Onyx's POV
A few weeks before school started my mental health went to hell. At first I didn't tell anyone. I thought I could handle it. My sister saw something was wrong and told my parents. I'm not mad at her. I started getting help again. I was doing fine. I wasn't going to therapy anymore. My medication was working. I was fine. I got baker acted for a few days. That didn't work. They just messed up my medication. When school started I was somewhat okay. I was at my locker when I started not feeling right.
"Hey Ian? I feel weird."
Ian:What do you mean? Do you feel sick?
"I think my stomach is tingling?"
Ian:Oh! You've got butterflies in your stomach.
"What? I do? Why?"
He started jumping around.
"She is pretty. But I don't smell anything."
Ian:Her scent must be masked.
"Wait I smell something now. What is that? It's gone now."
I don't have friends in school and I'm fine with that. There's no drama that way. At lunch I got my food then sat where I normally do. I took out my phone and put my headphones in. I started playing a movie. I saw someone standing in front of me. I looked up. I took my headphones out. I looked up and they were gone. I saw my sister walking towards me.
"Amic what are you doing here? I thought you have history now."
"I uh kinda sorta got kicked out of class."
"Who did you fight with now?"
"Someone gave me shit about my scar so I blew up."
"Of course you did. Why are you pushing me?"
"I wanna sit here."
She picked up my phone and saw what I was watching.
"Seriously? You're watching this again?"
"You only like it because Callie Hilton is in it."
"That's not the only reason. It's based off of a video game I like."
"Yeah okay."
"Oh would you just shut up?"
Once last period came around it was time for gym. We got into our lines and played baseball.
"Step back Dawn's up."
"Oh ha ha ha Carpenter."
I run fast. Once I hit the ball I ran towards first base. The next person in line did what you're not supposed to do. They threw the baseball bat. It went flying and hit a girl named Cassandra in the face. She seems fine. She didn't complain about any pain or anything. At the end of the day we got in the car and I drove me and my sister back home.
"Before we go in. Do I need to give you an alibi? Did you beat up someone?"
"Me? Beat up someone? Never!"
"Amic you broke someone's nose on Monday."
"Okay that I did do. They hit me first though."
We got out of the car and I unlocked the door.
"Mom? Dad? We're home!"
We walked into the dining room and put our stuff down on a chair.
"The house is too quiet."
My mom finally walked into the dining room. The next day it was Saturday. At around noon there was a knock on the door. I threw a tank top on then walked downstairs and opened the door to see a girl.
Holy shit she's gorgeous!
"H-hi. I-I'm Destiny. I-I just moved in next door."
She whispered something and I asked her to speak up.
"What territory am I in?"
"Well you're in my territory. So the Dawn's."
A terrified look came across her face.
"Uh never mind! I'm probably wrong anyway!"
"For fucks sake! Just do it!"
She unmasked her scent.
I crossed my arms and leaned up against the doorway. She looked down.
"We're not as scary as we seem. Just say what you wanna say. Oh. I think I got it. It's the lip piercing isn't it?"
She opened her mouth and then closed her mouth then shook her head.
"Ne-never mind. I'm sorry I wasted your time."
"You aren't wasting my time as all. My weekends are quite boring anyway. I never have anything to do."
"For the love of-"
"Maggie please just stay there."
"I'm assuming that she's your friend or relative."
"Oh yeah she's my sister. We don't know anyone here."
Has she been recording us this whole time?
"You okay?"
"I-I'm not good with guys."
"Well to be honest I'm not good with girls. The only girls I've talked to are my relatives and my friend Dakota."
Ian:She's extremely shy.
"No shit Ian."
I used my finger to tilt her head up.
"You're in a new place and you're scared. I get it. But I'm really not someone you should be afraid of. When I'm pissed off is when I'm scary."
I leaned in to kiss her. I felt her relax.
"Now I think I know what you're here to say. But I wanna see if I'm right. You're blushing! I have done it! I have made a girl blush! I got you to laugh too!"
"I think you're my mate."
"There we go! I'm Onyx by the way. Do you and your sister want to come in?"
"N-no I don't want to impose."
"Don't worry you're not. Hey Maggie! Do you wanna come in?"
"No I'm good! I gotta go tell my mom! My baby sister is growing up!"
"It's really okay if I come in?"
My sister came downstairs and I had a hard time not laughing due to her hair.
"Oh goddamnit! Are you laughing at my hair again?!"
She walked over to a mirror and I saw her fixing her hair. I can't hold this in anymore. I need to laugh.
"Your face is bright red."
"Holy shit! This is the best one yet! Your hair was standing up!"
She stuck her middle finger up.
"Oh! There's an unfamiliar girl in the house! PARENTAL UNITS! NYX BROUGHT A GIRL HOME!"
I have never seen my parents run that fast before.
"Hold on. I've met you before. Your sister's Maggie Parker right?"
"Yeah! We were at your New York show! I think we were I think 7 and 8!"
Ian:Uhh I don't know if this is awkward or not.
I don't know who is more confused. Me or my sister.
"Is it really okay that I'm here? My family are rouges."
"Yeah. You're fine."
"We can actually make you guys apart of the pack. It's just going to take a while."
"I should go talk to my mom about this."
"You should go with her Onyx."
"Nice tour tank top Nyxy."
I looked at what I was wearing and realized it was a tour item you would get at one of my dad's concerts.
Destiny's phone went off so she took it out of her pocket.
"I have to go. My mom wants me home. She said she needs help unpacking."
She ran out of the house.
"I don't know about you but I think she was nervous."
"Yeah no she was."
I started jumping up and down.
"Two things. The door is still open. And you forgot about something."
"I did?"
"You didn't give her your number."
I grabbed my phone and ran out the door.
I ran next door and rang the doorbell. Maggie opened the door.
"I don't believe you Desi-oh hi again!"
"I think I forgot to give Destiny my number."
"I'm right behind you! You don't have to yell!"
We swapped phones and put in our numbers.
"Please tell her I'm not joking about who your dad is."
"She's doesn't believe you? Well my dad said to invite you to dinner so I guess you'll have to see for yourself."
"This is a joke. You guys are out to get me and I did nothing!"
"I see one of you has already made a friend."
"Des did it!"
"Why are you making is seem like I did something?"
"Hi I'm Onyx. I live next door."
"This is my mate mom!"
"Holy shit! You found him!"
"My parents want to know if you guys want to come over for dinner."
"We can do that. Des if you want you can go over now. We'll see you later."
I held my hand out and she put her hand in mine. Once we got back to my house we went up to my room.
After I closed my door I turned around and saw her sitting on my bed.
"Do you like it here yet?"
"I don't know. I've only been here for two days. Hopefully you can change that."
I sat down next to her.
"Are you going to school here or are you doing online school?"
"I'm actually going there. Yesterday was my first day. I got lost a lot."
"You'll know where you're going soon. "
"I'm still nervous though. I don't think I've been the new kid in school before. What if someone gives me a hard time?"
"Then tell them to leave you alone or I'll kick their ass."
"I doubt anyone would believe me if I said that."
"You can steal one of my necklaces or something."
She looked away.
"Unless you want m-"
She threw herself at me. Her lips went on mine. She pulled back.
"Don't be sorry!"
She sat up and moved away from me.
"It's okay. Really. I just wasn't expecting that."
"What were you going to say before I cut you off?"
"I was going to ask if you wanted me to mark you. We don't have to do it right now. I just don't want you to be worried."
She moved her shirt so her neck and shoulder would be showing. I enlarged my canines.
"Last chance. Are you sure?"
"Go for it!"
I ran my canines along her neck until I found the right spot. When I found it my teeth went in. I kept there for a few seconds. When I pulled them out of her neck we both smiled. I moved the collar of my shirt down and she put her teeth in my neck.
"Should I be worried about your dad?"
"I uh don't have a dad."
"Oh I'm sorry."
"It's fine. I'm better off without him."
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
"My mom gave him an ultimatum. Us or the drugs and alcohol. He chose option B. He packed a bag and got in a cab and that was the last I ever saw him. I used to get upset whenever I'd see other kids with their dads and I always thought "Why can't I have that? Is there something wrong with me? Did I do something?" As I got older I realized that nothing was my fault. He chose the life he lives now and I chose the life I live now. That's it. That's the end of it. I don't miss him at all. As far as I'm concerned he's not longer my father. He's just Joel."
"There is one person you should be scared of."
"Oh God you have older brother don't you?"
"No! I have a really over protective cousin named Reed."
"On a scale of one to I should write my will how scared should I be?"
"Hold off on writing your will. Don't piss him off. Especially after he has a shitty tour."
"Yeah. He's opening for Josslyn Jones right now."
"You're cousin is Reed Mendes?!"
"He scares the shit out of me!"
She laughed.
"He's not as scary as he seems. He acts like a tough guy but he's really not."
I'm dead. I'm so dead. He's gonna skin me!
I got up and walked over to my bathroom so I could take something for the sudden wave of anxiety I just got.
"Are you okay?"
"Why is my brother having a panic attack?"
"Oh boy."
"He's seriously scared of him?"
"Yeah. He was at a gym with him once and almost started a fight with him."
"Reed started a fight? With you? He normally doesn't do that. You saw this Amicia?"
"Yeah. I was on the treadmill. If I remember correctly I think he slapped you."
I nodded.
"I'll have to have a talk with him about that. You're shaking!"
"Onyx breathe. EJ COME HERE!"
"Our little brother. You haven't met him yet since he was sleeping."
"I am here!"
"You know what to do."
Ethan walked in front of me and put his hands on my face.
"Calm down or I kick you."
"That-that's not what you usually do. You normally don't slap him."
"Stop crying!"
"He can't help it Ethan!"
"He's coming over tomorrow. He's got a week off of tour."
"Guys? Dinner's done. Are you okay Nyx?"
I shook my head.
"Uh her cousin is that Reed dude that gave him crap at the gym."
"Sugar honey iced tea."
"Des! Reed's here!"
"He's not supposed to be here until tomorrow!"
I got up and ran to my bathroom and locked the door.
Go away! Go away! Go away!
My mind is racing. I can't think straight so I can't talk to Ian.
"Nyx? It's okay. Destiny and Maggie went downstairs to talk to him."
"Open the door."
"Can you just let me and Ethan in?"
I unlocked the door and let them in. We all sat on the floor.
"No! What if someone wants to check on you?"
"Right. The bathrooms are the only thing that didn't get soundproofed."
Amicia locked the door. I basically sat in the shower.
"You need to breathe."
"He's trying Eth."
"I gotta go. Ethan stay here with him."
My brother kept hugging me while I calmed down.
"Get up."
"Ethan Jacob."
Ethan stood up and started pulling my arm.
"EJ please stop."
"Come on!"
"I can't! I don't want to get slapped again! I-I'm scared!"
"You're not scared of anything!"
"There's a lot of things you don't know buddy."
"Nyx come on! He wants to talk to you!"
"His anxiety is bad. We should just let him calm down."
"Nyx? Can I come in?"
"Ethan don't open the door. No don't open it."
He didn't listen and opened the door.
"Hello tiny one! Can I talk to your brother?"
"Nyxy I'm letting the pretty girl in."
Destiny entered the bathroom and sat down on the floor next to me. I put my head on her shoulder.
"Just hear him out. Please."
"Oo maybe he can help you meet Callie Hilton!"
"Now she's one of the nicest people you can meet."
"Okay fine. I'll go talk to him."
We stood up and my sister and Destiny grabbed my arms while Ethan pushed me.
"He's 6'7 and I'm 6'2!"
"It's not that big of a height difference."
When I saw him at the bottom of the stairs I turned around to run.
"mica i can't do this."
"what's gotten into you? you never get like this!"
"i pissed him off!"
"he overreacted!"
"babe please."
Ian: Did-holy shit she call you "babe" now you really gotta talk to him!
I took a few deep breaths then walked down the stairs.
"Look man. I don't remember how it happened but I'm sorry."
"Desi can I talk to you?"
"Yeah. Let's go outside."
They walked outside and the rest of us sat down to eat. I started being interrogated.
*Mindlink with Destiny*
"Can you come outside?"
"Hey we can mindlink now! I'll be out in a minute!"
*End of Mindlink*
I got up and said I'd be right back. I walked outside.
"What's up?"
"I can't say it."
"He's already out here. Plus you're the worst at hiding things. If you can't say it then show it."
"He's gonna hate me."
"It takes a lot to make me hate someone."
"Reed I can't."
"Do you have a tissue in your bag?"
She opened her bag and took a tissue out. Reed opened his water bottle and poured some water on it.
"Do I really have to?"
"I'll show him mine if you show him yours."
Reed pulled down the collar of his shirt and I saw a scar on his shoulder.
"Come on. He really needs to know."
She took the tissue and used it on her forearm. My eyes widened the moment I saw her scar.
"Is this another reason why you moved?"
"They had to get away since Joel knew where they lived. He's in prison right now."
"I got an idea. How about you get a tattoo to cover it. Or one of my siblings could draw on it."
"I know a guy that'll do it even though he's closed on Sundays."
The rest of the night went well. I woke up the next morning with Destiny in my face.
"AH! What time is it?!"
What the hell am I touching?
Once I was sorta fully awake I saw that she had straddled me and put my hands on her hips.
"Come on! Time to get poked with a needle! Oh by the way! You look cute when you sleep!"
"Thanks? I guess?"
"Alright get dressed! Reed's paying! Oh! Our mark showed up!"
She pulled down her shirt and I saw a red cardinal.
"Let's go love birds!"
Destiny and I got an elephant on one of our ankles. Destiny got a clef note on her scar.
"Now can I trust you to be home alone with my cousin?"
"Yes. You can trust me."
When we got back to my house I unlocked the front door so we could get in the house. I let her go in first. After I got in the house I closed and locked the front door. She grabbed my hand and started running. Once she found my room she opened the door and walked in. She shut the door and I realized she was smiling. She locked the door. I walked over to her.
"Are you trying to say something?"
She pointed to the bed and I walked over to it then sat down. She sat on her knees next to me. She started leaning in. At the last second she pulled back.
"Are you getting shy on me now?"
"I dunno. Shit! I have to go! We have school tomor-"
I cut her off by kissing her.
"You can stay here if you want."
"I don't know if I'd be allowed to."
"You live right next door. I'm sure it won't be a problem."
"I-I should still make sure."
"Okay. Okay.
"I actually have an idea. How about I stay here every weekend."
Technically it's still a weekend."
"It's a Sunday."
"But that means I'll only get to spend two nights with you!"
"It's better than nothing."
I sighed.
"Alright fine. I'll see you tomorrow then."
"Goodnight Nyx."
"Wait no! Come back!"
"I have to go. I'll be over in the morning."
I no longer want to die! It's like she healed me!
She left my house then I told everyone I was taking a shower. I started playing music on my phone. I got in the shower and just stood there with there with my forehead pressed against the wall.
Ian: The sooner you get out of here the sooner you see her.
"I know. I never thought I'd miss someone this much."
I started washing my hair when I heard something behind me.
I spun around.
She started laughing.
"I gotta thank your dad for this idea!"
"I thought you couldn't spend the night."
"My mom said she doesn't care as long as I go to school."
"Are you coming in? What are you doing?"
"I can come in?"
"If you want to then yeah."
She took off her clothes and took out her hair tie.
"Here catch!"
She threw a bottle of shampoo at me. It slipped out of my hand.I grabbed her arm and pulled her into the shower. We both started washing her hair.
"Shit! I got soap in my eye!"
"Look up! Look up!"
"Okay I think I got it."
I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me. We started dancing because my phone still had music playing. I leaned down and kissed her. She backed up against the wall.
"We should be careful about marks."
"But I wanna give you marks! I can always put makeup on to cover them!"
"You can do that?"
"Well I mean I can try. How do we do this in here? Do we even have time to do this?"
I dried one of my hands and checked my phone.
"It's almost 9."
"How many hours of sleep do you normally get?"
"I think like four."
"So you go to bed at like 3 AM?"
We got out of the shower and I turned off the music. I went over to my bedroom door and locked it. I grabbed her by her waist and spun her around.
I threw her down on my bed.
"Have you done this before?"
"No. So I'm sorry if this sucks."
"I'm not gonna be able to tell if it sucks since I've never done this before."
"Oh. So this will be a first for the both of us."
I put one of my hands under her to pull her up while the other one stayed above her head.
"Hold up."
I got up and pulled the blanket out from underneath her. I put the blanket on top of us.
"Is Reed gonna kill me for this?"
"If he gives you shit then just ignore him. What's a 19 year old gonna do to a 17 year old?"
"Uh beat the shit out of me would be one option."
"Forget about him."
Once we finished we put clothes on then I unlocked my door then we went to bed. My alarm woke up us for school.
"There's someone you need to stay away from."
"Stone Miller. He's the biggest asshole at school."
"I think I've already met him.. I think he's in my English class."
"Well don't attempt to talk to him. Try to keep your head down."
"He's that bad?"
"Yeah. If he gives you any problems I need to know. I know how to deal with him."
"That means fighting doesn't it?"
"Not exactly. It might just turn into a screaming fight."