Look, in my defense, I never knew he was gay. He doesn't even act like it." Carter defends himself weakly, slumping his shoulders in shame.
"You're stupid" I hiss.
"On the bright side, he told you that nothing was going to happen, saving you from heartbreak." Brooke added suggestively, thinking that it would somehow make the whole situation better.
"You know, that is the dumbest thing you've said all day. Ans you've said a lot of bullshit." Amelia interjects, shooting a scowl at Brooke. At least someone gets my pain.
"First of all, stop swearing. Secondly, I was just trying to be positive here."
"Okay, enough! It was just a date gone wrong-"
"Yeah, terribly-"
"The worst-"
"Very bad."
Brooke, Carter and Melia say at the same time, interrupting me.
"Whatever. We have more pressing issues at hand. For instance, the dinner tomorrow." I continue, ignoring them.
"So, you are going?" Melia asks, taking the change of topic in her stride.
I nod.
Work has been going smoothly for me. No angry customers or screeching babies, just perfect. I wonder if today is my lucky day.
I was on my way to serve a customer coffee when someone pushed me, making me fall and splash coffee all over a customer. I spoke too soon, there goes my luck.
I look up quickly to start singing apologies to the customer.
It was Mr. wall guy.
Unsure of what to do, I kept my gaze down and mumbled a sheepish apology.
"You're sorry? Now tell me, what is that meant to solve, huh?" He shouted, causing me to flinch.
"I'm really sorry about that. It was my fault, I didn't mean to push her." an unfamiliar voice says from behind me, trying to de-escalate the situation.
"Bullshit. That really doesn't bother me at all. I really just want to see the manager about their excuse of a waiter." Mr. Wall guy says, losing his shit once again.
Losing my temper as well, I prepare to give this man a piece of my mind. Job be damned, he was an asshole. Assholes deserved to be yelled at.
"You know, not everyone's intention is to hurt you! I don't care if you've had a freaking bad day or something but for God's sake, stop acting like a fucking child. We've apologized. Leave it or deal with it. You can't just keep acting like this world revolves around you."
"I should really talk to your manager about their poor customer service." He says to my ear in a cold, British voice, making me shiver.
"Alex man, you need to calm down man. You sound like a baby." A guy, which I'm guessing is his friend interrupts, patting his back and turning to us. Oh jeez, I just said that. I'm screwed.
"Please don't mind my best friend. He's on his period." He assures with a gentle smile as his friend stalks off.
Hm, Alex. Surprisingly, he has a friend. One would think he's a loner.
After his departure, I finally allowed what happened to sink in my head. I threw a fit at a customer.
I'm so dead.
As I\ headed back to the staff quarters to clean up, Carter bombarded me with many questions.
"Do you need help killing someone?" He says with a gentle smile. I chuckle, my mood slightly lifted by his antics.
I just smile with amusement at him. Ever since Leon left, Carter made it an obligation to be my big brother and so far, he's doing well at it.
"God, I'm so late. My dad's going to flip his shit." I lament as I drop my bag on the couch.
"That is so true. I almost forgot about the dinner," Brooke stutters, rubbing her neck nervously. "Just go take a quick shower, and I will prepare everything. It shouldn't take me long." Brooke babbles as she closes her laptop and removes her glasses, walking over to me.
"I owe you for this Brooke." I say quickly, running to my car.
"Okay! Remember: if you need help, call us!" She shouts as I drive off.
It takes about ten minutes to get to the house and as I drive in, I couldn't help but notice an unfamiliar car.
I ran to the doorway and open the door, nearly ramming into my mum.
"Where have you been? Your father is silently killing you in his mind and I have been calling you for hours. Didn't you see my calls? " she sternly questions, trying hard to keep a cool facade.
"I'm so sorry mum, I was busy at work and I went home very late. I didn't have a chance to check my phone, and I'm very sorry." I ramble on, trying to throw as many excuses as I can at her.
"Well, tell that to your father."
We then head towards the dining room, and that's when I saw the last person, I ever thought I would see in my parent's house.
Eriel Wayne.
I've known Eriel for as long as I can remember. He and dad used to be best friends, at least that's what mum told Leon and I.
Talk about a friendship gone wrong.
Eriel lives with his second wife Hetty, who's very rude and has an air of irritation around her. No one really talks about his first wife and I assume that she died. After she died, it was like every trace of her on the face of the earth was wiped away. Dad knew her obviously, but he doesn't talk about her. I also heard that they have a son who was living in Europe, though I never got a name and no one has ever seen him except Eriel and Hetty.
Eriel and dad hate each other's guts. Though dad may not be as powerful as Eriel, he sure has his ways of getting what he wants. But Eriel has the greatest power in the business world.
Having them sitting together at the same table without wanting to shove their hands around each other's necks is both a miracle and a curse.
I entered the dining room with my mother, avoiding dad's glare and Eriel's mischievous smile as I wrapped my hands around Logan to hug him.
"Hey Lorrie, how's it going? I'm so sorry for not calling. I've been extra busy at work, and I haven't had the time. I promise to make it up to you soon." He pecks me on the cheek gently.
"Hey brother, I'm doing great. It's okay, we can catch up sometime. How's Jasmine and my little niece, Maisie?"
I smile in turn.
"They are very good. She misses you so much. She's always talking about you, especially with her friends." He replies, and I turn my head to my dad's now angered face.
It makes me want to laugh.
I keep it in for the sake of my sanity.
"Dad, Eriel." I greet, nodding formally and I notice my father giving me the 'we-will-talk-about-this-later' look.
Dinner was served and everyone ate in an uncomfortable silence. I was about to say something when I heard Eriel's cutlery clank on the plate. I look up to see him giving someone the most dangerous glare I've ever seen.
"At last, you decided to grace us with your presence."
"You know, not everybody has to think about you and your stupid appointments every time." I tensed, hearing the all-too-familiar British accent from behind me, knowing who it was. I didn't bother turning my head.
Ignoring him, Eriel continues his rant.
"Ladies and gentlemen, my son, Alexander Wayne." And that's all it takes to make me lose my appetite.
Alex walks to the table, taking the seat beside me. Logan notices my distress and looks at me in worry and confusion. He settles for putting his hand over mine in reassurance.
Finally, gaining the courage and taking a deep breath, I look up to catch his gaze. His smile turns into an angry frown.
"You." he says, gritting his teeth.
"You don't look so excited to see me, er?" I smirk.
"It's good that you two are already familiar with each other. it's time for business." Dad says coyly, clinking his glass.
Trying to process my newest discovery, I can't help but notice how Alexander and his father have the same hair, eyes, and height.
"Let's go straight to the fact: I'll be retiring in a year's time due to my age, and my company needs to have a successor. Of course, it will have to be my son, but he has been wasting his life in Europe doing only God knows what.
My people need to know that they can put their trust in my son. They need to be able to have faith in their leader. But you see, they just can't because of his ways and the only way they can trust him with the business is by watching and assessing him, and I've come to the conclusion that the only thing that can help this is by engaging Alex to Lorraine. The board members can see that he is committed and not some stupid- excuse me so that they can see that he is committed to the company..." That is when I stop listening to whatever he's saying.
I'm going to be engaged to Alexander Wayne.