" I whispered
"What is wrong with your brain? Why can't you take my phone? What were you doing? What happenend? I am gonna stab you with a rusted knife....I thought Aadhvik mudered you. Dumbass. Tell me now" she finally breathed after endless questions.
I again narrated the whole incident and she was way too pissed this time.
"I have to go office tommorow, so let me sleep dua. bye" I said yawning. Ruhi was shocked and there was a complete silence on the other side of the phone too. I was wondering what happenend to both of them?
"Dua.... Dua...." I tried calling her because I thought she slept.
"You have to attend my event tommorow you dumb head" Dua scremas
"Tommorow is Saturday" Ruhi yells
Shit! That means he told me to come to work on Saturday. He took my ten thousand and now my good weekend. Kill Him! Ughhh!
~ ?? ~
"Hell is empty and all the devil's are here!"
~ Esha Varnav ~