The class ended. And it was lunch break.
Finally some peace; I thought. I was tired of Jihwan's baby-like acting to be his tutor. Also I was hungry.
I had my breakfast at 9amand now it was 12noon already. Yes, I have a great appetite.
As I moved down the corridor, heading towards the cafeteria, I felt a tap on my shoulder.
I turned around, but saw no one. When I turned back, Jihwan appeared suddenly. I was surprised at his sudden entry.
You are still following me; I said, annoyed.
You are still not agreeing with me; he said in a baby voice and a pouty face.
So cute; I thought; and annoying; came another thought.
Listen, what you're thinking, is not possible; I said and moved past him.
But why?!; he whined, following me, AGAIN.
Because, I can't;
It's not possible;
Because I can't;
Because-; I stopped. If I didn't stop, his 'Why?' saga will continue forever.
Without saying any other word, I turned back swiftly and went straight for the cafeteria.
Why don't you become his tutor?; said Debbie, once we were done collecting our lunch.
Do you think becoming a tutor is like making a glass of lemonade?; I replied.
But, what's so difficult? All you've got to do is help him get everything in his brain safely; she said.
And, what if I can't?; I replied.
You can, and I know; came a sudden voice behind my back.
I turned to see Jihwan standing behind me with his tray.
How do you know? I asked, crossing my hands and leaning back on the chair. He placed his tray on the table and took a seat on the chair in front of me.
He stared straight into my eyes, our eyes locked again, just like it did on the very first day we met. I felt a sudden shiver run through my spine. Why I felt like that, I don't know. I suppressed my feelings and continued.
My heart says so and I believe my heart blindly. It never lies; he said with a twinkle in his eyes.
This guy will never lie to you; my heart said suddenly.
I just couldn't understand why my inner body was feeling this way, as if... No, I can't. But what if-
What are you thinking?; interrupted Debbie's voice.
Huh?; I asked awkwardly.
So, you will be my tutor, right?; Jihwan said with pleading eyes. It seemed like he really needed my help. I could not refuse to him. Also somewhere in my heart, I badly wanted to help him.
OK fine, I agree; I said.
His face brightened up with a big smile covering almost his whole face. He looked even cuter when he smiled, I thought. His smile brought a smile to my face as well.
When should we start? Today? Before dinner?; he asked in an extremely excited tone.
OK, fine; I replied.