… you don't have AIDS.
-Josiane: (Astonished) Thank you madam.
She didn't know why I had taken her to the hospital. But when the lady gave the result of the text, she understood everything. I knew she was going to yell at me a bit but she didn't (at least not in front of the lady).
-Me: Thank you madam, for your service.
-The lady: It is up to me to thank you young man for having cared not only about your life but also that of your sister
- Me: ok, thank you.
-Josiana: (…)
We take the direction of the door and suddenly, the lady stops us;
-The lady: By the way…
- Me: yes madam.
-The lady: Take this, I think you should have it on you, it should help you a lot. Sorry for not getting this to you sooner. (She hands us a box full of condoms for men and half a box of condoms for women)
-Me: Really thank you madam.
-The lady: It is the hospital that offers. Above all, try to protect yourself.
- Me: Yes madam, I promise.
Then we left the office and went home. Until then, Josiane said nothing.
Arrived at the house, she got off the motorcycle and I went to deposit the motorcycle in the garage and I went to the living room.
Josiane was waiting for me, looking super pissed off. She was leaning against one of the chairs in the dining room.
-Wait a minute, you think I have AIDS, is that why you took me to the hospital?
- No, it's just...
-There's nothing to explain, you're too inflated, you know that?
- (…) Stop insulting me please. If I did this, it's for a good reason.
-Ah, now you're going to tell me the reason that made you laugh at me.
-Making fun of you?
-Yes, I call that, "making fun of me".
-Carelle has AIDS.
- (She burst out laughing) Are you sick or what? Or else you had a dream.
-I'm serious (tight face)
-What ? Please, are you sure the lady took the test? Let's go back to her house immediately, I want to be sure that I have nothing, because if she has AIDS, she sure gave it to you and you to me. By the way, did you do your test?
- Yes, I did it yesterday. I too have AIDS.
- My God, Vido, what do you have?
- Stop, I'm kidding, I'm healthy.
- No, that's not a good joke. Reassure me that you have nothing.
-I already told you, I'm healthy. Like you.
-But, it doesn't make sense, how can she be infected if it's not you?
- No idea, I don't understand anything at all.
-So, is that why you went out yesterday?
-Actually, she had a seizure the night before last, so I went to the hospital yesterday to see her, and I was there most of the day.
While we were talking, mom called with the number of my uncle's wife.
-Hi Mom.
- Hi honey, how are you?
- How are you and mom?
-It's okay. Is your cousin okay?
- Yes, we are all here. And my brothers and sisters, are you all right?
(…) We talked about the usual things, then I hung up. Then Josiane and I continued our discussion.
-You know, I love Carelle, and I'm not ready to see her die now.
-How ? The doctor said she was going to die?
-Yes, in at most 3 weeks.
-Lord ! I am really sorry.
- (…) I'm going to go see her this evening to find out the state of her health
-Do you mind if I come with you?
-No, nevermind, I'll go there alone, thank you.
-Okay, as you wish.
It was already 12 noon.
- So, what are we going to eat? Otherwise, I have a very particular appetite since this AIDS affair. I imagine if we all had AIDS, what do you think?
-I don't think so, and please, stop imagining this kind of thing, I'm already too upset like that.
-Sorry Video.
-it'll be OK. Prepare what you want, I'm hungry too.
-OK see you soon.
She went to the kitchen to make a meal, then she brought it to the Salon. We ate then I went to rest in my room, at 4 p.m. I woke up, took a shower and went to the living room to watch TV. Josiane was sleeping on the tablecloth behind the sofa.
At 6:30 p.m., I decided to go and visit Carreler, Josiane was already awake at the time.
- Well, see you later. I'm going to take a look at Carelle's.
-Okay, take great care of yourself and above all don't let yourself be hurt by the objects in her house.
-Don't be so arrogant, nothing will happen to me, anyway, if I'm infected, you will be too. (Laughs)
- Ah well, I will prevent you from approaching me.
-Anh, I hope you will know first that I have AIDS. Well, see you soon.
I take the motorbike and go out. On the way, I stopped to buy him something to eat. Once I arrived in his neighborhood, I first went to Roland's and he then accompanied me to Carrelle's.
She was sitting outside, fiddling with her phone, which meant she was trying not to remember what would happen to her soon.
-Roland: Hi Carelle, how are you?
-Carelle: Yes yes, it's fine, I'm here (sad). Hi Vido, I didn't expect to see you here.
-I know. I wanted to visit you, to see how you were doing and also to hear from you.
-Carelle: Thank you Vido.
Me: Have you eaten yet? Hey, I took the road when I arrived.
-Carelle: Thank you Vido, thank you again, for everything you've done for me so far, I know I won't be able to repay you since I'm going to die soon, but God will give it back to you, a hundredfold.
-Me: Amen, please Carrelle stop saying that you are going to die soon.
-Roland: Yes, please Carrelle.
-Carrelle: (…) Roland, can you leave us, David and me? I want to talk with him, alone
-Roland: Of course. Good bro, see you later or if you end up come by my house.
Roland left. Only Carelle and I were left.
-Let's go inside please Vido, it's starting to get cold outside here.
-Okay, as you wish.
We went inside then she asked me to sit on the bed then she sat next to me.
-So, what did you want to tell me?
To be continued