Onyx's POV
A few weeks after Destiny and I met a new kid started going to our school. Destiny convinced me to be friends with him. After talking to him and seeing the way he acts tells me he has a thing for her. He doesn't seem like a threat so I don't mind. Plus we're marked already. There's no getting rid of that. Our bond's completed and everything. One day he asked me to go on a hike with him and I agreed. At one point I walked in front of him and I felt my body falling forward. I fell into something.
What is this?
A wooden coffin?
I rolled onto my back and saw him with a smirk on his face.
"What the fuck Trey? What's this for?"
"You know what this is about."
"Is this- BACK OFF!"
"But I want her!"
"Well ya can't have her!"
"Technically now I can since you're going to die here. All alone. No one will know what happened to you. You'll just be a missing person who after a while they'll think is dead."
"I'm gonna fucking skin you! She's MY mate!"
"Bye! Have fun decaying!"
He closed the coffin and I saw dirt seeping through the cracks.
*Mindlink with Destiny*
Onyx:Desi! I need you to listen to me.
Destiny: Don't I always?
Onyx: You have a point there. But Trey tricked me. He asked me to go on a hike with him in the woods then he pushed me into a coffin!
Destiny: What?! Where are you?!
Onyx: I don't know! He wants you! I need you to run! I need you to run as far away as you can go!
Destiny: Are you asking me to leave you here?
Onyx: That's exactly what I'm asking you to do.
Destiny: You should know I'd never do that.
Onyx: Fine. Go find Alexandra. See if she'll help you. I love you.
Destiny: I love you too.
*End of Mindlink*
I kept punching and kicking my way out. Nothing's working.
How long have I been here?
All I know is I'm getting weaker.
I can't even mindlink anyone now.
He opened the coffin every now and then.
"Shit. You're still alive."
I stood up and grabbed his arm. He stuck something in my arm and I fell back down. He closed the coffin and then buried me again and everything went black after that. I know I'm dead. He's right. Nobody is gonna find me.
My eyes keep fluttering. Okay now I know I'm dying.
Is that?
"Guys I can't smell him! I don't know if he's here!"
That means he fucking found a way to mask my fucking scent!
"It's been weeks. I doubt he's still alive. This is no longer a rescue mission. This is now a recovery mission."
Recovery mission?
They think I'm dead!
I heard footsteps getting softer.
I rolled onto my side and started waiting to die. I started crying.
Destiny's POV
I started walking away when I got a feeling I missed something. I ran back over to where I was before. I stepped on a pile of leaves and I kicked some out of the way. The dirt looks like it's been messed with multiple times. I got on the ground and started digging. I felt my nail scratch something. I moved dirt out of the way and saw wood. I dug some more then unlocked the wooden coffin.
I rolled him onto his back and saw he wasn't breathing. I told everyone I found him. I jumped into the coffin and tried picking him up. I normally can't but this time I could. I pulled him out and laid him on the ground. I started doing CPR. It didn't work.
"Nyxy you gotta wake up! Please!"
"I'm right here. I'm right here."
He smiled at me.
"Hey! Hey!"
I put my hand under his head and held it up.
"Open your damn eyes!! ONYX!! There we go! Thank you! No! Keep them open! I NEED HELP! HURRY UP!!"
I put my hand on his cheek.
"Wake up! wake up..."
"I told you to run."
"You should've know I wasn't going to do that!!"
He's turning blue! He's turning blue!!
"Oh no! No! No! NO! BABY!"
He was taken out of my arms and someone ran out of the woods holding him. I wasn't allowed in the ambulance with him so someone brought me to the hospital. Cody met me there.
"River's on a school trip with Amicia. What happened? Who found him?"
"I did. I'm the one who dug him up. I'm the one who picked him out of the coffin. I was the one who gave him CPR. I'm the last person he talked to before he turned blue."
"He turned blue?!"
"Cody it's bad. It's really bad. He's skin and bones. You can see his ribs."
I've never seen Cody cry before. This is a completely different side of him that only River sees. We hugged then we sat down. Cody was the only one allowed in the room. River and Amicia showed up a few hours later. They were also allowed in the room but Amic sat with me and told me about her field trip. I liked hearing about it. I remember going on field trips. My leg kept bouncing. I heard a groan that sounds like it's coming from the room he's in.
"Where's Destiny?"
"She's in the waiting room. You can see her soon."
"I wanna see her now."
"She's not allowed in here right now. I'll go ask though."
River walked out of the room.
"He's awake and asking for you."
"I thought I wasn't allowed in there."
"Last I checked you're not. I'm going to ask if you are now."
River asked and they let me go in the room.
"Hey Desi."
"How do you feel?"
"Like hell. What happened? I really don't remember anything. The last thing I do know is was seeing you. Are you the one who found me?"
"Yeah. I managed to get you out of there too. You're as light as a feather."
"It's that bad?"
"You lost literally all your weight."
"So that's what happened to my arms. They look like sticks. I probably look like a deflated balloon."
"I guess that's one way to put it?"
"I'm never going hiking again. I should've know something was wrong. Des did he doing anything to you?"
I looked down.
"He told me he killed you. What else was I supposed to do?"
He sat up.
"Did-did he make you cheat?"
"No! God no! He tried!"
"Can you guys give us a minute?"
Onyx's POV
My family walked out of the room. Des sat at the edge of the bed next to me.
"He made you do something. Didn't he?"
She pulled the collar of the right side of her down.
"He fucking marked you?! Wait you have TWO marks now? I didn't know that was possible!"
"I didn't either. I woke up with it one day."
"Did he do anything else?"
"I wish I knew. Are you mad?"
"At you? No. At him? Yes. I'm more upset now."
"I'll leave you alone."
She went to leave but I grabbed her hand.
"Please don't go."
"I can't see you right now. I can't see the sadness in your eyes."
She ran out of the room.
I went to get up to follow her but I fell.
"What happened?"
"He-she-he marked her. She's got two marks now. She thinks I'm mad at her. I told her I'm upset about it but she ran away. She ran away!"
"I'll go after her."
Amicia ran out of the room.
"You need to get back in bed! You're gonna hurt yourself more!"
A few weeks later I was able to go home. I kept calling Des but she won't answer my calls. She's ignoring my texts. Her voicemail box is full. I even went to her house a few times. I'm running out of options here. She won't even answer any of my family's calls. What the hell is happening?!
"Des please just pick up the phone! I'm not mad at you! We don't have to talk about this! We can forget about it and move on! Please just call me back! My love please!"
"Nothing. Nothing still. She's really worrying me."
"Uh Trey's here. I already called the cops. He's got Des with him."
I got up and ran down the stairs and out of the house.
"Come here Des."
"She's not yours anymore Dawn!"
"Show him."
She pulled the collar of the left side of her shirt down and I saw our mark was gone.
"I'm sorry Onyx!"
"How the hell did you get it off her?!"
"I found a way."
"He went to a witch! Onyx he went to a witch!"
He slapped her.
"Do not hit her again!"
I put my hand out so Destiny could grab me. I noticed he had a hand on the back of her neck.
"Let her go! Now!"
"Or what? You're still too weak to do anything! Therefore I win!"
"Are you here to brag?"
"Yes and no. I'm mostly here to do this."
He ripped the collar of her left side off. I saw him pour something into his mouth then he went after her shoulder. I can't move. My feet are glued to the ground. I felt myself crying. He let her go and she fell to her knees then fell forward.
The glue on my feet wore out. I ran over to her.
"No no no!"
I rolled her onto her back. I moved her hair out of her face. My heart started racing.
He's just standing there laughing. He's laughing at our pain.
"She's got two of my marks on her! She's a lost soul!"
"He's right Nyx."
"No he's not! He's wrong! I'm not giving up on you!"
"Baby I- love-"
Her eyes shut.
"I love you too! Please stay with me! Please! I'm begging you Destiny!"
She's turning pale. Just like she's a ghost. I opened her eye and saw it was starting to look glossy.
"Please don't do this to me! We just got each other back!"
I slid my arm under her neck and wrapped my arm around her back. I put my other hand on her chest. I started doing sternum rubs. Everyone is quiet. The only thing you can hear are my cries and Trey's laughter.
"Wake up! Wake up! Destiny Roxanna Parker wake up!! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME! BABY! PLEASE! I NEED YOU! I NEED MY BEST FRIEND!"
I screamed.
"Why are you bothering? She's gone!"
Ian: Suck the poison out! Suck the poison out!
I tried doing that.
What is this?
"What did you do to her?!"
"Just a little potion from a witch."
"No no no! Baby! Baby! Stay with me! Please! Destiny!"
Ian:This is gonna sound stupid but try to mark her! See if that helps!
I bit my cheek and enlarged my canines.
"I don't know if this is going to hurt. If it does I'm sorry. I'm just trying to find ways to save you."
I sunk my teeth into her shoulder. Her head flopped to the side. I screamed.
I moved her head so she was facing me.
"DESI! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! You just can't!"
What do I do? What do I do?
"thank you for loving me."
That's the last thing she said to me before she turned blue. She's now cold to the touch. She has no pulse. She's not breathing. Once the cops got there I just stared at her. I held her close to me. I started rocking her while I begged her to wake up. I loved her from the beginning to the end. This is not how I expected us to end.
"Come back. I still need you. Baby please."
I put a hand on her cheek and started rubbing it with my thumb.
"I am so sorry I let this happen to you. I'll never forgive myself for this. I never will. There's so many things I was looking forward to. I was looking forward to marrying you. I was looking forward to having kids with you. I'm not supposed to lose you this early! I'm supposed to grow old with you!"
I kissed her forehead then pressed our foreheads together. Tears started coming out of my eyes.
"I promise I'll love you forever. I'm swear I will. If only you knew how much you mean to me. If only you knew how much I love you. I know it's only been a few weeks since we met. But I really do love you."
A officer that was also a witch came over to me holding a bunch of things.
"Walk to the center of the yard. Lay her down on the ground."
I did that.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm trying to save her. Let's get rid of these ugly marks too."
"Do you think this is going to work?"
"I'm not sure. I've never done this before. When I was young I was taught how to do it. But I've never had the chance to do it."
She started mixing things together. She opened Desi's mouth and poured something into it. She then handed me something.
"Drink this then do what you would do to mark her."
I did that. I told her I tried to get the poison out of her earlier so she gave me something else to drink. I held Des the same way I was a few moments ago. Her color started coming back. The witch said that doesn't exactly mean anything.
"If this works she'll need to rest. Both of the marks will be gone. You'll have to redo yours. She's going to be extremely weak since there were two forced marks. If she vomits it's normal. It's just the poison leaving her system. When you go to redo your mark I recommend completing it too. She'll heal quicker. If this doesn't work then I apologize."
I nodded.
Come on baby please!
I pressed our foreheads together again and shut my eyes. I held my breath. Tears were still running down my face. I felt something grip my shirt. I opened my eyes and saw her hand holding me. I put my hand on top of hers.
Her eyes opened. I thanked the witch. She got up then walked away. Des sat up then hugged me.
"My baby! My baby!"
"I'm sorry I scared you."
"That's okay. Let's get you inside."
I stood up then held my hand out to help her get up. She fell back down. I stood her up and told her to get on my back. She did that. I put my arms underneath her.
"I'll go call her parents to tell them she's here."
I brought her upstairs and into my room. I sat her down on my bed. I went to my closet and gave her a shirt to wear.
"Here's the thing. We have to redo our mark and you need to rest a lot. Do you want to stay here or do you want to go home?"
"Is it okay if I stay here?"
"If that's what you want then yeah. Is this why you weren't answering my calls and texts?"
"You were calling me?!"
"You didn't know?"
"No! My phone died! It's at my house!"
I had my mom call her mom and ask if she could bring stuff over along with Desi's phone.
"I feel weird."
"I think that's normal.You should rest. You look exhausted."
She yawned. She laid down and covered herself with the blanket. I made sure she was asleep before I went to tell everyone what happened. Her mom, sister and cousin were there so I had to tell them everything too. I told them what happened from beginning to end. I wiped tears away.
"She went from being colorful to pale. Then she was blue. She was cold to the touch and had no pulse. She died in my arms."
"I-I did?!"
"Sadly. I don't think I've ever been that scared in my life. It didn't help you had two marks."
"That I remember."
"He just stood there laughing."
"Do you know if he did anything else?"
"I have no idea. I don't even know him anymore. He could've done something. He could've not. He's tried to kill us both now. I don't think he'll stop until he wins."
Des ran back up the stairs and into a bathroom. She started throwing up.
"That's normal. I'm going to check on her."
I ran upstairs to my bathroom. I held her hair back. She sat up against the wall and cried.
"This'll pass."
"Before you ask. No. He didn't do anything else to me."
We slept in the bathroom that night.I woke up before her then picked her up then put her on the bed. I tucked her in then kissed her forehead. I went downstairs and started making the two things I know how to cook. Pancakes and waffles. I don't know what one she wants so I brought both up to her.
"Woah! Breakfast in bed?! I really must be special. Don't look at me like I'm dumb!Why are you walking on the bed?"
"What in the red hell is going on in your house?"
"I have no idea anymore."
"Guys! We're going to Uncle Hunter's! Do you want to come?"
"No! Des needs to rest! I'm gonna stay here with her!"
"Oh my god I think they want to pull an us Cody!"
"You mean they want to pull a Gabrielle and Jacob."
"Yes! That too! Okay bye love you both!"
"Your mom loves me?"
"My mom loves everyone. My dad loves you. Amicia loves you too. EJ definitely loves you. I think he loves you more than I do."
I got up and closed the door and something told me to lock it.
"Hey Nyx? Besides what I know what else did the witch say?"
"She said that puking your brains out is normal. She mentioned that when we redo our mark we should complete it at the same time so you heal quicker."
"Did she say what way?"
"No. At least I don't think she did."
She stood in front of the bed with her arms out. I walked over to her and bent down so her arms could go around my neck.
"Hey. What's this all about?"
"I'm not allowed to hug you?"
"You are. You seem like you want something."
"Well yeah. My shoulder looks naked now."
I stood up and her feet left the ground.
"Ah! What are you doing?!"
"My back was starting to hurt. At least I'm still holding you."
I put her on the bed. She put her hands on my cheeks then put my chin on her chest.
"What are we doing here?"
"I don't know. Something told me to do this."
"Are we just marking each other or are we going all out?"
"Going all out sounds good."
She pulled my face up to hers. She put her arms on my shoulders and jumped. Her arms went back around my neck and her legs went around my waist. I turned around and sat down on the bed. Now she's sitting on my lap.
And there goes our shirts.
Our teeth went into the other's shoulder.
"How do you get this off?"
She laughed at me.
"Look over my shoulder and watch my hands."
"Okay now put it back on I think I wanna try it."
I looked over her shoulder again and she pulled back.
"Oh no you don't! Try with your eyes closed!"
"This is NOT going to go well."
"I see you peaking!"
She covered my eyes.
"Close them!!"
"They're closed! AH! Why are you pushing me down!"
"I wanna see if this is easier."
"Actually sometimes I do. When I don't feel like getting up and putting in back the a drawer I sling shot it to the other side of the room."
"THAT'S what your damn bra is on my floor sometimes?"
"That's EXACTLY why. You're not even trying anymore!
"Dude this is too difficult for my dumbass."
"For fucks sake try this way."
She turned around and put her hair in a ponytail.
"Maybe if you see what you're doing it'll help."
I started fiddling with it.
"Just watch my hands again."
"No! One more try! There we go!"
"Took you long enough! Sling shot it across the room!"
"How the hell does one do that?"
"Have you ever used a sling shot before?"
"I don't remember."
"Just toss it across the room then."
"But now I want to sling shot it!"
She sat behind me and put my hands where you do when you use a sling shot.
"You aim when you do this?"
"You're really aiming for the top of my closet?!"
"Pull your arm back. YOU GOT IT!"
She got back in front of me. I sat up then pulled her closer to me then started kissing her.
"I'm sorry I didn't run. I don't think I could ever leave you somewhere to die. You're too young to leave me. I'd rather be alone for the rest of my life rather than get a second chance mate."
"I never want to hold your lifeless body again. I tried to get the poison out of you. I almost had my first panic attack in I don't know how long."
"Nyxy... I tried running to you. I really did. He shifted and grabbed my leg. He dragged me into his basement. I know I upset you but I know you'd keep me safe. I just didn't get to you in time."
I moved a piece of hair out of her face. I felt a tear go on my finger.
"Please don't do that. If you start crying then I'm gonna start to. I've cried enough today. Can I tell you something?"
"I don't want to be alpha."
"I've never heard of someone not wanting to be alpha."
"I-I can't risk messing up my mental health. I'm scared I'll get worse."
"It's been bad before?"
"After my grandparents died I started getting shit from Stone Miller. I didn't feel like me. I wasn't sleeping at night. I was scared to go to school. My mom took me to a psychiatrist that day. Can I tell you something? You can't tell anyone else this."
She stopped.
"What did you do?"
I gulped.
"You know how my mon has scars on her wrists?"
"Well...I did that. A few times."
She grabbed my wrists and started looking at them. I could tell she was panicking.
She cupped my face.
"Where did you fucking do it?!"
"You can't tell ANYONE."
"Okay I won't."
"I did it on the bottom of my foot."
She got up and started looking at my feet. She covered her mouth with her hands.
"No one knows about this?!"
"No. I've been clean for a think five years. I'm fine now I promise."
"You better be!"
"I'm serious. You can't tell my parents. They'll send me back to the hospital. Can you come back?"
She wasn't moving quick enough so I got up and grabbed her by the waist. After that we ended up going to bed.