Onyx's POV
It felt so weird having someone else sleep in my bed. Don't get me wrong. It felt nice. Destiny and I got up and started getting ready. I showed her where I keep my jewelry so she could wear what she wanted.
Ian: She smells like a lily flower.
"You're right."
"Hey Onyx? Is it okay if my sister sits with us at lunch?"
"That's fine."
At lunch I sat next to Destiny and her sister sat across from us.
"So is Reed really going to kill me?"
"Just don't hurt one of us and you'll be good."
"Does anyone call you anything else besides "Onyx"?"
"Depends on who is talking to me. Everyone here just calls me by my first name. My family calls me "Nyx,Nyxy, my little brother calls me "NyxyNyx",when I'm in trouble I get the whole "Onyx Knight Dawn" yell."
"So do we call your parents "Mr. and Mrs.Dawn?"
"No. They don't care what you call them. Just don't call my dad "Cody Jon" he only gets that when my mom is pissed. Oh and don't call my mom anything my dad calls her."
"What's off limits to talk about?"
"Whatever happened with my grandparents and whatever happened to my mom. Especially the scars."
"Are we overstepping by asking all this?"
"I don't actually know. I've never had anyone ask. Everyone I know already knows what happened."
"What grandparents are we not allowed to mention."
"Maggie! Are you dumb?! Think of the last name!"
"Oh right. Jacob and Gabrielle. I'm sorry."
"It's okay. We don't like talking about it. The only time my mom will talk about it is when it happens to someone else and if they need help."
*Mindlink with Destiny*
"Onyx? Can we talk about something different?"
*End of Mindlink*
"If we're asking about his family then we should tell him about ours."
"But you don't like talking about him. He's the reason you don't trust people."
Once again I saw my sister walking towards my table.
"What did you do now?"
"I got dress coded so I'm getting sent home. Apparently wearing ripped jeans is a no no."
"I wear ripped jeans all the time though."
"Mr. Dallas is on a rampage right now. It's probably because I'm not "popular"."
I rolled my eyes.
"I don't get why he always does this. I mean it just a pair of pants."
I got up to throw out my garbage. When I was walking back to the table I saw Mr. Dallas was standing next to the table.
"Can I help you?"
"You two stand up."
Destiny and Maggie stood up.
"Your shirt is too revealing and your skirt is too short."
"It's literally a tank top!"
"It's down to my knees!"
"They're dressed fine. I don't see an issue with them."
"Let's get one thing straight. I don't care who your damn parents are. I don't care your dad's a singer. I don't care that he's alpha. What I say goes. Do you have a problem with that?"
"Actually..yeah. I do! It's not like they're walking around naked!"
"The four of you can go home. Mr. Dawn you can come back on the tenth."
"You're suspending me for two weeks?!"
"You talked back. Get outta here."
We grabbed out stuff then walked to my car.
"This is actual bullshit."
"What are you doing Mags?"
"Calling Reed."
"Are you trying to get him arrested?"
"No. But he can bash Mr. Dallas and the school on the internet."
"A kid in my English class just sent me the video. It's already going around school."
"That was quick."
"Dad's gonna love this."
"Dad's not as scary as pop pop. Mom is too nice too."
I brought us all home and we all had to say what happened.
"He suspended you for defending them?!"
"I'm telling you. He fucking hates girls."
Maggie sent the video to me so I could show my parents.
"I guess you're not as scary as your father."
"Fuck! Damnit Jacob!"
I got a notification on my phone so I took it out to check what it was.
"Reed Mendes started following you"
Ian: Why did you follow him back?
"Dude I have no clue."
"Nyx can you go pick your brother up from school? He had a half day."
"Sure. Ami you wanna come?"
"One condition."
"You want to get food don't you?"
"You know me so well."
"I'll take you to get freaking ice cream since I just ate lunch."
Amicia started running towards the front door.
"Where are you going?!"
"Next door!"
My dad gave me money and I ran after my sister. I saw she was talking to Destiny. I ran over to them.
"Do you guys want to come?"
A voice came from behind me.
"Where are you going?"
I turned around.
"H-hey Reed..."
"We're going to pick up our brother then we're getting ice cream."
"I'll take you."
"We have to use my mom's car since her car has his booster seat."
We got in the car and I drove us to Ethan's school. All of us got out. He ran right up to Destiny.
"Did-did he just ignore us?"
"Yep. He likes Destiny more than us."
"Hello? Child we're related to? We're here too."
"Oh hi."
"Just for that you're not getting ice cream."
*Mindlink with Amicia*
"You're still taking him right?"
"Duh. I'm just messing with him."
*End of Mindlink*
"Umm who is the tall person that's taller than my brother?"
"Let's go. People are pointing."
We got in the car and I started driving again.
"How come all of you are not in school?"
"We uh got sent home."
"It looks like I'll be picking you up from school until the tenth."
"Did you do what dad did?"
"TECHNICALLY yes but I didn't hit anyone."
"You almost did."
"EJ how hungry are you?"
"I didn't eat breakfast."
"You normally do."
"I woke up late."
"Were you up all night playing that damn game again?"
"You can't keep doing that."
"You got to do it."
"He's got a point."
"Well that's because I have a fucked up head and can't sleep most of the time."
"I couldn't sleep last night."
"I-I'm not gonna argue with a seven year old."
"I thought we were just getting ice cream."
"The child didn't eat this morning. I don't think just ice cream is gonna work. Don't you remember the last time he didn't eat?"
"Oh right...that's how we got a hole in the wall in his room."
I parked then we walked into a restaurant.
"I'm sitting with my back towards everyone. I hate people walking up to me while I eat."
"People do that?"
"Yeah. It's so rude."
"Well you're rude."
"Destiny don't start."
"What? I'm just saying. I hate this gimmick. It's not you."
"It's act like this or I'll lose my contract."
"There's so many people that want to sign you."
Ian: Isn't your birthday tomorrow?
"Yeah. Don't mention it to Camila. She'll tell Amicia then I'll get freaking sung to."
Everyone except me,Destiny, and Maggie got food. Reed didn't let me pay. I tried but he insisted. At home I started arguing with Ethan because he didn't want to do his homework. He normally listens to me.
"Ethan Jacob!"
"Onyx Knight!"
"Do your freaking homework!"
"Why are you doing this?! You've never given me a problem about this before!"
"I don't wanna do it!"
"You have school tomorrow!"
"No I don't."
"I'm off tomorrow."
"Mom does he have school tomorrow?"
"It's Friday."
"It is?!"
"Yeah. I do homework on Sundays."
"Oh. My bad. My mind isn't working right now."
Someone started knocking on the door.
"I'll get it!"
Amicia ran to the front door.
"Hi! Des is here!"
I walked over to the front door.
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm staying over during the weekends remember?"
"Oh! Right! Sorry I forgot."
"Ohhh Onyx!!!!"
"Oh no what now Ethan?"
"Your birthday is tomorrow!!!"
"I know."
"You're gonna be an adult!"
"I'm aware."
"Can I have your room?"
"What?! No! I'm not moving yet!"
"So I can after it after you move?"
"No! You cannot have my room Ethan. This goes for you too Amicia!"
"Why are you trying to move into MY room?"
"I need more space for my clothes."
"Yo-you have two dressers!"
"I need more room to hide from everyone."
"Then just hide in your room. Why are you staring at me like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like I just told you to clean your room."
He shrugged.
"Go fly a kite or something."
"We don't have one."
"It-it's an expression."
"I'll be in the game room."
"Do not stay in there all night."
"You suck."
"It's not my fault you need to sleep."
"He's right. You have until dinner to play."
He ran away.
When it was time for dinner I went to get Ethan.
"I miss Luke. Did we have to send him to his aunt?"
"Luke? Who's that?"
"One of Amicia's friends. His pack got ambushed so his parents gave us custody of him and his sister but they wanted to go to their aunt so we gave her custody. So they're in California now."
After dinner we all got ready for bed. Destiny and I laid down on my bed and I started falling asleep.
"You don't stay up until midnight on your birthday?"
"No. My birthday is just another day. It's no big deal to me. I don't like getting sung to in public."
"Is that it? That's the only reason?"
"Yeah. That's basically it."
"Are you lonely?"
"It does get lonely sometimes. My friend Dakota is a singer like her mom so I don't see her a lot."
"I know it's too early but..I think I love you.."
I smiled.
"That makes two of us."
Destiny wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped my arms around her. We fell asleep holding each other. My siblings decided to wake me up.
"Thanks. Please get out of my face."
"Our relatives are coming over."
"Is Ellie coming?!"
"HELL YEAH! Get out! Get out! I have to get ready!"
I kicked my siblings out of my room and closed the door.
"My little cousin! She's 4! I love kids!"
We got ready then I waited by the front door.
"Does he normally get like this with kids?"
"I can't remember."
"They're here!"
I opened the door and practically flew out of the house. My aunt took Ellie out of the car and put her on the ground. She let her go and Ellie started running towards me. When she got to me I picked her up.
"Hi Nyx!"
"Hey! How are you? Good?"
"How's preschool?"
She made a face to show me that she hates it.
"Not a fan huh? I wasn't either."
"Have you been cursing around her?"
"No..maybe your bother has. What did she say?"
"The f word."
I started laughing.
"Ready? Let's go yell at him!"
"UNCLE CODY!" We yelled as walked into the house.
"What did you do now Cody?"
"That right there is a good question."
"Have you been dropping f bombs around her?"
"Look at your husband's face."
My Uncle Charlie started laughing.
"Uh oh."
"You're so lucky I'm not going to wash your mouth out with soap."
"Didn't you do that to Mari?"
"I think so."
"ANYWHO! This is my Aunt Evelyn, my Uncle Charlie. And this is Ellie."
"Look! She has hair like your friend Sophia!"
Destiny picked up a strand of her hair. Ellie's face lit up.
"Who are you?"
"Oh! Sorry! I'm Destiny! I live next door."
"Are you his mate?"
"I don't think we've ever seen you before."
"That's because I just moved here what? A week ago?"
"Do you like it here?"
"So far yeah. I already got dress coded though."
"I did too!"
"So did my sister."
"And I got suspended for defending them."
"Oh my god Cody he's the less violent version of you."
"Meanwhile Amicia is Cody just in female form."
"I am?"
"You broke someone's nose."
"Yes BUT I didn't get suspended like dad did."
"That's because your school has become...different since we were there."
"AH! When did you get here Lilah?!"
"You left the door unlocked."
"Hi children that all start with a "T"!"
"Oooo there's a girl!"
"Are you human?"
"Tanner! What if she is?! You're not supposed to go asking people that!"
"Normally I don't agree with Tegan but I do on this."
"Are you his mate?!"
"Okay I don't wanna repeat myself twenty times so I'm gonna just wait until the rest of you show up."
"There's more of you?"
"Okay so this is my Aunt Delilah and my Uncle Skyler. These three are Tanner,Tyler,and Tegan. Tanner has grey hair. Tyler has grey hair and blue eyes. And Tegan's just Tegan."
"What a introduction for me."
Once everyone else came I introduced Destiny to everyone. Right when I was going to lock the front door someone knocked. I opened it saw Maggie and Reed.
I heard a scream coming from behind me and turned around to see Tegan covering her mouth.
"Alright come over here."
"No I'm gonna embarrass myself."
"You already did that when you just fan girled."
Tegan walked over to us.
"This is my cousin Tegan."
"Why did I just hear my daughter scream?"
"Mom look who it is!"
"Is this that singer you're obsessed with?"
"Are you going to the New York show?"
"Yeah. VIP sold out though."
He took out his phone and texted someone.
"I just asked to put you on the list."
"Desi! Your sister and cousin are here!"
"He knows Destiny?!"
"He's her cousin."
"Why are you so mean to people?"
"Yeah Reed. Why are you so mean to people?"
"Don't do this to me."
"Hi! What are you doing here?"
"I took your advice. I'm dropping the gimmick."
"It's about time!"
"I'm tired of being someone I'm not."
"So you being mean isn't you?"
"Hell no! Can you please not tell anyone I'm here?"
"She's not like that. She won't."
No one ended up telling anyone that Reed was at my house. The day went the way my birthdays always go.