*A week before Onyx went home*
Destiny's POV
I've been lonely. I'm lonely even when I'm surrounded by people. Yeah we talk on the phone and mindlink but it's not the same. It's not the same not being able to hold him. It's not the same not being able to call him when I want to. My phone doesn't leave my sight. When he calls I pick up right away. My phone stayed charged. My ringer was on. I have to tell him something but it's something you can't say over the phone. I was at a birthday party for my cousin and all I did was sit in a room and stare at my phone. I had a feeling something would go wrong. The house the party is at holds our half human cousins Major and Sasha. Meaning there's things that can hurt us in the house.
Please call me.
I need to hear your voice.
"Des? You've been in here since we got here. Why won't you come out?"
"I need to answer right away when he calls."
"He's probably busy right now. Didn't you say they messed his medication up?"
"See that's the other problem. I don't know if he's asleep!"
"Come by everyone. Just for a little bit."
"Okay fine."
I put my phone in my pocket then left the room I was in. I got some food and sat down to eat.
"Did he call you yet?"
"He did earlier. He got yelled at so he had to hang up."
I put my elbow on the table and put my head on my hand. I tried to mindlink him but he didn't answer.
I guess he really is asleep.
Or he's probably in group.
He normally blocks me out when he's talking to someone so he doesn't get distracted.
But he also blocked me out when he started hurting himself again.
"Destiny? Are you okay?"
"I just miss him. That's all."
"He'll be home soon."
"Somebody should cut Major off. He's had too much to drink."
He said that he's fine but his speech is slurred. He can hardly stand straight. He had one more drink then started staring at me.
Chrissy: I don't like that look.
"What the fuck are you doing here?"
I stood up.
"What are you talking about?"
"Why are you here Joel?"
"I'm-I'm not Joel!"
He grabbed a knife and started walking towards me. I started walking backwards. He was being held back. But he pushed everyone out of the way. Without thinking I blocked out Onyx. I tripped over something and fell. That gave him enough time to slash my shoulder.
Before anyone could pull him back he jammed the knife into my stomach. I screamed. I slid down the wall. I guess that wasn't enough since he wrapped his hands around my throat.
"Chrissy please tell me you can talk to Ian!"
Chrissy: I'm still blocked out! You blocked Onyx out too idiot!
I tried getting him away from me. I'm dying. I started crying.
When they finally got him off me I started coughing. I looked at my hands and saw my blood mixed with silver. For a second I thought I saw Onyx in front of me.
"I'm sorry. I'm not him. I'm your cousin."
"I need him..."
"Somebody get help!"
"Stay with me!"
"We're gonna see if we can get him. Wait a second..Are you pregnant?!"
I nodded.
"Don't go to sleep!"
"Tell Nyx I-"
That's it. That's the last thing I remember. I woke up in a hospital room. I started looking around and I didn't see Onyx. I didn't even see Cody or River. I saw my sister.
"Hi Mags."
"Destiny! I am so sorry bu-"
"You don't need to finish that sentence. I already know I lost them. I guess you couldn't get Nyx here?"
"They won't even let us tell him."
"They didn't?"
"They said he has to worry about himself right now.
You're gonna have to stay here for a few days. Major's in jail but Sasha is being an idiot and working on getting him out."
"Of course she is. I want Nyxy."
"I know you do. We tried. They won't even answer our calls anymore. They even yelled at Cody and River."
"Do you think he'll be mad?"
"Mad at you?"
"This is Onyx we're talking about. He'd never get mad at you."
"But I didn't tell him..."
"You were waiting for the right moment."
"I was so excited too."
"I bet. Are you gonna tell him?"
"I don't want to but I have to. I'm scared to tell him."
I started crying.
"Get me out of here! I WANT ONYX!"
"I WANT TO GO HOME! I want to go home!"
"You will in a few days."
"I was going to have a family of my own. He's gonna be so upset."
Being in the hospital was so lonely. No one was allowed to be in the room with me at night.
Chrissy: We should do something for him.
"Like what?"
Chrissy: You know how that girl was dressed in that movie you watched?
"The girl with the lace right?"
Chrissy: Yes!
I asked my sister what she thought about me doing that and she said she liked it. So when I was discharged from the hospital she took me to a store.
"Ew. Ugly. No. Too revealing."
"I thought that was what you were going for?"
"Uh no. Just a normal one will work."
"What about a V neck?"
"That..could work."
I started trying everything on and it was either too big or too small. I finally found a size that fits and started looking for a different color.
"Why do you keep trying on green?"
"He loves the color. Damnit! They don't have this in my size! Shit!"
"What about pink?"
"I'm gonna pretend I didn't just hear that. I think I'll go with...red. It's the only color here that seems decent."
I paid for the outfit and then went to get my nails done.
"Are you getting your hair done too?"
"Uh no?"
"I thought you wanna look good for him."
"I do. I'm just not getting my hair done. I hate getting it cut. No I'm not dying it."
At home I tried the outfit on again.
"Hey Maggie? I don't like how this makes my chest look."
"I think you look great."
"Also there's a problem."
"What do you mean?"
"Look at my stomach. You can see the wound.."
"You can hardly see it."
I looked at my shoulder.
"You can clearly see that too."
"Just tell him."
"What if he blames me?"
"I doubt he will. Amicia just texted you. He's going home next week."
"Good. Good."
*Day Onyx went home*
During lunch I realized I didn't have a plan.
"So you have no idea what you're going to do?"
Then I had an idea.
"Okay maybe I could go home,shower,change, and then put that on under my clothes."
"That could work."
After school my sister and I ran home. I unlocked the front door and I ran upstairs. I took a quick shower then got dressed. I put pants and a zip up sweater on top of my lace outfit. I checked my phone and saw Amicia texted me the two words I've been waiting thirty days to hear. Well see in this case.
"He's home."
I put my phone in my pocket and ran next door. I started knocking on the door. River opened the door.
"That was quick. Knock before you go in."
I ran up to his room then knocked. He took off his headphones. He stood up and looked at me. We started walking towards each other with our arms out. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around my neck.
"Please never do that to me again!"
"I am so fucking sorry Destiny!"
We both started crying.
"Why didn't you tell me you were hurting?!"
"I-I don't know."
"I really don't want to know the answer to this. I still feel like I should ask. If no one stopped you would I have lost you?"
He didn't answer.
"Baby no!"
We started holding each other tighter.
"I don't want to lose you that way. I don't want to lose you at all."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"I'm so sorry I scared you."
"If I lost you then I would've died because of a broken heart."
"We're going out to eat. Do you want to come or are you okay here?"
"He's got me. He should be fine."
"Okay..Call if you need us and don't lock this door. Don't leave him alone."
"I don't wanna let go of you."
"Then don't."
After his family left we let go of each other. We wiped our tears away. I started kissing him. I started unzipping my sweater. I let it fall to the ground.
"Is this lace? I've never seen you in lace. What are you doing to me?"
"I was trying to come up with a way to make you feel better."
"So you thought wearing a lace crop top would make me feel better?"
"I figured I'd give it a try. Was I wrong?"
"Hell no!"
"Phew! It's just a top by the way. It's a set."
I took my pants off. He scanned my body.
"Ho-holy shit!"
"I was trying to get this in your favorite color but they didn't have anything green in my size so I went with red."
"I-I think I have a new favorite color."
"Oh do you now? It was this or pink and I'm not a fan of pink."
"Can you like wear lace more often? You look so fucking good in it."
"I do?"
"Yeah. Also red is DEFINITELY your color."
I pulled myself closer to me by using his shirt.
"You got your nails done too? Are you sure you didn't color coordinate your look?"
"I did. Only after I did this."
"Did you go to school like this?"
"No. After I got back I quickly changed and showered."
I slid my hands underneath his shirt.
"If you're trying to tease me then it's working."
"Am I? Am I really teasing you or am I giving you hints?"
"What happened to my innocent Destiny?"
"Tonight I don't wanna be her."
I started walking away.
"Stop teasing me!"
"I'm not! I'm writing a note to stick to your door!"
After I did that I closed the door again then walked back over to him.
"Why are your clothes still on? Let's go!"
I started jumping up and down.
"Happy now?"
He kept scanning my body.
"I-I'm in a conflict right now. I want you to take that off but at the same time I don't want you to."
"Then I'll keep the top on."
I literally threw him onto the bed. He used his elbows to pull me him the bed more.
Chrissy: You're welcome.
"Miss. Parker what are you doing to me?"
"Whatever you'll let me do."
"Go crazy."
I straddled him and started going crazy.
"You know I don't mind this version of you Destiny. What's wrong?"
"Nothing. I'm okay."
"No you're not. Ian just told me you're hiding something."
He sat up.
"Onyx please..it's nothing.."
He's touching my shoulder!
"Destiny what is this?! Did your dad find you?!"
"No..my-my cousin Major found a-a pure silver knife and slashed me."
"Why didn't I feel this?!"
"I blocked you out."
I took his hand and put it where I got cut.
"And you're okay? Cause if you're not then I'm gonna kill him."
"I-I'm okay. I was in the hospital for a few days. They gave me some medication to take for a few weeks. Once it heals it's getting covered."
"What would you get to cover it?"
"I'll get your wolf if you get mine."
"Okay. What else did he do?"
"He was drunk.."
"What. Did. He. Do?"
"He thought I was Joel and-"
I put my hands around my throat.
"He just started squeezing me. I thought he was going to break my windpipe. Can we not talk about this right now?"
He laid back down.
"I'm literally obsessed with how you look in this. You look good in everything but this-this is fucking amazing!"
"Well I'm glad you love it. Do you know if you'll go back to school?"
"I'm not allowed to go to school right now. I'll still pick you up and drive you if you want."
I grabbed his face and started kissing him again.
"What's wrong?"
"I smell something."
"I don't smell anything."
My body got tense.
"Am I smelling him?"
"Am I smelling your cousin?"
"Reed? No. He's in New York right now."
"Not him. The other guy. Major."
I could tell I looked depressed.
"There's one thing I have to tell you.. Please don't get mad at me.."
"What happened?"
He sat up again.
I started holding my stomach.
"No! No! No! Baby no!"
He started hugging me.
"How tall is he and how much does he weight?"
"5'5 and 170 pounds."
He got up and started getting dressed.
"Wh-what are you doing?"
"Making sure he doesn't hurt you again."
He took off running.
Oh shit!
I walked over to the window and started watching them.
"You talking to me?"
"Yeah I'm fucking talking to you! What the fuck is your problem?!"
"What's my problem? Who the hell are you?"
"I'm the one you DON'T wanna fuck with!"
"Bro I don't even know you."
"Yeah but you know my damn mate!"
"Your mate?"
Chrissy: He's getting scared.
"He should be."
"O-oh shit! Yo-you're Onyx!"
"Yeah that's me!"
"I guess she told you.."
"She did. After I found the fucking cut on her shoulder!"
He put his arms in front of him.
"You're mad. And you have a reason to be mad."
"Besides slashing her shoulder and choking her what else did you do?!"
"Before you say anything. I was drunk. I didn't know what I was doing."
"Because that's makes everything MUCH better!"
"I-I'm really sorry! I spent a few days in jail."
"The next thing that comes out of your mouth better be what else happened! How did you make her lose the baby?!"
"I-I don't remember doing it but I stabbed her!"
"Please don't tell Reed! He scares me!"
"He's not the one you should be scared of right now! I just got out of the damn hospital and I'm supposed to be resting not dealing with a schmuck like you!"
I started running.
"Oh god-you-your eyes!"
"Onyx stop!"
I grabbed his arm.
"Reed'll deal with him!"
"Let go of me."
He started growling.
I got in front of him.
"I'm pissed though!"
"Then let me crush him!"
"What's going on here?"
"Reed help me kill him!"
He turned around and started running inside.
"Did that seriously just work?"
"Reed deal with him. I'm going to check on him."
I ran inside.
"What's going on?!"
He looked at me.
"What do you need help with?!"
He started holding his chest.
"Shit! Are you having a panic attack?"
He nodded.
"Come here. Sit down and I'm calling your mom."
I took his hand and led him to his bed. He sat down and I stood in front of him. He put his head on my stomach and his arms around my waist. I put a hand on his head.
*Phone Call with River*
"Hey River? Where did you put all his medication?"
"Is he okay?"
"He's not okay. He's having a panic attack."
"It's in my closet."
"I figured that's where it was. Okay thank you."
*End of Phone Call*
I put my phone down on the nightstand.
"Nyx? I'm gonna be right back. I won't even be five minutes."
I ran out of the room and then ran back in shortly after. He took his medication and started crying.He laid down on his back and covered his face with his hands. I started holding him then he started holding me. I grabbed his phone and started playing music that we know calms him down. Normally he says "I got you" to me. But this time. I'm saying it to him.
"Close your eyes."
Didn't Cody say that him kissing River always works?
Maybe I should try that.
I started kissing him.
Please work!
Please fucking work!
He started cradling my head. He was holding me so tightly I could feel his nails digging into my skin. Tears kept hitting my fingers.
*Mindlink with Onyx*
"What happened? Is this because I said I wouldn't buy anything with lace again if you didn't go inside?"
"No! I thought about killing him! I've never done that before! I-I'm scared!"
"I know you're scared. I can sense it."
"I don't want to kill anyone! I don't get how people do it! My chest is so tight! I feel like I'm dying!"
"You're not dying. Does what you just take make you tired?"
"Every time I'm not with you and this happens call me. I don't care where you are. I'll get to you somehow. Sound good?"
"What if I'm far away from you? Like in a different state."
"Then call me. I'll stay on the phone with you until you calm down. Do we need to send you back?"
"NO! Please do not do that! I'm not gonna do anything! I swear!"
"I promise."
"You better not break that promise."
"I'm going to go to sleep now. I'm tired."
*End of Mindlink*
His grip started to loosen. I put my head on his chest. His heartbeat and breathing went back to normal.
I guess that worked.
I closed my eyes. When I opened them I saw my sister holding a duffel bag.
"is he okay?"
"he just had a really bad panic attack."
"mom said to bring you clothes so i just put some in a bag."
"thank you."
She put the bag down then left. Amicia was the next person to walk in.
"How is he?"
"Shh! he's sleeping."
"oh. i'll go tell my parents."
He woke up the next day.
"Hey Nyx. Feel any better?"
"I think so."
He started hugging me.
"I love you."
"I love you too Nyx."
"Thank you for helping me."
"You're welcome."
"Do you need to go home?"
"Not right now. Maggie brought a bag over for me."